Making UI elements programmatically in iOS using Xcode in Objective-C - ios

I am trying to parse json data and convert it to form in iOS. I am successfully able to parse data and display it, however, i want to fix the UI and make it look more like an iOS form, perhaps using tableviews, etc.
How do I approach this? should I just use a tableviewController or use a tableview? (the fields are dynamically added, so I have no idea what type and how many fields I will have, until I make a call to the API and fetch the data from the json that I get)
Are there any easy to use libraries in iOS that I can use?

That's not how UI design works on iOS. For the specific example that you mentioned of a tableViewController getting fed from an API... You'll create a tableViewController and you will design a demo cell.
Then you will fetch the results from your API, parse it. And you will iterate over the results returned by the API, inside that iteration you will programatically create the table cells (thus ensuring that you are creating as many tables as you need).
Nevertheless this is a extremely vague question, and besides briefly explaining how this whole thing works on general terms, there is not much more I can do without you posting the code you have so far.
Allow me to refer you to this tutorial by NSCookBook that although old is gold when it comes to these things.


Sqlite Index usage in iOS

I am working on one App that uses very Bulk data, i.e it contains 1 table with 7,00,000 rows.
when I search from this I need to use (indexes), but i am not able to get it and use it in my App.
Can any one tell with simple example in iOS that shows exactly the working of INDEXES.
This is not best ans but it can give you lot of information about indexing and search type .

Dynamic Data population in Table view

I am very new to this IOS development. I am trying to get the Data dynamically from webservice to populate the Data in Table view so that it will be displayed like a Grid. Can Any one help me step by step or with an example so that I can proceed further. Main thing here is I an using storyboard and UINavigationController.
There are a lot of tutorials.
How to populate a tableView from the web
But maybe you need to begin for How to work with services
consuming REST Services
And your best friend here is the official documentation
Table View Programming Guide for iOS
You can have a look at this.
Here is a link to apple site that has a very good discussion about UITableView. Try to read it nicely it will help. Don't worry about JSON data if you know how UITableView works then you can find a way to display the JSON data in tableview. Here is a pretty good example how it works. :)
You should better check for some step by step tutorial and get a basic idea. Here is some links which you can start off:
Storyboard tutorial
Loading data from server in UITableview
AFNetworking crash course
Hope this helps! Happy Coding.

Tagging in ios development

I'm an absolute newbie on iOS Development at the minute so please pardon me if this seems like such a simple question to ask.
I want to build a project - almost like a note taking application - in which the user will be able to associate tags to their inputs. I'm sure many have seen them before - it's used in things like hashtags, or to give an example of an iOS app - Journalling apps like DayOne have it. It's basically used to generate tags for easy retrieval of a particular article.
My question is - how do you go about creating these kinds of tags? Particularly - how do you implement the tagging system that can generate custom tags for articles in the app?
Is it something that is built into Cocoa/SDK or do i have to look at something more complex like Core Data (NSPredicates) to learn how to create something like that?
OR is it something that has to be done programatically rather than a built in system in SDK?
In a super simple form (i.e. there are many ways you can build on this to make it scalable):
If each note is text, create an object with properties for the text and the tags
Make the tags property an array of strings
Store the notes in an array initially (archive to save to disk, or just practice with a non-saved version)
Make the user enter the tags (auto-tagging is an interesting topic...)
Consider using a token field (google for 3rd party implementations) for tag entry
Now, when a user starts a search for tagged content, iterate through each of the notes you have and run a predicate on the tag array. This could be done using NSPredicate, or you could ensure that all tags are saved in lower case and, to start with, require exact matching - so you could use '[tagArray containsObject:userEnteredTag];`
Look at real predicates
Look at Core Data (or SQLite if you love it)
You will need to use Core Data or SQLite3. Personally I would use SQLite but it is down to preference. I have used both but if you have any SQL knowledge then I wouldn't use Core Data. Having created an app with CoreData and using a lot of NSPredicates I found that the app had a lot of bug that appeared over time.
I changed it to use SQLite and now it runs perfectly.
As you are new to iOS I would recommend you take a look at Ray Wenderlich's tutorials. I learnt a lot from there.

What's the Best Way to Implement Paging with a List using jQuery Mobile and MVC?

I am building a media library from a tutorial to get up to speed on MVC 4. I did the whole thing and now I'm re-building it using jQuery Mobile. The only piece I've yet to find simple is paging which should be easy. Can someone steer me in the direction of a nice tutorial on the subject?
We do have similar kind of Use case.
Store the Data in Session object in the form of Dictionary in this form.
On click of Next or previous button in Pagination control, fetch data from Controller, bind data to appropriate control in the UI and show data.
Make sure to show only limited data in UI. Restrict the number[max 10 per page]
Format Dictionary

creating facebook style timeline in ios sdk

I am trying to creating something similar to facebook timeline in facebook website. I tried searching for some examples I could not find any. Can anyone give me pointers on how to get started if I want to create one or an existing example would be great.
Not an answer, but a pointer, If you'd thinking to make something like here, then its kind of tough and really need presence of mind to make it. First of all, source code is only avail with Mark Zuckerburg so in case you can ask him for that. If he'll deny, you should go ahead and,
Think of it, design of it, and start making it.
You need to make mocktail of UITableView's, UIImageView's, extra UILabel's and UIButton's for garnishing and test, and a well looking design that says yes its timeline.
Once you done with above, you need some test data, with a date inside it, perform descending sort with NSSortDescriptor. Update your timeline with those data you've. You've to check for the kind of data you want, or you've included. Set the layout as per the data you want to show.
and you'll say, Whoa! I've own timeline.
