How to manage response data of steps implemented in Gherkin using QAF API? - bdd

Looking for ways to carry over data from previous step to subsequent using QAF. Is there an option for such behavior?

In qaf your step can return a value. If you step is returning a value and you want to use it in another step you can use store into 'var-name' step after step that returning value. For example
When create new user using "{'name':'user1','password':'user123'}"
And store into 'newUser'
Then system should have user '${newUser}'
Your step may look like below:
#QAFTestStep(description="create new user using {userInfo}")
public User createUser(User user){
//steps to createUser
long id = userDao.createUser(user);
return user;
#QAFTestStep(description="system should have user {userInfo}")
public void createUser(User user){
//steps to createUser
User user = userDao.getUser(user.getId);
Validator.assertThat("get user from system",user, Matchers.notNull());
Below is example of web services test:
Given user requests 'myservice.getuser.reqcall'
And say 'userID' is value at jsonpath '$.id'
Then ...


Change the document's unique ID from string to int in firebase realtime using xamarin form

My problem is I want to change the document/table unique ID from string to int in firebase realtime database.
This is how it looks in my database:
I want to look like this:
This is my code in inserting data to firebase:
public async Task<bool> Save(CUSTOMER customer)
//var token = await authProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(customer.CusEmail,customer.CusPassword);&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.FirebaseToken);
var token = await authProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(customer.CusEmail, customer.CusPassword);
var data = await firebaseClient.Child(nameof(CUSTOMER)).PostAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.FirebaseToken))
return true;
return false;
When you call PostAsync, Firebase creates a new child node with its own unique ID for that data. The IDs always have the form that you see in your first screenshot, and there's no way to change that.
To specify your own ID, generate that ID in your client-side application code, pass it to the API as an additional Child() call, and use Put instead of Post. For example:
If the number you want to use is based on the existing keys in the database, you'll need to use a transaction to perform the necessary read-then-write sequence.
Since you're considering using numeric keys, I recommend checking out Best Practices: Arrays in Firebase.

Is There Any Way to Bypass Model::created() Event on Laravel?

In my user model there is created event which is called every time when new user is created using User::Save()
protected static function boot()
self::created(function (User $user) {
// Some operation goes here
Now what i want is for some reason i don't want to call that created when i create new user record.
Is there any way to bypass createdEvent ??
Check this withoutEvent method on model included in recent version of Laravel.

Manually validating a password reset token in ASP.NET Identity

I would like to manually validate a password reset token in ASP.NET Identity 2.0. I'm trying to create my own version of UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(string userId, string token, string newPassword) that takes and IdentityUser instead of userId like this:
UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(IdentityUser user, string token, string newPassword)
Not sure if I am doing this right, but here I am attempting to validate the code that was emailed to the user in an earlier step. I have not modified the code/token that sends the email to the user and generates the code. I am assuming this is the correct method to call, but the purpose argument is incorrect. (I tried passing "ASP.NET Identity" but no dice.)
if (await userManager.UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync(purpose: "?", token: code, manager: userManager, user: user))
return IdentityResult.Success;
return new IdentityResult("Invalid code.");
If someone could fill me in on the details of how it works out of the box, or point me at Microsoft's source code for UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(IdentityUser user, string token, string newPassword) that would be most appreciated!
I overcame my problem by setting the purpose to "ResetPassword".
Below is a snippet of the final result in case someone wants to do something similar. It is a method in my ApplicationUserManager class. Realize, though, that some of the exception handling that Microsoft implements is missing or not localized because certain private variables, methods, and resources used in their code are inaccessible. It's unfortunate they did not make that stuff protected so that I could have gotten at it. The missing ThrowIfDisposed method call in particular is interesting (and bazaar) to me. Apparently they are anticipating method calls after an instance has been disposed in order to provide a friendlier error message and avoid the unexpected.
public async Task<IdentityResult> ResetPasswordAsync(IdentityUser user,
string token, string newPassword)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("user");
// Make sure the token is valid and the stamp matches.
if (!await UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync("ResetPassword", token,
this, user))
return IdentityResult.Failed("Invalid token.");
// Make sure the new password is valid.
var result = await PasswordValidator.ValidateAsync(newPassword)
if (!result.Succeeded)
return result;
// Update the password hash and invalidate the current security stamp.
user.PasswordHash = PasswordHasher.HashPassword(newPassword);
user.SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// Save the user and return the outcome.
return await UpdateAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
It appears that the code for Microsoft.AspNet.Identity has not been Open Sourced according to the Codeplex repository located at:
At present, the ASP.NET Identity framework code is not public and
therefore will not be published on this site. However, we are planning
to change that, and as soon as we are able, the code will be published
in this repository.
However I did find this which might be the source for the UserManager based on the debug symbols:
UserManager Source Code
I also found these posts which might help:
Implementing custom password policy using ASP.NET Identity
UserManager Class Documentation
IUserTokenProvider Interface Documentation

Grails spring security save login time in user domain

Using this link if we register a call back in grails, how to access springSecurityService in plain groovy/java class, so that we can get the current user domain class and save the login time?
I have done this using the below:
If you are using the callback closures you can get the information from the AuthenticationSuccessEvent.
grails.plugin.springsecurity.onAuthenticationSuccessEvent = { e, appCtx ->
// handle AuthenticationSuccessEvent
println "User id ${} was authenticated"

change password in MVC 4

I am building ASP.NET MVC 4 application. I use Simple Membership provider to manage authentication and authorization within the system. What are the ways of changing the password in this approach. I found a ChangePassword method which takes three parameters, including original password, to operate.
Is there any other way to override/change the password for the user without actually knowing original password?
ChangePassword is used when a user wants to change their password - and the current password is their evidence to allow this to happen (think Change Password Screen).
I think the most direct way to do this is to call WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken() and pass the result into WebSecurity.ResetPassword, along with the new password.
var token = WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken("UserName");
var result = WebSecurity.ResetPassword(token, "NewPassword");
There is a detailed article on how to implement password reset/change with SimpleMembership in MVC 4 here. It also includes source code you can download.
This examples uses email to send a URL to the user to click on for password reset. This is more secure than just having the user enter the old password and new password directly on the website because it is another verification of the user. This alleviates the scenario where someone gets a hold of the user password and locks them out by changing the password. This also allows the user to reset the password in the case where they have forgotten the password.
The code to send the email with the link would look something like this.
public ActionResult ResetPassword(ResetPasswordModel model)
string emailAddress = WebSecurity.GetEmail(model.UserName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress))
string confirmationToken =
dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");
email.To = emailAddress;
email.UserName = model.UserName;
email.ConfirmationToken = confirmationToken;
return RedirectToAction("ResetPwStepTwo");
return RedirectToAction("InvalidUserName");
This creates an email that has a link to a Web API that accepts the token as the id that is passed in. When they click on the link it hits this method.
public ActionResult ResetPasswordConfirmation(string Id)
ResetPasswordConfirmModel model = new ResetPasswordConfirmModel() { Token = Id };
return View(model);
This action gets the token from the query string and puts it in the ResetPasswordConfirmationModel that is passed to the view which allows the user to enter the new password. The new password is entered twice to make sure they entered it correctly, which is validate on the page. When they submit this information they are taken to the POST version of this action which actually resets the password.
public ActionResult ResetPasswordConfirmation(ResetPasswordConfirmModel model)
if (WebSecurity.ResetPassword(model.Token, model.NewPassword))
return RedirectToAction("PasswordResetSuccess");
return RedirectToAction("PasswordResetFailure");
