Email Markup doesn't work after whitelisted by Google (17 days already) - google-schemas

I applied for the Email Markup and on Feb 10, 2020 I received an email from Google Markup team telling that my domain was whitelisted.
They also specified that it can take up to a week after whitelisting to take effect.
It's 17 days already and I test my emails dailty, thought neither go-to action button nor Event reservation appears in my email.
Does anybody know if it can take longer then 1 week after whitelisting?
I texted them back but still no response.

It takes at least 3 weeks to start showing on the emails.


Gmail Email Markup -- Event Showing UTC Time Instead of Local

Our Gmail Email Markup was working fine for more than a year. Now it shows the incorrect time in the bubble above an email. It still adds the event to the calendar with the correct time.
The event time: June 22, 2020, 17:00 (15:00 UTC). Computer local time is UTC+2.
The Email Markup
The Email Bubble as Rendered in Gmail (Notice the time is shown as the UTC time, not local time.)
The Calendar Event Added (Note this time is correct).
I think it is pretty clear there has been a bug introduced that causes the dates to no longer display correctly in emails. However, no one else seems to be saying anything about this, so it makes me wonder if somehow I am implementing this incorrectly. Does anyone have insight into this problem?
Writing this question got me thinking. I realized that email bubble within Gmail just displays whatever the startDate time is without converting it to the local time of the user. So while I was using:
"startDate": "2020-06-22T15:00:00Z"
what I wanted was the same time, but in local time.
"startDate": "2020-06-22T10:00:00-05:00"
Both of these add the event to the correct time in the user's calendar. However, they will display differently within Gmail itself. It's possible that this adjustment by Google is actually a bug-fix that also broke my code.

No response after filling in the Email Markup registration

Sent registration Gmail Email markUp (adding schemas to the templates of letters)
I sent a letter with a markup to
and passed the test
Foldings did not come, and more than a week there is no answer.
Tell me, what is the approximate length of the answer, should the pile come and should I write again?
As per my experience in requesting to whitelist a specific email address, usually, it takes about 2 weeks in total to complete the process. Just make sure that the following guidelines in this documentation was met to avoid rejection.
will everyone get a reply if application was rejected or approved?

Set time limit on POST form in Rails

I got a website where you can sign up for newsletters. Signing up does only take a click from the user to register it's email in the database. I figured that this might be a problem since there's no cooldown/time limit or what so ever, so i guess it would be possible to make some kinda script to spam my database with emails.
I've been thinking of implementing a Captcha or something, but I'd rather go with some kind of cooldown on signing up. Something like, you can only sign up 2 emails each 15 minutes, or something like that. What would be the best solution here?
The method you use is single opt-in. It's no only inefficient but also possible illegal.
For inefficiency, the reason is you may get lots of invalid emails and your system is busy to send emails to these invalid addresses. The reason may come from spam trying and users' errors.
For legal, in Europe you can only send emails to people who opted in your service. The only valid way to prove they are opted in is they have confirmed opt-in link in email. Having their emails alone is not a valid reason because you can buy emails from others.
So, the correct strategy is to use double opt-in. When a user fill email and submit, he will get an email asking his confirmation of this action. Once confirmed, he would be a valid subscriber and start to get emails.
Also, with double opt-in, your concern of junk opt-ins will be minimum because it becomes harder to spammers to confirm email, also they don't have too much motivation to do that.
If you have a signup table, you can check the for the number of signups from a particular user in the last 15 minutes
Signup.where("user_id = ? and created_at >= ?", user_id, 15.minutes.ago).count
If the above count is greater than or equal to 2, then don't allow

Facebook events with no hour value in start_time are returned one day early in fql

Since today (July 5th 2012) Facebook changed the return value for events from a unix timestamp to a string. This messed up my iOS app that displays concert dates.
I grab the event data from the event fql table.
When i look at the json i get back from Facebook, i now see a string like this:
Now, if the event creator did not post a start time for the event on facebook, the api just returns "2012-10-06" - with no time attached, and it returns the event one day to early.
While the facebook page in the browser displays the event date correctly, the api returns the date one day too early.
What is going on here, am i missing something and what is the right way to handle this?
From yesterday everything went back to unix format, i checked and found out that this kind of string ("2012-10-07T19:30:00+0200") was a bug! only some apps were receiving that and in fact the graph api explorer never used it and always used unix time...Thank you facebook, now i have to change everything for the second time in one week.
Here's the bug link:

Javascript FB.init oauth parameter for October 1st switchover

I am wondering if the OAuth parameter in the FB.init call in the Javascript SDK will start defaulting to true after the October 1st deadline. The current documentation wasn't clear on this point. Obviously you can opt-in now by using oauth: true, however if I don't need to make changes to a whole lot of production code then I'd like to avoid it. Currently not including the parameter means OAuth is disabled.
So, it's Monday and I've seen absolutely no changes over the weekend with the facebook API in regards to Oct. 1st deadline. I'm hesitant to say that facebook was just blowing smoke? By the end of today, we may yet see something: "We will post an update on the rollout plan on Monday, Oct 3rd (the changes themselves will proceed as planned)." (from here)
