Will there be a Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 'webview' control for MacOS? - webview

Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is in Beta on MacOS. Will there be a Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 'webview' control for MacOS? I suppose this is dependent on having support for .NET Core. Currently the support is limited to C++.
Is this same link, it says "In the future, we plan to support WebView2 on .NET.", I would assume this means .NET Core? Does anyone know what the plan is?

According to the comments in this Issue there is a plan to support Linux and MacOS, but probably only post 2021.
It is stated, that support for these platforms is on their Roadmap, though.

At present, we are not available with any information on whether there will a webview control for the MS Edge Chromium browser for MAC OS or not. We also don't have any information about it's future plan.
I suggest you wait for the official announcement from Microsoft about webview control for MAC OS.


Can an Office Add-in run without Edge/IE installed?

We have a client that wants to run our Excel Add-in (web-based Office Add-in written with office-js), however, they don't have Edge or IE installed.
They are running Version 2008 (Build 13127.21766) of Excel, which according to the documentation from Microsoft uses the EdgeHTML WebView (Edge Legacy)
I know with the WebView2 runtimes you can install the runtime separately since Windows 8.1 and 10 didn't come with that runtime.
Can the same process be followed for the EdgeHTML WebView (Edge Legacy), as in can we install an EdgeHTML WebView runtime while not having Edge installed?
If so can someone point me in the right direction on where to get this runtime from?
The only way to get the EdgeHTML webview installed is to install Edge.
Are you sure the client is on a Windows version? According to my knowledge, Excel 2008 which belongs to Office 2008 is only for Mac. You can refer to this doc and this page.
According to the doc you mentioned, they can use Safari for Office Add-ins on Mac.

Using openCV on a UWP Windows 10 Application

Is there a way to use OpenCV libraries on a UWP application for Windows 10 without needing to create my own wrappers around openCV or purchasing Emgu CV wrappers? I am aware that there is Android and iOS support (as stated in their page) but no reference for UWP or Windows 8 store apps whatsoever. It just states that Windows is supported.
Yes there is, but I think it is not offical yet, or maybe not finished/tested. It is developed at Microsoft and most of it should be merged into master branch of OpenCV now.
Source: https://msopentech.com/blog/2014/08/20/opencv-support-for-windows-universal-apps-now-available-on-github/#
Initial pull-request with WinRT support: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/3700

How can I get started with Xamarin from Visual Studio 2013?

I want to port a Compact Framework/Windows CE app to Xamarin to create Android and IOS (and possibly Windows Phone) "versions." I reckon I need Windows 8 for Windows Phone (8) but for now I thought I could get started with Android and IOS in moving this prehistoric app into the 21st century.
According to this article, I first need "Project linker" and can NuGet it, but searching for it via Tools > Extensions and Updates in VS 2013 returns no search results.
That article says you need VS 2012 or better; the direct link to "Project Linker," though, says it supports VS 2010.
Where do I go from here?
I went here, and am in the processing of downloading.
Here, it says, "Modern Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Xamarin uses Xamarin Studio on Mac OS X, and also Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio 2010 on Windows."
Yet in VS 2013, I do have project types now for Android and IOS*, so I reckon that's just a typo (hasn't been updated)?
although I don't have a Mac, so that is not possible for me right now; also, since I'm still on Windows 7 at work, Windows 8 Phone apps are not yet a possibility, either. So at present, Xamarin within Visual Studio is simply a replacement for Eclipse/Java in the creation of Android apps.
I've been waiting for something better than PhoneGap, and I think maybe I've found it. If MS were to buy this company and bake Xamarin into Visual Studio -- voila!/yowza/wow! The cats in Cupertino will have to reach for the Pepto-Bismol!
That's a bit outdated and there's a much better approach available today.
You can use Portable Class Libraries (PCL) to share code across project spanning iOS, Android, Windows (Phones) and even OSX.
See this article (and where it leads) for more details.
I certainly agree with #poupou that PCL's are the way to go (if possible). I would recommend James Montemagno's app on github. He just created this for channel9 using VS 2013. I just created a cross-platform app based off of this and it worked out well. I would only use the file-linking for the platform specific implementations with compiler directives. This can be seen in his ServiceRegistrar class in said app.
This SO answer actually explains how to get the 2012 Project Linker to work with 2013 if you still want to go that route and gives a link to the extension.
Also, you may want to check out MvvmCross. It is open-source, has a large user-base and following, and really helps with maximum code re-use. Best part, it uses PCLs and all of it's features (plugins) are available via nuget.
I would recommend reading the article #poupou posted, watching James' channel9 videos on his github page, and (if you want to check out mvvmcross) watch #slodge's N+1 videos on mvvmcross.

Delphi XE4: target linux desktop? (gui application)

I am embarking on a cross platform app, but not mobile. It will be win/osx/linux. Would love to use Delphi + firemonkey, but it appears linux is not a possible target?
The GUI will not be extensive. Most of the code is non visual.
What are my options here? (Do I end up using lazerous for the linux side.... and then I have to have a special UI there?)
Please let me know my options here, how to solve this cross platform dev project (and hopefully avoid c++).
Linux is not currently one of the supported operating systems, as can clearly be seen from the product description on the Embarcadero web site. If you need Linux/Unix support, XE4 and FireMonkey aren't an option. (XE4 supports Win32, Win64, OSX, and iOS.)
There's support for Linux planned at some point in the future (after Android, which is currently being developed and slated for release later this year).

Differences in developer experience between Mac and Windows versions of the Silverlight 3 runtime?

After last Friday's announcement, I'm just getting around to reading about the Silverlight 3 release. One of the first pages I visited was the Overview page, where it states, near the top of the page:
Currently there are two runtimes
available for users to experience
Silverlight content.
Windows Runtime - Mac Runtime
Both runtimes
support rich media capabilities and
enable fast, cost-effective delivery
of high-quality audio and video to all
major browsers including Firefox,
Safari and Internet Explorer running
on the Mac or on Windows. The designer
experience remains largely the same
for both runtimes as well. The main
difference resides in the developer
Does anyone know what this is referring to? Is there some difference for Silverlight developers between the two runtimes?
For one thing, the different run times will have different debug and error information. This will be important for developers.
I can't imagine what that statement refers to - the development I've done in Silverlight 2 and 3 works equally well on a Mac and a PC. There are no notes in the Silverlight documentation referring to a specific platform.
Maybe they're referring to the difference in tool sets - you can create SL apps on a Mac using Eclipse but that's a different experience than using VS on a PC. Of course if I found a bug in the Mac runtime plugin I'd be pretty much hosed, I have no idea how I'd troubleshoot other than to throw it over the wall to MS.
