I don't understand why my object doesn't receive notifications - ios

I've create a custom class that looks like:
class FooDevice: Device {
private var controller:FooController?
private var device:Foo?
override init() {
if super.authGranted {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.discovered(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: FooDiscover), object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.connected(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: FooConnected), object: nil)
#objc private func discovered(_ notification:Notification) {
DDLogVerbose("FOO - discovered - \(notification)")
// TODO: Call super.connector and connect
#objc private func connected(_ notification:Notification) {
DDLogVerbose("FOO - connected - \(notification)")
// Do more stuff after connect
func start() {
DDLogVerbose("FOO - startMeasurement()")
The super class looks like:
class Device: NSObject {
private let LICENSE = "my_license"
private var authenticator:SDKAuthenticator?
internal var scanner:SDKScanner?
internal var connector:SDKConnector?
internal var authGranted = false
override init() {
authGranted = self.authRequest(LICENSE)
if authGranted {
scanner = SDKScanner.getInstance()
connector = SDKConnector.getInstance()
} else {
// TODO: Show error to user
private func authRequest(_ data:String) -> Bool {
// Do stuff using authenticator and authenticated, we can assume we return a true
return status // true
In my ViewController I make an instance of FooDevice and start the process. I'm doing with the following:
class MyViewController:UIViewController {
// A lot of properties
override viewDidLoad() {
// ViewDidLoad stuff
#IBAction func connectToDevice(_ sender: Any) {
// Here I instantiate the object and start the scanning
let myFooDevice = FooDevice()
In the console I could see how the scanner start and found the bluetooth device but the notification isn't captured and the log isn't printed. Also the notification names are right, I'm sure because the SDK return the strings.
I don't know what I'm missing. Hope you could throw some light to it.

Your problem is that ARC will cleanup your myFooDevice variable before any notification can reach it.
You better store it in a property:
class MyViewController:UIViewController {
var myFooDevice:FooDevice?
override viewDidLoad() {
// ViewDidLoad stuff
#IBAction func connectToDevice(_ sender: Any) {
// Here I instantiate the object and start the scanning
myFooDevice = FooDevice()


Protocol-Delegate pattern not notifying View Controller

My Model saves data to Firestore. Once that data is saved, I'd like it to alert my ViewController so that a function can be called. However, nothing is being passed to my ViewController.
This is my Model:
protocol ProtocolModel {
func wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully:Bool)
class Model {
var delegate:ProtocolModel?
func createUserAddedRecipe(
completion: #escaping (Recipe?) -> Void) {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
do {
try db.collection("userFavourites").document(currentUserId).collection("userRecipes").document(docId).setData(from: recipe) { (error) in
print("Data Saved Successfully") // THIS OUTPUTS TO THE CONSOLE
// Notify delegate that data was saved to Firestore
self.delegate?.wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully: true)
catch {
print("Error \(error)")
The print("Data Saved Successfully") outputs to the console, but the delegate method right below it doesn't get called.
And this is my ViewController:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var model = Model()
override func viewDidLoad() {
model.delegate = self
extension ViewController: ProtocolModel {
func wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully: Bool) {
if dataSavedSuccessfully == true {
print("Result is true.")
else {
print("Result is false.")
print("Protocol-Delegate Pattern Works")
Is there something I'm missing from this pattern? I haven't been able to notice anything different in the articles I've reviewed.
So I test your code and simulate something like that
import UIKit
protocol ProtocolModel {
func wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully:Bool)
class Model {
var delegate:ProtocolModel?
// I use this timer for simulate that firebase store data every 3 seconds for example
var timer: Timer?
func createUserAddedRecipe(
docId:String) {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3, repeats: true, block: { _ in
self.delegate?.wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully: true)
class NavigationController: UINavigationController {
var model = Model()
override func viewDidLoad() {
model.delegate = self
// Call this method to register for network notification
model.createUserAddedRecipe(docId: "exampleId")
extension NavigationController: ProtocolModel {
func wasDataSavedSuccessfully(dataSavedSuccessfully: Bool) {
so you can see the result as image below, my delegate update controller that conform to that protocol.

Delegate function does not get called

I have two ViewControllers and I'm trying to set one as the other's delegate. This is what I have:
ViewController One:
protocol storeChosenDelegate {
func getPopularProductsFor(store id: String)
class PopularStoresVC: UIViewController {
//MARK: - Properties
var delegate: storeChosenDelegate?
private let storesView = PopularStoresView()
private let STORE_CELL = "storeCell"
fileprivate var currentStore: Int = 0 {
didSet {
delegate?.getPopularProductsFor(store: "THIS IS WORKING NOW.")
And this is what I have in ViewController Two:
//MARK: - Properties
private let PRODUCT_CELL = "productCell"
private var popularStores = PopularStoresVC()
//MARK: - Initializers
override func viewDidLoad() {
popularStores.delegate = self
extension PopularProductsVC: storeChosenDelegate {
func getPopularProductsFor(store id: String) {
//TODO: Show all popular products for the store's id we got.
print("Got store \(id)")
It seems that the didSet is getting called, and I do set the Second VC as the delegate, but the function just does not getting called. I have no errors or warnings related to that so I don't really understand why this is not working.

Delegated functions not working outside of UIViewController

I'm using the Startscream Websocket framework. Everything works fine as long as I keep all of the code in a UIViewController as seen here. But as soon as a create a wrapper class for Startscream all of the delegated functions stop working. Also my local websocket server is not getting a connection.
How can I get the code working inside a wrapper class?
import Starscream
public class MyService: WebSocketDelegate {
var socket = WebSocket(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:3900/websocket")!)
func connect() {
socket.delegate = self
// MARK: Websocket Delegate Methods.
public func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocket) {
print("websocket is connected")
public func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocket, error: NSError?) {
if let e = error {
print("websocket is disconnected: \(e.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("websocket disconnected")
public func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocket, text: String) {
print("Received text: \(text)")
public func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocket, data: Data) {
print("Received data: \(data.count)")
// MARK: Write Text Action
#IBAction func writeText(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
socket.write(string: "hello there!")
// MARK: Disconnect Action
#IBAction func disconnect(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
if socket.isConnected {
sender.title = "Connect"
} else {
sender.title = "Disconnect"
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let service = MyService()
The reference to Service in ViewController was not stored anywhere so as soon as the function was run it was cleaned up. This is how I fixed it:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var service = MyService()
override func viewDidLoad() {
I'm not sure what is wrong with your code, it can be an endpoint issue, or WS is not allocated somehow. I have same code with Starscream working in Swift 3, here is the main part of my class.
class ConnectionManager {
private var savedSocket: WebSocket?
fileprivate var socket: WebSocket {
if let saved = savedSocket {
return saved
let wsURL = URL(string: UserDefaultsManager.wsURLString)!
savedSocket = WebSocket(url: wsURL)
return savedSocket!
func startSession() {
if (socket.isConnected) { return }
socket.headers = headers
socket.delegate = self
func endSession() {
if (socket.isConnected) {
extension ConnectionManager: WebSocketDelegate {
func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocket) {
func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocket, error: NSError?){
if let e = error {
log.error("websocket is disconnected with ERROR: \(e.localizedDescription)")
} else {
log.error("websocket disconnected")
func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocket, text: String){
func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocket, data: Data){
My code is not a best practise for sure, but it works without any problem. Try to use my version, maybe it will work for you.

Sinch video doen't want to work on iOS (Swift)

So basically I want to enable Sinch Video in iOS application.
For testing purposes I've created SinchManaevger which is singleton and I instatiate it in AppDelegate:
class SinchManager: NSObject, SINClientDelegate, SINCallClientDelegate {
static let sharedInstance = SinchManager()
var client: SINClient?
func initSinchClientWithUserId(id: String) {
if client == nil {
if case .Authenticated(let currentUser, _) = SessionManager.sharedInstance.state.value {
self.client = Sinch.clientWithApplicationKey("xyz", applicationSecret: "xyz", environmentHost: "sandbox.sinch.com", userId: currentUser.username)
self.client!.delegate = self
func clientDidStart(client: SINClient!) {
self.client!.callClient().delegate = self
func clientDidStop(client: SINClient!) {
func clientDidFail(client: SINClient!, error: NSError!) {
func client(client: SINCallClient!, didReceiveIncomingCall call: SINCall!) {
let sinchVC = SinchVC(username: currentUser.username)
let sinchNC = DNMMainNC(rootViewController: sinchVC)
sinchVC.call = call
And I've created Sinch ViewController which is initialized with username which will be called:
class SinchVC: UIViewController, SINCallDelegate {
private let videoController = SinchManager.sharedInstance.client!.videoController()
private let audioController = SinchManager.sharedInstance.client!.audioController()
private let callClient: SINCallClient
private var call: SINCall!
let username: String
private var mainView: SinchView { return view as! SinchView }
override func loadView() {
view = SinchView()
init(username: String) {
self.username = username
self.callClient = SinchManager.sharedInstance.client!.callClient()
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func viewDidLoad() {
call.delegate = self
self.videoController.localView().contentMode = .ScaleToFill
if self.call.direction == SINCallDirection.Incoming {
self.audioController.startPlayingSoundFile(self.pathForSound("incoming.wav") as String, loop: true)
if self.call.details.videoOffered {
print("video offered")
self.videoController.localView().contentMode = .ScaleToFill
mainView.answerButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(answer), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
mainView.declineButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(decline), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
func pathForSound(string: String) -> NSString {
let nsSt = NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath! as NSString
return nsSt.stringByAppendingPathComponent(string)
func answer() {
func decline() {
func callDidEstablish(call: SINCall!) {
func callDidEnd(call: SINCall!) {
func callDidProgress(call: SINCall!) {
self.audioController.startPlayingSoundFile(self.pathForSound("ringback.wav") as String, loop: true)
func callDidAddVideoTrack(call: SINCall!) {
Problem is when I try to call from my app to other phone with my app nothing happens (didReceiveIncomingCall delegate method doesn't get called at all)
If I try to call from my app to SinchVideo sample app then video call gets initiated normal. But when i call from SinchVideo app to my app nothing happens in my app. So probably i've forgot to add some notification or something to tell my app when the call is incoming. If you could help I would be very grateful. Thanks
EDIT: I managed to make didReceiveIncomingCall work but now call.answer isnt working. (nothing happens when call.answer is called and i see that my phone is ringing)
I am not sure what DNMMainNC does in your did recieve incoming call,
let sinchNC = DNMMainNC(rootViewController: sinchVC) What does DNMMainNC do?
sinchVC.call = call // private var?
But its looks kind of weird to set a private var call from your code, should that not be public or have a constructor like your init but with a call

Know when dictation has ended in a UITextView

I'd like to know when dictation has end (ideally also when it started).
My UIViewController which includes the UITextView conforms to the UITextInputDelegate protocol.
To make it work I had to subscribe to the UITextInputCurrentInputModeDidChangeNotification
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "changeInputMode:", name: UITextInputCurrentInputModeDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
and add the delegate there (it didn't work simply adding it to the viewDidLoad())
func changeInputMode(sender : NSNotification) {
textView.inputDelegate = self
Starting and stopping dictation the UITextInput now correctly calls the required delegate methods:
func selectionWillChange(textInput: UITextInput){ }
func selectionDidChange(textInput: UITextInput){ }
func textWillChange(textInput: UITextInput){ }
func textDidChange(textInput: UITextInput){ }
However what doesn't get called is
func dictationRecordingDidEnd() {
println("UITextInput Dictation ended")
Why? How can I get notified/call a method on dictation having ended?
Okay, here's what worked for me not using the UITextInput protocol but the UITextInputCurrentInputModeDidChangeNotification instead.
func changeInputMode(sender : NSNotification) {
var primaryLanguage = textView.textInputMode?.primaryLanguage
if primaryLanguage != nil {
var activeLocale:NSLocale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: primaryLanguage!)
if primaryLanguage == "dictation" {
// dictation started
} else {
// dictation ended
