Preprocessing machine learning training data - machine-learning

I am currently looking to train a breed classifier for animals passing through a metal race, i am working in a permanent static environment, so the cameras and the static features in the environment do not change. I had an idea to use an image mask to remove the parts of the image that i don't need hence removing features that may lead to poor results in classification. I plan to apply this same pre-processing to the inference data. Is this a good idea? or should i simply train the network on the entire image?
Any advice is much appreciated.

If you have the time and resources, I'd try both: a network with mask and one without.
As a general rule, pre-processing performed prior to training should typically also be performed prior to inference. Yes, in this case, I would apply the same pre-processing. It helps that you can count on your mask since your frame position is static. Your theory on it improving performance seems very reasonable.

I think if those parts of image is constant all the time, a good model, will learn that and if you mask them, it hurts the generalization.
I would suggest to train with a large dataset, and deeper network, and use it as a baseline and compare it to your results, so you could benchmark your results.


Are there any ways to build an ML model using CBIR and SIFT for image comparison in my case?

I have this project I'm working on. A part of the project involves multiple test runs during which screenshots of an application window are taken. Now, we have to ensure that screenshots taken between consecutive runs match (barring some allowable changes). These changes could be things like filenames, dates, different logos, etc. within the application window that we're taking a screenshot of.
I had the bright idea to automate the process of doing this checking. Essentially my idea was this. If I could somehow mathematically quantify the difference between a screenshot from the N-1th run and the Nth run, I could create a binary labelled dataset that mapped feature vectors of some sort to a label (0 for pass or 1 for fail if the images do not adequately match up). The reason for all of this was so that my labelled data would help make the model understand what scale of changes are acceptable, because there are so many kinds that are acceptable.
Now lets say I have access to lots of data that I have meticulously labelled, in the thousands. So far I have tried using SIFT in opencv using keypoint matching to determine a similarity score between images. But this isn't an intelligent, learning process. Is there some way I could take some information from SIFT and use it as my x-value in my dataset?
Here are my questions:
what would that be the information I need as my x-value? It needs to be something that represents the difference between two images. So maybe the difference between feature vectors from SIFT? What do I do when those vectors are of slightly different dimensions?
Am I on the right track with thinking about using SIFT? Should I look elsewhere and if so where?
Thanks for your time!
The approach that is being suggested in the question goes like this -
Find SIFT features of two consecutive images.
Use those to somehow quantify the similarity between two images (sounds reasonable)
Use this metric to first classify the images into similar and non-similar.
Use this dataset to train a NN do to the same job.
I am not completely convinced if this is a good approach. Let's say that you created the initial classifier with SIFT features. You are then using this data to train a NN. But this data will definitely have a lot of wrong labels. Because if it didn't have a lot of wrong labels, what's stopping you from using your original SIFT based classifier as your final solution?
So if your SIFT based classification is good, why even train a NN? On the other hand, if it's bad, you are giving a lot of wrong labeled data to the NN for training. I think the latter is a probably a bad idea. I say probably because there is a possibility that maybe the wrong labels just encourage the NN to generalize better, but that would require a lot of data, I imagine.
Another way to look at this is, let's say that your initial classifier is 90% accurate. That's probably the upper limit of the performance for the NN that you are looking at when talking about training it with this data.
You said that the issue that you have with your first approach is that 'it's not a an intelligent, learning process'. I think it's the wrong approach to think that the former approach is always inferior to the latter. SIFT is a powerful tool that can solve a lot of problems without all the 'black-boxness' of an NN. If this problem can be solved with sufficient accuracy using SIFT, I think going after a learning based approach is not the way to go, because again, a learning based approach isn't necessarily superior.
However, if the SIFT approach isn't giving you good enough results, definitely start thinking of NN stuff, but at that point, using the "bad" method to label the data is probably a bad idea.
Also in relation, I think you could potentially be underestimating the amount of data that is needed for this. You mentioned data in the thousands, but that's honestly, not a lot. You would need a lot more, I think.
One way I would think about instead doing this -
Do SIFT keyponits detection for a sample reference image.
Manually filter out keypoints that does not belong to the things in the image that are invariant. That is, just take keypoints at the locations in the image that is guaranteed (or very likely) to be always present.
When you get a new image, compute the keypoints and do matching with the reference image.
Set some threshold of the ratio of good matches to the total number of matches.
Depending on your application, this might give you good enough results.
If not, and if you really want your solution to be NN based, I would say you need to manually label the dataset as opposed to using SIFT.

How to clarify which model layers to use for machine learning?

We are currently doing a little experiment with machine learning with Deeplearning4j.
We have voltage measurements in time series from different devices that I know that depends on each other.
We manage to labeling huge amount of those data with one and zeroes.
Our problem is to figure out the use of layers for the model.
For us it seems that it is experience that it is used among people and examples seems to be random.
We currently using LSTM and RNN
But how can we clarify if there is better models?
We would like to see if the model can figure out some dependencies through predictions that we haven’t noticed.
The best way to go about this, is to start by looking at your data and what you want to get out of it. Then you should start out by setting up a base line. Use the simplest possible modelling technique you are familiar with just so you have anything at all.
In your case it looks like you have a label for each timestep. So, you might just use simple linear regression for each timestep separately to get a feel for what you would get if you don't incorporate any sequence information at all. Anything that works fast is a good candidate for this step.
Once you have that baseline, you can start looking at building a deeplearning model that outperforms this baseline.
For time series data, you have two options at the moment in DL4J, either you use a recurrent layer like LSTM, or you use convolutions over time.
If you want to have an output at each timestep, then a recurrent layer is probably better for you. The convolutional approach usually works best if you want to have just a single result after reading in the whole sequence.
For choosing how wide those layers should be, and how many layers you should use, you will have to experiment a bit.
The first thing that you want to achieve is to build a model that can over-fit on a subset of your data. So you start out, by passing in only a single batch of examples over and over again. If the model can't overfit on that, you make the layers wider. If the layers start getting too wide, you add another layer on top.
If you use the deeplearning4j-ui module, it will tell you how many parameters your model currently has. They should usually be less than the number of total examples you have, or you risk overfitting on your full data set.
As soon as you can train a model to overfit on a small subset of your data, you can start training it with all of your data.
At that point you can then start looking into finding better hyperparameters and seeing by how much you can beat your baseline.

How to know if the feature variables are "good" enough for building a classifer

Building a classifier for classical problems, like image classification, is quite straightforward, since by visualization on the image we know the pixel values do contain the information about the target.
However, for the problems in which there is no obvious visualizable pattern, how should we evaluate or to see if the features collected are good enough for the target information? Or if there are some criterion by which we can conclude the collected features does not work at all. Otherwise, we have to try different algorithms or classifiers to verify the predictability of the collected data. Or if there is a thumb rule saying that if apply classical classifiers, like SVM, random forest and adaboost, we cannot get a classifier with a reasonable accuracy (70%) then we should give up and try to find some other more related features.
Or by some high dim visualization tool, like t-sne, if there is no clear pattern presented in some low dim latent space, then we should give up.
First of all, there might be NO features that explain the data well enough. The data may simply be pure noise without any signal. Therefore speaking about "reasonable accuracy" of any level e.g. 70% is improper. For some data sets a model that explains 40 % of its variance will be fantastic.
Having said that, the simplest practical way to evaluate the input features is to calculate correlations between each of them and the target.
Models have their own ways of evaluating features importance.

Should I adapt loss weights for misclassified samples during epochs?

I am using FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks) and trying to do image segmentation. When training, there are some areas which are mislabeled, however further training doesn't help much to make them go away. I believe this is because network learns about some features which might not be completely correct ones, but because there are enough correctly classified examples, it is stuck in local minimum and can't get out.
One solution I can think of is to train for an epoch, then validate the network on training images, and then adjust weights for mismatched parts to penalize mismatch more there in next epoch.
Intuitively, this makes sense to me - but I haven't found any writing on this. Is this a known technique? If yes, how is it called? If no, what am I missing (what are the downsides)?
It highly depends on your network structure. If you are using the original FCN, due to the pooling operations, the segmentation performance on the boundary of your objects is degraded. There have been quite some variants over the original FCN for image segmentation, although they didn't go the route you're proposing.
Just name a couple of examples here. One approach is to use Conditional Random Field (CRF) on top of the FCN output to refine the segmentation. You may search for the relevant papers to get more idea on that. In some sense, it is close to your idea but the difference is that CRF is separated from the network as a post-processing approach.
Another very interesting work is U-net. It employs some idea from the residual network (RES-net), which enables high resolution features from lower levels can be integrated into high levels to achieve more accurate segmentation.
This is still a very active research area. So you may bring the next break-through with your own idea. Who knows! Have fun!
First, if I understand well you want your network to overfit your training set ? Because that's generally something you don't want to see happening, because this would mean that while training your network have found some "rules" that enables it to have great results on your training set, but it also means that it hasn't been able to generalize so when you'll give it new samples it will probably perform poorly. Moreover, you never talk about any testing set .. have you divided your dataset in training/testing set ?
Secondly, to give you something to look into, the idea of penalizing more where you don't perform well made me think of something that is called "AdaBoost" (It might be unrelated). This short video might help you understand what it is :
Hope it helps

Face recognition with a small number of samples

Can anyone advise me way to build effective face classifier that may be able to classify many different faces (~1000)?
And i have only 1-5 examples of each face
I know about opencv face classifier, but it works bad for my task (many classes, a few samples).
It works alright for one face classification with small number of samples. But i think that 1k separate classifier is not good idea
I read a few articles about face recognition but methods from these articles reqiues a lot of samples of each class for work
PS Sorry for my writing mistakes. English in not my native language.
Actually, for giving you a proper answer, I'd be happy to know some details of your task and your data. Face Recognition is a non-trivial problem and there is no general solution for all sorts of image acquisition.
First of all, you should define how many sources of variation (posing, emotions, illumination, occlusions or time-lapse) you have in your sample and testing sets. Then you should choose an appropriate algorithm and, very importantly, preprocessing steps according to the types.
If you don't have any significant variations, then it is a good idea to consider for a small training set one of the Discrete Orthogonal Moments as a feature extraction method. They have a very strong ability to extract features without redundancy. Some of them (Hahn, Racah moments) can also work in two modes - local and global feature extraction. The topic is relatively new, and there are still few articles about it. Although, they are thought to become a very powerful tool in Image Recognition. They can be computed in near real-time by using recurrence relationships. For more information, have a look here and here.
If the pose of the individuals significantly varies, you may try to perform firstly pose correction by Active Appearance Model.
If there are lots of occlusions (glasses, hats) then using one of the local feature extractors may help.
If there is a significant time lapse between train and probe images, the local features of the faces could change over the age, then it's a good option to try one of the algorithms which use graphs for face representation so as to keep the face topology.
I believe that non of the above are implemented in OpenCV, but for some of them you can find MATLAB implementation.
I'm not native speaker as well, so sorry for the grammar
Coming to your problem , it is very unique in its way. As you said there are only few images per class , the model which we train should either have an awesome architecture which can create better features within an image itself , or there should be an different approach which can achieve this task .
I have four things which I can share as of now :
Do data pre-processing and then create a bigger dataset and train on a neural network ideally. Here, we can do pre-processing like:
- image rotation
- image shearing
- image scaling
- image blurring
- image stretching
- image translation
and create atleast 200 images per class. Please checkout opencv documentation which provides many more methods on how you can increase the size of your dataset. Once you do this, then we can apply transfer learning , which is a better approach than training a neural network from scratch.
Transfer learning is a method where we train a network on our own custom classes , and this network is already pre-trained on 1000's of classes. Since our data here is very less, I would prefer transfer learning only. I have written a blog on how you can approach this using tranfer learning after you have the required amount of data. It is linked here. Face recognition also is a classification task itself, where each human is a separate class. So, follow the instructions given in the blog , may be it would help you create your own powerful classifer.
Another suggestion would be , after creating a dataset , encode them properly. This encoding would help you preserve the features in an image and can help you train better networks. VLAD ,Fisher , Bag of Words are few encoding techniques. You can search few repositories online which have implemented these already on ORL database. Once you encode , train the network on the encodings , you will obviously see a better performance.
Even do check out , Siamese network here which is meant for this purpose I feel . Here they compare two images with similar characteristics on different networks and there by achieve better classification accuracies . Git repository is here.
Another standard approach would be using SVM , Random forests since the data is less. If you still prefer neural networks the above methods would serve you the purpose. If you intend to go with encodings , then I would suggest random forests , as it is highly preferrable in learning and flexible too.
Hopefully , this answer would help you proceed in the right direction of achieving things.
You might want to take a look at OpenFace, a Python and Torch implementantion of face recognition with deep neural networks:
