questions related to wrk2 benchmark tool about their latencies and requests - lua

I have some questions in my mind related to wrk2 benchmark tool. I did a lot of search on them and did not find answers related to them. If you have little understanding related to them then please help me.
What "count" column represents in Detailed Percentile spectrum? example Did they show the total number of requests whose latency is within "value" (column name) range? Correct me if i am wrong.
What "latency(i)" and "requests" represent in done function provided by wr2 and wrk? and How can I get that values? done_function
How can I get the total number of requests generated per minute and their latencies? Does "latency(i)" and "requests" give me some information about them?
What "-B (batch latency)" option in wrk does? My output remains the same whether i use this option or not. batch
In wrk2, i didn't understand these lines. can you please explain that.


Build vocab in doc2vec

I have a list of abstracts and articles approx 500 in csv each paragraph contains approx 800 to 1000 words whenever I build vocab and print with words giving none and how I can improve results?
lst_doc = doc.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
target_data = word_tokenize(lst_doc)
train_data = list(read_data())
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=40)
train_vocab = model.build_vocab(train_data)
{train = model.train(train_data, total_examples=model.corpus_count,
epochs=model.epochs) }
A call to build_vocab() only builds the vocabulary inside the model, for further usage. That function call doesn't return anything, so your train_vocab variable will be Python None.
So, the behavior you're seeing is as expected, and you should say more about what your ultimate aims are, and what you'd want to see as steps towards those aims, if you're stuck.
If you want to see reporting of the progress of your calls to build_vocab() or train(), you can set the logging level to INFO. This is always a usually a good idea working to learn a new library: even if initially the copious info shown is hard to understand, by reviewing it you'll start to see the various internal steps, and internal counts/timings/etc, that hint whehter things are doing well or poorly.
You can also examine the state of the model and its various internal properties after the code has run.
For example, the model.wv property contains, after build_vocab(), a Gensim KeyedVectors structure holding all the untrained ready-for-training vectors. You can ask for its length (len(model.wv) or examine the discovered active list of words (model.wv.index_to_key).
Other comments:
It's not clear your 1st two lines – assigning into lst_doc and target_data – affect anything further, since it's unclear what read_data() might be doing to fill the train_corpus.
Often low min_count values worsen results, by including more words that have so few usage examples that they're little more than noise during training.
only 500 documents is rather small compared to most published work showing impressive results with this algorithm, which uses tens-of-thousands of documents (if not millions). So, keep in mind that results on such a small dataset may be unrepresentative of what's possible with a larger corpus - in terms of quality, optimal parameters, etc.

max-series-per-database limit exceeded clarification needed / how to calculate number of series in use

We recently started to encounter this error:
{"error":"partial write: max-series-per-database limit exceeded: (1000000) dropped=1"}
When writing metric data like this:
resque_job,environment=beta,billing_status=active-current,billing_active=active,instance_id=1103,instance_testmode=0,instance_staging=0,server_addr=RESQUE,,admin_sso_key=_EMPTY_,admin_is_internal=_EMPTY_,queue_priority=default seconds_spent_job=0.20966601371765,number_in_batch=1 1649203450783000002
I know that Influx recommends you keep your series cardinality low, and our impression was that series cardinality would mean keeping each tag individually to a small number of values. e.g. we felt comfortable sending instance_id=1103 as a tag, because we know that there will never be more than 2000 distinct instance_id tag values.
But after running into this error... I'm afraid maybe I was mistaken here. Do we actually need to keep the cardinality of all possible combinations of all tags low? e.g. do these two things count as two separate series towards the 1,000,000 default max, because the instance_id is different?
resque_job,environment=beta,billing_status=active-current,billing_active=active,instance_id=1111,instance_testmode=0,instance_staging=0,server_addr=RESQUE,,admin_sso_key=_EMPTY_,admin_is_internal=_EMPTY_,queue_priority=default seconds_spent_job=0.20966601371765,number_in_batch=1 1649203450783000002
resque_job,environment=beta,billing_status=active-current,billing_active=active,instance_id=2222,instance_testmode=0,instance_staging=0,server_addr=RESQUE,,admin_sso_key=_EMPTY_,admin_is_internal=_EMPTY_,queue_priority=default seconds_spent_job=0.20966601371765,number_in_batch=1 1649203450783000002
If those count as two separate series... then is there a better way to structure this data in Influx? 1,000,000 total seems like a tiny amount if each separate combination of tags is a separate series...
Does InfluxDB 2.x help with this?
Is there a better tool that can handle a large number of tags and not bump into limits like this?
There is no way to figure out what data was not recorded. Update the max-series-per-database configuration to be more than 1M in order to stop dropping data.
This can be an indication that you are creating a lot of series. i saw some documentation on why that isn't great.
Hope this helps!

How to add custom Aggregation functions for GroupBy in Dask ? for example average, mode, median, 95th percentile etc

I am not able to understand what will be chunk, agg and finalize in following code.
mode = dd.Aggregation('mode', chunk, agg, finalize)
Also, types and implementation way of same.
Can someone guide/help me on same in Dask ?
The arguments chunk, agg, and finalize are described with examples in the docstring for dask.dataframe.Aggregation, which is available online here:
If you have particular questions that you would like clarified about that explanation then I encourage you to mention them specifically.

What is the MAXIMUM number of variables that can be entered into an SPSS Frequencies command?

As it says on the tin. I know that it will be somewhere between 125 and 2013 but trying to streamline my code.
Any help greatly appreciated!
The DOCS say 1000 is the maximum (see the Limitations section). You could reach the limits of displaying tables in the output in memory, making the effective number smaller (depends on the style of tables you have it output as well as the number of rows displayed in the tables).
This isn't to say that outputting 1,000 frequencies is ever a really good idea. Why would you ever want to visually pour over that many tables?

How to use libsvm for text classification?

I'd like to write a spam filter program with SVM and I choose libsvm as the tool.
I got 1000 good mails and 1000 spam mails, then I classify them into :
700 good_train mails 700 spam_train mails
300 good_test mails 300 spam_test mails
Then I wrote a program to count the time of each words occur in each file, got result like:
today 3
hello 7
help 5
I learned that libsvm needs format like:
1 1:3 2:1 3:0
2 1:3 2:3 3:1
1 1:7 3:9
as its input. I know that 1, 2, 1 is the label, but what does 1:3 mean?
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Likely, the format is
classLabel attribute1:count1 ... attributeN:countN
N is the total number of different words in your text corpus. You will have to check the documentation for the tool you are using(or its sources), to see if you can use a sparser format by not including the attributes having count 0.
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Here's how I would do this. I would use the script you've got to compute the count of words for each mail in the training set. Then, use another script and transfer that data into the LIBSVM format that you've shown earlier. (This can be done in a variety of ways, but it should be reasonable to write with an easy input/output language like Python) I would batch all "good-mail" data into one file, and label that class as "1". Then, I would do the same process with the "spam-mail" data and label that class "-1". As nologin said, LIBSVM requires the class label to precede the features, but the features themselves can be any number as long as they are in ascending order, e.g. 2:5 3:6 5:9 is allowed, but not 3:23 1:3 7:343.
If you're concerned that your data is not in the correct format, use their script
before training and it should report any possible errors.
Once you have two separate files with data in the correct format, you can call
cat file_good file_spam > file_training
and generate a training file that contains data on both good and spam mail. Then, do the same process with the testing set. One psychological advantage with forming the data this way is that you know the top 700 (or 300) mail in the training (or testing) set is good mail, and the remaining are spam mail. This makes it easier to create other scripts you may want to act on the data, such as a precision/recall code.
If you have other questions, the FAQ at should be able to answer a few, as well as the various README files that come with installation. (I personally found the READMEs in the "Tools" and "Python" directories to be a great boon.) Sadly, the FAQ does not touch much on what nologin said, about data being in a sparse format.
On a final note, I doubt that you need to keep counts of every possible word that could appear in mail. I would recommend counting only the most common words you would suspect to appear in spam mail. Other potential features include total word count, average word length, average sentence length, and other possible data that you feel may be helpful.
