Translation per module is not working properly in magento2 - translation

I need to change the "Add to Compare" string to "Compare" in the product detail page alone. So I put "Add to Compare", "Compare" in app/code/Magento/Catalog/i18n/en_US.csv file and put setup upgrade and deploy. but It not changed in pdp.


How are chapters handled in Typo3 Neos?

I want to use chapters and chapter-menu as a e.g. image gallery, reference module or other collections in Typo3 Neos.
As there are multiple domains with different content in my installation i have a problem with the NodeTypes.yaml:
All my site packages are based on NeosDemoTypo3Org. Because i don't want to have multiple entries "chapter", "chapter menu", "youtube" and so on, i deleted the NodeTypes.yaml in my copies of NeosDemoTypo3Org (which is still installed).
When i add a page with content element "chapter menu" to a package and put some chapters in it, the chapter overview is only displayed, if am putting the NodeTypes.yaml back into my package configuration. But then again i have multiple entries of the same thing.
How/where can i configure this to fit my needs?
That should be no problem. Just having the Chapter etc. in one NodeTypes.yaml is enough for now (until we implemented separation per Site which we want to have at some point). But I guess you adapted all occurances of "TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org" in your TypoScript to match the new package name? You need to of course change that back for everything that is related to those NodeTypes. The TypoScript must point to the correct name for this NodeType. And you have to declare the TypoScript in each package because TypoScript is NOT shared in contrast to the NodeTypes.
What you could do is create a "base package" that contains the NodeTypes and TypoScript (and Tempaltes for those) and include the TypoScript in each of your Site packages.

Typo3 : using typoscript to modify the base-url

I am trying out TYPO3's introduction package. For that I am using Xampp on my computer.
I have installed it in a subdirectory, but since it uses "real-url", I need to modify the generated links, so that instead of http://localhost/about-typo3/ I get http://localhost/subfolder/about-typo3/
I believe it must be done via "typo-script", and from what I have read on the Internet, this line should do the job :
config.baseURL = http://localhost/subfolder/
But I don't know where I should put it. I have tried different locations, but with no apparent effect.
So what I would like to know is : am I on the good path for what I need to do, and if yes, what should I try now ?
This is a bug in the 4.6 Introduction Package. 4.7 will ship with a correct version, so you might just want to go ahead and try the Introduction Package from 4.7RC2 (Preview Releases).
For now, just choose Template in the module menu on the left. Then use the dropdown to select Constant Editor. Now choose the page HOME in the pagetree on the middle.
Now use the second dropdown to select CONFIG. There modify the topmost setting Absolute URI prefix. Input your full domain without the last slash (/). That means copy your current URL from the browser and strip /typo3/backend.php. Now save with the little save icon in the top toolbar.
This will also invalidate all caches for you (because you changed the topmost template). No need to install extra extensions or to do this manually.
Alternative you can fix the actual bug. Go to template module and select the folder TypoScript Templates / page_configuration. Now select Info/Modify instead of Constant Editor and directly above the table page.config. The click the pencil left of Setup. Find the line absRefPrefix = {$config.absRefPrefix}/. This should be around line 62 (4.7RC2). Remove the last slash (/) from that line and save. Because you are not on the topmost template, you need to clear the cache. On the topright of your screen, you can find the yellow flash icon. Click it and select Clear all caches (red flash). Now go to you website again.
A general note about (config.)baseURL. This is more a hack, because it just tells the browser to behave as if the website would be at another place. The correct way is to create correct links in first place. You should use (config.)absRefPrefix instead. To make this work in auto mode, it must be completely empty (config.absRefPrefix =).
Do not use baseURL any more. The next Introduction Package will not have this setting.
Yet another note: If you use the config.absRefPrefix, you have to include the last slash (/). The only reason why you do not have to do so above (in the constants), is because it is hardcoded in the template and thus also preventing the automatic detection to work.
If you are using different hosts, you can use typoscript conditions in your root template:
# Default:
config.baseURL =
[globalString =]
config.baseURL =
[globalString =]
config.baseURL =
if you are using introduction package. there is Constant for set the base url
Go to 'Template' and 'Constant Editor.. you can find 'Domain name for Base URL [config.domain]' .. for setting base url
also you can put the
config.baseURL = http://localhost/subfolder/
on 'Info Modify' Setup field
hope will help you .. sorry for my bad english

How do I publish/deploy an MVC Project with ResX Resources?

I have written a VERY simple MVC application which just displays a single string from a Resource file. It works just fine on my local machine but when I deploy the project to the web server I get the error.
CS0103: The name 'Resources' does not
exist in the current context
You can very easily replicate exactly what I am doing in just 10 steps!
Create a New MVC 2 Web Application.
(File->New->Project->ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application, say no to the Unit Testing Project)
Add the "App_GlobalResources" folder.(right click the project and select Add->Add ASP.NET Folder->App_GlobalResources)
Add a Resource File to this folder.(right click the folder and select Add->New Item...->Resources File. Name it Strings.resx)
Add a single string to the Resource table.(Name = "HelloWorld", Value = "I localized Hello World!")
Set the File Properties for the Resource File.(Click the file Strings.resx and int the Properties window set Build Action = "Embedded Resource" and the CustomTool = "PublicResXFileCodeGenerator")
Add a new Controller(Right click the Controllers folder and select Add->Controller... Name it HelloWorldController.cs)
Add a the View(With the cursor in the Index method of the HelloWorldController.cs Press CTRL-M-V. Use the default values including View name = "Index")
Modify the View so that it displays our string from the resource file.Replace the content of the MainContent placeholder with
<h2><%: Resources.Strings.HelloWorld %></h2>
Run it locally to test that it works. Which it should.
Publish it to a web server and visit the url "http://localhost/HelloWorld"
This is where I see the error described at the top.
I would imagine that the settings I've put on the ResX file are incorrect and the resource is not published to the server.
Help is greatly appreciated.
Ah ha! Figured it out. In LARGE part to this article:
Sounds like the App_GlobalResources folder is NOT cooperative with MVC. So I moved my ResX file to a new folder~/Resources/Strings/Strings.resx
This along with 1 minor change to set the File Property
Custom Tool Namespace = Resources
and Problem Solved!

Easily create a Ruby on Rails partial from an existing block of markup using vim

Is there currently a plugin that you ruby on rails developers that are also using macvim/gvim/vim that allows you to take a quick block of code and create a partial from it? I know that TextMate does this, figured someone has ported it by now to vim also.
You want Tim Pope's rails.vim plugin:
It provides an :Rextract command that pulls a range of lines into a partial. Here's a very short demo of it in action:
(The :Rpartial command in the demo is an alias for :Rextract.)
The plugin provides dozens of other features, too, and many people consider it a must-have for Rails development in Vim.
It works in vim with vim-rails plugin.
Select in visual mode code which you need to send to partial
Press key : and you will see :'<,'>
Complete command to :'<,'>Rextract partial_name where partial_name will your partial's file name. You can set folder for partial, for example :'<,'>Rextract shared/menu
Press Enter and enjoy.
rails.vim can do this. From the features summary:
:Rextract file replaces the desired
range (ideally selected in visual line
mode) with render :partial => 'file',
which is automatically created with
your content. The #file instance
variable is replaced with the file
local variable.

How can I configure Fitnesse to automatically add the Test property to all pages ending in "Tests"

I its default configuration fitnesse automatically adds the Test property to all pages ending in "Test".
However, in the project I'm working I have to add the Test property to all pages ending in "Tests". Unfortunately, renaming all pages so that they end in "Test" is not a option for me.
Since the 2008xxxx versions of Fitnesse any page that starts or ends with Test is automatically set to be a test page and any page starting or ending in Suite is set to be a suite. This is done on the creation of the page and probably will not work by just renaming the page.
Note: If you have a large number of test pages to retrofit, you could use wingrep/grepwin (or some other tool that can do large scale file search and replace, I personally use grepwin) and manipulate the properties.xml by inserting
Set the pages test property in one of the following ways:
1. Visit the page, click properties, select the test checkbox.
2. Vist the page with ?properties, select the test checkbox
3. Modify the properties.xml file associated with the page to include the tag inside the block.
Method 3 would be the easiest to automate for a large number of files.
Could probably do this with a grep file utility to do a mass search and replace.
Or a script (powershell) or program to read the files and add this tag if needed.
