Change the document's unique ID from string to int in firebase realtime using xamarin form - firebase-realtime-database

My problem is I want to change the document/table unique ID from string to int in firebase realtime database.
This is how it looks in my database:
I want to look like this:
This is my code in inserting data to firebase:
public async Task<bool> Save(CUSTOMER customer)
//var token = await authProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(customer.CusEmail,customer.CusPassword);&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.FirebaseToken);
var token = await authProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(customer.CusEmail, customer.CusPassword);
var data = await firebaseClient.Child(nameof(CUSTOMER)).PostAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.FirebaseToken))
return true;
return false;

When you call PostAsync, Firebase creates a new child node with its own unique ID for that data. The IDs always have the form that you see in your first screenshot, and there's no way to change that.
To specify your own ID, generate that ID in your client-side application code, pass it to the API as an additional Child() call, and use Put instead of Post. For example:
If the number you want to use is based on the existing keys in the database, you'll need to use a transaction to perform the necessary read-then-write sequence.
Since you're considering using numeric keys, I recommend checking out Best Practices: Arrays in Firebase.


How instantiate a typeorm entity with values without db connection?

I did this UserFactory:
export class UserFactory {
create(values = {}): User {
return User.create({
// defaults
name: 'Jerry',
age: 99,
// overrides
It is my understanding that Entity.create does not persist the entity in my db, it only creates the instance (I'm using the BaseEntity/ORM pattern). This is precisely what I want. However, it still requires a connection to work. In my tests I need to do something like:
const connection = await db()
const user = new UserFactory().create()
await connection.destroy()
Otherwise, I get DataSource is not set for this entity. I can't understand why a connection is needed when it's not even saving it.
I guess I could use new User() but unfortunately there is no set methods to bulk apply my values then.
How can I set my values and get an entity instance without unnecessary db connections here?

How to manage response data of steps implemented in Gherkin using QAF API?

Looking for ways to carry over data from previous step to subsequent using QAF. Is there an option for such behavior?
In qaf your step can return a value. If you step is returning a value and you want to use it in another step you can use store into 'var-name' step after step that returning value. For example
When create new user using "{'name':'user1','password':'user123'}"
And store into 'newUser'
Then system should have user '${newUser}'
Your step may look like below:
#QAFTestStep(description="create new user using {userInfo}")
public User createUser(User user){
//steps to createUser
long id = userDao.createUser(user);
return user;
#QAFTestStep(description="system should have user {userInfo}")
public void createUser(User user){
//steps to createUser
User user = userDao.getUser(user.getId);
Validator.assertThat("get user from system",user, Matchers.notNull());
Below is example of web services test:
Given user requests 'myservice.getuser.reqcall'
And say 'userID' is value at jsonpath '$.id'
Then ...

I want to return ID after my save changes done in async await methods. How can i?

I', new started to use async await method, i want my saved id back after successfully saved data. How can i do it with in one method only?
currently i'm using this but it can't work...
var success = await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
return success ? User.UserID : Guid.Empty;
simply want to get inserted NewGuid for insert(map another entity with it) in another my OTP log Table.

how to get an unsaved entity on server but not for saving?

i need to send my unsaved entity from the client to the server but not for saving changes
but inorder to do a process using the data on the entity and then change some of it's values and pass it back to the client
is this possible?
if not what are my options?
i tried to export the entity and then send it to a method on the webapi controller that gets a JObject but didn't find a way to deserialize it to the server entity
We did have a similar problem and found a solution as follows:
You need to take into consideration the way breeze manages it's objects.
1.Create custom saveBundle.
Consider complex order object.You need to fill your save bundle with each nested object inside order.
var saveBundle = new Array();
2.Create custom save options, where you can point to your custom Save Method on server
var so = new breeze.SaveOptions({ resourceName: "BookOrder" });
3.Call standard breeze function and pass it created params
manager.saveChanges(saveBundle, so).fail(function () {
// manager.rejectChanges();TODO check what needed
On server you need to have you custom function ready and hook some breeze delegates
public SaveResult BookOrder(JObject orderBundle)
context.BeforeSaveEntityDelegate = OrderBeforeSaveEntity;
context.BeforeSaveEntitiesDelegate = SaveOrder;
context.AfterSaveEntitiesDelegate = BookOrderAfterSave;
return context.SaveChanges(orderBundle);
catch (Exception)
You can a lot of stuff in first two delegates but it is the last one you are looking for
private void BookOrderAfterSave(Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> orderSaveMap, List<KeyMapping> orderKeyMappings)
var orderEntity = orderSaveMap.Where(c => c.Key == typeof(BL.Orders.Order)).Select(d => d.Value).SingleOrDefault();
BL.Orders.Order order = (BL.Orders.Order)orderEntity[0].Entity; //your entity
//logic here
Hope it points to right direction.
we are doing something similar here. it'll save the entity so i'm not sure if this fits your question.
you can do:
then issue a saveChange()
then you can do your calculations on the server.
in our case we are using breeze.webapi so we are doing this in the beforeSave(entity) method.
breeze by design sends the changed entity then back to the client where the cache gets updated with your changes done on the server.

How to initialize and persist Castle ActiveRecordStarter per session for multi tenancy apps?

I am using Castle ActiveRecord in my / MVC 2 / Multi-tenancy application with SQL Server as my backend.
For every user logging in, the app loads the corresponding DB, dynamically at run time like below:
IDictionary<string, string> properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
properties.Add("connection.driver_class", "NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver");
properties.Add("dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect");
properties.Add("connection.provider", "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider");
properties.Add("proxyfactory.factory_class", "NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle");
properties.Add("connection.connection_string", strDBConnection);
InPlaceConfigurationSource source = new InPlaceConfigurationSource();
source.Add(typeof(ActiveRecordBase), properties);
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(new System.Reflection.Assembly[] { asm1 }, source);
The strDBConnection string comes from another small database that holds the user info, corresponding DB, etc.
When a user logs in, his DB gets loaded, he can do his CRUD jobs -- No Probs !
Another user logs in (from another remote machine) his DB gets loaded -- No Probs !
Now, when the first user reads from DB, he sees new data from the second user's DB
My little understanding for this behavious is : ActiveRecordStarter is a Static object.
Could someone help me with a solution for this situation ?
The expected behaviour:
each user should access his own DB only, securely, in parallel / at the same time.
Thanks a lot !
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize should only be called once in your app (in Application_Start in Global.asax).
To achieve what you want, create a class that inherits from NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider:
public class MyCustomConnectionProvider : DriverConnectionProvider
protected override string GetNamedConnectionString(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
return string.Empty;
public override IDbConnection GetConnection()
// Get your connection here, based on the request
// You can use HttpContext.Current to get information about the current request
var conn = Driver.CreateConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = ... // Retrieve the connection string here;
return conn;
Then set the connection.provider property to the name of your class:
properties.Add("connection.provider", "MyCompany.Domain.MyCustomConnectionProvider, MyCompany.AssemblyName");
