Using openCV on a UWP Windows 10 Application - opencv

Is there a way to use OpenCV libraries on a UWP application for Windows 10 without needing to create my own wrappers around openCV or purchasing Emgu CV wrappers? I am aware that there is Android and iOS support (as stated in their page) but no reference for UWP or Windows 8 store apps whatsoever. It just states that Windows is supported.

Yes there is, but I think it is not offical yet, or maybe not finished/tested. It is developed at Microsoft and most of it should be merged into master branch of OpenCV now.
Initial pull-request with WinRT support:


Will there be a Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 'webview' control for MacOS?

Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is in Beta on MacOS. Will there be a Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 'webview' control for MacOS? I suppose this is dependent on having support for .NET Core. Currently the support is limited to C++.
Is this same link, it says "In the future, we plan to support WebView2 on .NET.", I would assume this means .NET Core? Does anyone know what the plan is?
According to the comments in this Issue there is a plan to support Linux and MacOS, but probably only post 2021.
It is stated, that support for these platforms is on their Roadmap, though.
At present, we are not available with any information on whether there will a webview control for the MS Edge Chromium browser for MAC OS or not. We also don't have any information about it's future plan.
I suggest you wait for the official announcement from Microsoft about webview control for MAC OS.

What technology stack does Autodesk FormIt use?

Autodesk's FormIt software exists on Windows,Web,Android and IOS.
Does anyone know what technology stack they are using?
For Desktop is C++ with Qt Framework. For Android is Java and for Web is HTML5 and JS
Because app is made for multiple platforms not means use same language in all. Only way to do that is using HTML5/JS in all platforms and that is not used in this case.

how to perform image processing on windows phone

kindly suggest an image processing library that work for windows phone. i was working on Aforge library but aforge is not compatible with windows phone .. so can any one suggest other library which is similar to aforge in working and perform hough transform in windows phone thanks in advance
I have recently ported all AForge libraries excluding the Video and Robotics libraries, but including the Imaging and related libraries, to portable class libraries, PCL. These portable class libraries currently target Windows Phone version 8 and higher, Windows Store apps (Windows 8 and higher) and .NET Framework 4.5 and higher.
You can find the PCL repository of AForge on Github, here. I am also providing pre-compiled PCL libraries, you'll find these under the Releases tab, here.
Targeting Windows Phone 7.1 is not realistically possible, since especially the Imaging libraries make heavy use of unsafe code. It is possible to employ unsafe code on Windows Phone 8, but not on Windows Phone 7.1.

DirectX SDK / VS2013 SDK setup

I am a beginning programmer university student and I want to apply myself outside of class with a side project. I wanted to start programming some simple directX stuff in C++ for practice and preparation for future classes.
However, I have Visual Studios 2013 installed and the DirectX SDK June version installed, and I can't seem to find any directX templates in visual studios. In tutorials I have watched, when a person goes into visual studios 2013 and clicks on "Visual C++", they have a lot more templates show up, including DirectX ones.
What step am I missing to be able to see these things in my Visual Studios 2013 professional?
Thank you in advance for the help!
There is no built-in templates for desktop DirectX, since you have installed the DirectX SDK, I recommend you use the Samples/Demos from the SDK(you can find it from DirectX Sample Browser), there is a sample called Empty Project, you can install that sample and write your code based on it.
There are only templates for DirectX Windows Store Apps. I cannot remember if it ever was DirectX Desktop templates in Visual Studio.
On a picture here you can see two default DirectX Windows Store Apps templates and new templates which you can to download.
Probably, in your tutorial there are some home made templates, or those which can be fond on a web. You can easily make your own template too.
If you really want to learn program for Desktop (and as you are trying to use DirectX SDK it is probably what you want), just follow the code that you can find in books and tutorials. Also it is a good idea not to copy any code, but to start your own projects(s) which will develop as long as you will develop your knowledge.
Note, that DirectX SDK was deprecated a while ago (latest version is dating June 2010). You must use Windows SDK for any new code. Though, you can compile old samples (which requires stuff not present in new SDK) with DirectX SDK. You could find interesting some of Q&A on that topic:
DirectX SDK vs Windows SDK: which one to use?
Working with Direct X and VS2012
and this blog on MSDN by Chuck Walbourn - MSFT :
Where is the DirectX SDK?
Where is the DirectX SDK (2013 Edition)?
Living without D3DX
Happy coding! ;)

OpenCV lib and WM

I just made an application using the OpenCV lib, and will be great if I can use this computer vision application on my PDA, which has Windows Mobile 6.0 on it.
Do you have any idea about how can I do this?
If you have Visual Studio, just create an embedded project. Check out the Windows Mobile Development Center for more information. Unless it's a very simple application or you're working with very low resolution images I would be surprised if you were able to get acceptable performance though.
