How to update planner task assignments using Microsoft Graph API - microsoft-graph-api

When I tried to patch assignments to a task it only added on to existing ones. For example a task has assignments as {A, B}.
When I did patch assignments {A, C}, the assignments became {A, B, C} while I was expecting it to be updated to {A, C}. When I did patch assignments {} it didn't change anything while I wanted to remove all assignments.

I have not tried it myself but I am certain, if you patch with A's user Id with the null value to task endpit PATCH /planner/tasks/{id} should do the Magic
"A's user Guid Id": null,
Don't forget the etag

Assignments are updated independently. Any assignee not specified in the update will not be altered. So a request to change assignees from A,B to A,C looks like:
"assignments": {
"User id for B": null,
"User id for C": {
"#odata.type": "microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment",
"orderHint": " !"


Neo4J checking if a user follows me back

I am building a follower model with neo4j. User A [:Follows] -> user B and user B can do the same.
A is follower of B. Getting this information is straight forward. However I also want to get information at the same time if B [:Follows] -> A or not.
Is there a way to pull out this information?
this query will give you the followers of A and a true|false for each of them indicating if (s)he follows back
MATCH (ua:User {name:"bob"})-[:Follows]->(ub:User)
EXISTS((ub)-[:Follows]->(ua)) AS followsBack
You can do it by adding an OPTIONAL MATCH of the reverse path and then assigning this path to a variable. Then you test the length of the variable in the RETURN using a CASE statement to get the results
MATCH (ua:User {name:"bob"})-[:Follows]->(ub:User {name:"Bill"})
OPTIONAL MATCH p = (ub)-[r:Follows]->(ua)
RETURN,, CASE WHEN LENGTH(p) > 0 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS follows_back
This would return either:
"bob", "bill", "yes"
"bob", "bill", "no"

Retrieve last node in list for further processing

I trying to set up a scheme for web-clicks, where each node is a (:Click), which links to the click that precedes it by a [:PREV]-edge and the (:Session) that owns it by a [:GEN]-edge. In the end this should happen procedural, a new transaction/insert when a new click is made. While I have no problem generating the involved objects, I cannot figure out how to dynamically select last (:Click) and link it to the current created one.
Generate a session with 2 clicks:
CREATE (s:Session {name:'S0'})
CREATE (c1:Click {name:'C1', click:1}), (c1)<-[:GEN]-(s)
CREATE (c2:Click {name:'C2', click:2}), (c2)<-[:GEN]-(s), (c1)<-[:PREV]-(c2);
generate one other click in separated transaction:
MERGE (s:Session {name:'S0'})
CREATE (c3:Click {name:'C3', click:3}),
(c3)<-[:GEN]-(s) //(c2)<-[:PREV]-(c3);
for the commented out link, I cannot use the c2-variable as it is scope-local to the previous transaction.
Now I thought to try something like this to dynamically find the last generated node on the same session and link it
MERGE (s:Session {name:'S0'})
CREATE (c3:Click {name:'C3', click:3}), (c3)<-[:GEN]-(s)
MATCH (s)-[:GEN]->(c_prevs:Click)
WITH c_prevs
CREATE (head(c_prevs))<-[:PREV]-(c3)
Unfortunately this won't work for me with any Cypher-construct I came up with so far.
If I understand you can get the last :Click node on the same session this way:
match (:Session {name:'S0'})-[:GEN]->(c:Click)
where not (:Click)-[:PREV]->(c)
return c
That is: Get the node from the same session that does not have an incoming [PREV] relationship. Will return c2
│"c" │
For your specific case a query like the following should work:
merge (s:Session {name:'S0'})
with s
match (s)-[:GEN]->(last:Click)
where not (:Click)-[:PREV]->(last)
create (c3:Click {name:'C3', click:3}),
I found the answer to my question to be the following
MATCH (s:Session {name:'S0'})
CREATE (c3:Click {name:'C3', click:3})
WITH s, c3
MATCH (s)-[:GEN]->(c_prev:Click)
WITH c_prev, c3, s
WITH c_prev, c3, s
CREATE (c_prev)<-[:PREV]-(c3), (c3)<-[:GEN]-(s)
which is chaining through the nodes as variables s, c3 and last_c with the WITH keyword. Unfortunately this involves a lot of repetition, as every WITH in principle is a part-separator in the query, so I learned.
This also allows to carry over already MERGED/CREATED nodes, which might help to ensure their existence.
This problem seems to be even more complicated if clicks should be generated prozedural, thus using one cypher-statement to insert and link any click.
my solution looks like the following
MERGE (s:Session {name: $session_name})
CREATE (c:Click {name: $click_name, click: $click_count})
WITH s, c
OPTIONAL MATCH (s)-[:GEN]->(c_prev:Click)
WITH c_prev, c, s
WITH c_prev, c, s
CREATE (c_prev)<-[:PREV]-(c)
WITH s, c
CREATE (c)<-[:GEN]-(s)
with executing this statement for {$session_name, $click_name, $click_count} =[{'AAA', 'C1', 1}, {'AAA', 'C2', 2}, {'AAA', 'C3', 3}].
Notice that I had to work around the returning empty node-list by explicitly catching this condition and then not executing the subsequent connection statement with the FOREACH-loop on an empty list. This does not only look very ugly, I sincerely think there should be a better way to expressively specify this desired behavior through Cypher in the near future.

Query/double OPTIONAL MATCH issue

I think this is a long question for what's likely a simple answer. However I thought it wise to include the full context in case there's something wrong with my query logic (excuse the formatting if it's off - I've renamed the vars and it may be malformed, I need help with the theory and not the structure)
An organisation can have a sub office
Or a head office
Persons in different sub offices can be employees or ex-employee
Persons can be related to other people through the management relationships. These management links can be variable length.
I'm querying:
-sub office,
-how they're related
These are all working fine (I think...)
The issues I'm having is with returning Persons associated with the orgs (employees or ex employees) and their relationships to the organisation but only if they are connected to the other organisation directly (as in EX1) or through a managed chain (all of EX2 - I've tried to make it clearer by marking the Persons who won't be returned by the query as name 'NOT_RETURNED')
I've created the following:
MATCH (queryOrganisation:Organisation{name:'BigCorp'})-[orgRel]-(relatedOrganisation:Organisation)
WITH queryOrganisation, orgRel, relatedOrganisation
MATCH (queryOrganisation)-[employmentRel]->(queryPerson:Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH (queryPerson)<-[relatedOrgRel]-(relatedOrganisation)
OPTIONAL MATCH (queryPerson)-[:managed*1..]-(relatedPerson:Person)<-[relatedOrgRel]-(relatedOrganisation)
WITH queryOrganisation, orgRel, relatedOrganisation, employmentRel, queryPerson, relatedOrgRel, relatedPerson
RETURN ID(queryOrganisation) as queryOrganisationID,
ID(startNode(orgRel))as startNodeId, type(orgRel)as orgRel, ID(endNode(orgRel))as endNodeId,
ID(relatedOrganisation)as relatedOrganisationId, as relatedOrganisationName
queryPerson:{endpoint:{ID:ID(queryPerson)}, endpointrelationship: type(employmentRel)},
relatedPerson:{endpoint:{ID:coalesce(ID(relatedPerson),ID(queryPerson))}, endpointrelationship:type(relatedOrgRel)}
}) as rels
I would have expected all the collected results to look like:
"endrelationship":"ex employee"
However the directly connected node results (same node ID) appear like:
Why is that null appearing for type(relatedOrgRel)? Am I misunderstanding whats happening in the OPTIONAL MATCH and the relatedOrgRel gets overwritten by null during the second OPTIONAL MATCH? If so, how can I remedy?
No, the OPTIONAL MATCHes cannot overwrite variables that are already defined.
I think the cause of the problems is when your second OPTIONAL MATCH doesn't match anything, but this is partially covered up by the COALESCE used in the collecting of persons in your return hides some of the conseque:
relatedPerson:{endpoint:{ID:coalesce(ID(relatedPerson),ID(queryPerson))}, endpointrelationship:type(relatedOrgRel)}
If relatedPerson is null, as it will be if your second OPTIONAL MATCH fails, then you're falling back to the id of queryPerson, but since you're not using a COALESCE for relatedOrgRel, this will still be null. You'll need a COALESCE here, or otherwise you'll need to figure out a better way to deal with the null variables in your OPTIONAL MATCHES in cases where they fail.

Grails : how to best construct a hibernate criteria builder to search 'hasMany' relationships with domain instance

I am working on a grails project and would like to leverage hibernate criteria builders to search for instances of a domain object. I would like to find instances where one of the 'hasMany' relationships contains domain object with certain ids. Here is an example of what I mean.
Domain Objects
class Product {
static hasMany = [ productOptions: ProductOption ]
class ProductOption{
Option option
static belongsTo = [ product: Product ]
class Option{
String name
This is a simplified example of my domain structure and doesn't include all relationships.
An Option could be size, color, brand, etc.
Example of what I would like to achieve
Lets say I have 3 products.
Product 1 is red, small and by brandx
Product 2 is blue, small and by brandx
Product 3 is yellow, medium and by brandz
I have a few scenarios that I need to cover.
Scenario 1
Find products that are blue, small and by brandx. So in this case I should only return Product 2.
Scenario 2
Find products that are either red or blue and size small. So both Product 1 and Product 2 should be returned.
Scenario 3
Find products that are either by brandx or brandz. So all products should be returned.
I hope this covers all scenarios.
This is an example of a current attempt.
def c = Product.createCriteria()
def products = c.list{
and {
productOptions {
'option' {
idEq(1)//1 is the id of the blue option
productOptions {
'option' {
idEq(5)//5 is the id of the small size option
productOptions {
'option' {
idEq(10)//10 is the id of the brandx brand option
The and portion of this example doesn't include all options and fails. How do I best achieve this? Can I use Grails hibernate criteria builder to achieve this? Please let me know if additional information will help.
Thanks in advance for any guidance provided.
What you're looking for is the equivalent of Groovy's Object.every(Closure).
assert [1, 2, 3].every { it < 4 } == true
assert [1, 2, 3].every { it < 3 } == false
The every() method returns a Boolean indicating whether the Closure evaluates to true for every item in the collection.
Unfortunately, none of the query methods (where, criteria, and HQL) provide an equivalent of every(). But... you can cheat using HQL.
Note: Where nor Criteria queries will do because they don't support the equivalent of the HQL HAVING clause.
Scenario #1 - The Hack
def ids = [4, 5, 6] // List of Option ids.
Product.executeQuery '''
select prd from Product as prd
join prd.productOptions as prdopts
join prdopts.option as opt
where in :ids
group by prd
having count(prd) = :count''', [ids: ids.collect { it.toLong() }, count: ids.size().toLong()]
How it works
The query begins by selecting all of the Products which have any of the Options in the ids list. As long as a Product has at least one of the options it will be returned.
This produces the side-effect of listing a Product for every matching option it has. For instance, if a Product has three of the Options, then the Product is returned three times. The GROUP BY clause makes the query filter out those duplicate listings.
However, those duplicates are key to this hack: if the list of IDs is a unique list, and Products do not have the same Option more than once, then the Product has all of the required Options if the number of duplicates is equal to the number of IDs. And that's what the HAVING clause does by counting the number of Products.
Scenario 2 & 3
Scenarios 2 & 3 can be handled by the same query. I'm going to forgo consistency and chose a Criteria query because it serves this purpose best.
// Example params for scenario 2
def qparams = [
or: [1, 2], // These are color Option IDs
and: 5 // This is a size Option ID
// Example params for scenario 3
def qparams = [
or: [10, 11] // These are brand Option IDs
Product.withCriteria {
productOptions {
option {
if(qparams.and) eq('id', qparams.and.toLong())
inList('id', qparams.or.collect({ it.toLong() }))
The or parameter is always expected, but the if block only adds the and constraint if the and parameter is specified. Notice that the IDs are all just Option IDs, so you have some flexibility. For instance, you can search for any colors without a size constraint.
About the IDs...
You'll notice that in my examples I converted the IDS from Integers to Longs. If you IDs are coming from the database, then they're already Longs so you can take that code out.

Cypher query - Optional Create

I am trying to create a social network-like structure.
I would like to create a timeline of posts which looks like this
My problem is the following.
Assuming a post for a user already exists, I can create a new post by executing the following cypher query
MATCH (user:Person {id:#id})-[rel:POSTED]->(prev_post:POST)
CREATE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post:POST {post:"#post", created:timestamp()}),
Assuming, the user has not created a post yet, this query fails. So I tried to somehow include both cases (user has no posts / user has at least one post) in one update query (I would like to insert a new post in the "post timeline")
MATCH (user:Person {id:"#id"})
OPTIONAL MATCH (user)-[rel:POSTED]->(prev_post:POST)
CREATE (post:POST {post:"#post2", created:timestamp()})
FOREACH (o IN CASE WHEN prev_post IS NOT NULL THEN [prev_post] ELSE [] END |
CREATE (post)-[:PREV]->(o)
MERGE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post)
Is there any kind of if-statement (or some type of CREATE IF NOT NULL) to avoid using a foreach loop two times (the query looks a litte bit complicated and I know that the loop will only run 1 time)?.
However, this was the only solution, I could come up with after studying this SO post. I read in an older post that there is no such thing as an if-statement.
EDIT: The question is: Is it even good to include both cases in one query since I know that the "no-post case" will only occur once and that all other cases are "at least one post"?
I've seen a solution to cases like this in some articles. To use a single query for all cases, you could create a special terminating node for the list of posts. A person with no posts would be like:
Now in all cases you can run the query:
MATCH (user:Person {id:#id})-[rel:POSTED]->(prev_post)
CREATE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post:POST {post:"#post", created:timestamp()}),
Note that the no label is specified for prev_post, so it can match either (:POST) or (:PostListEnd).
After running the query, a person with 1 post will be like:
Since the PostListEnd node has no info of its own, you can have the same one node for all your users.
I also do not see a better solution than using FOREACH.
However, I think I can make your query a bit more efficient. My solution essentially merges the 2 FOREACH tests into 1, since prev_postand rel must either be both NULL or both non-NULL. It also combines the CREATE and the MERGE (which should have been a CREATE, anyway).
MATCH (user:Person {id:"#id"})
OPTIONAL MATCH (user)-[rel:POSTED]->(prev_post:POST)
CREATE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post:POST {post:"#post2", created:timestamp()})
FOREACH (o IN CASE WHEN prev_post IS NOT NULL THEN [prev_post] ELSE [] END |
CREATE (post)-[:PREV]->(o)
In the Neo4j v3.2 developer manual it specifies how you can create essentially a composite key made of multiple node properties at this link:
CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:Person) ASSERT (n.firstname, n.surname) IS NODE KEY
However, this is only available for the Enterprise Edition, not Community.
"CASE" is as close to an if-statement as you're going to get, I think.
The FOREACH probably isn't so bad given that you're likely limited in scope. But I see no particular downside to separating the query into two, especially to keep it readable and given the operations are fairly small.
Just my two cents.
