How to handle Zapier authentiation failure propertly? - zapier

I'm trying to display a friendly message on the authentication failure prompt in Zapier. Throwing an Error or HaltedError is always showing the stack trace and the console logs which I'd like to get rid of. Is there a way to only display a custom message we specify?

Zapier has updated their UI recently. After "What happened", it now says, "You are seeing this because you are an admin". I take this to mean that the end users will not see the stack trace or console.


Any way to setup Alerts for Twilio SMS messages by excluding a group of errors, rather than by including each error specifically?

I am working on a project that encounters a series of errors everyday such as user unsubscribed, etc. (About 4 or 5 different error codes everyday)
These errors are inconsequential to the management and can be ignored.
Any way to configure the alerts on Twilio to email me when any error occurs which DOES NOT belong to the error group that is deemed inconsequential?
Doesn't have to be email, new to this and open to any savvy ways of keeping myself informed of new errors in an automated way.
As far as I can tell, I can only perform the opposite action(Setup 1 alert for each error code) on the Twilio code. This has the disadvantage of having to know the error code in advance before configuring the alert.
Open to any way of doing this, not just through the console(via a Python API etc.)
Thank you.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Can I suggest that you set up the event webhook as shown here:
It will send a webhook event to a server of yours for every error or warning that is triggered. You could then build a small service that receives those errors and discards the ones you don't care about and alerts you of ones that do matter.
On top of that, you can change the threshold of the error emails. If you always get 4-5 errors a day, making the alert threshold 6 errors may alert you if something is wrong that you don't expect.
Finally, the errors may be inconsequential, but you might find it easier to try to drive those errors to 0 every day anyway. If they are due to unsubscribed phone numbers, ensure to disable sending messages to those numbers once you detect that they are unsubscribed.

Graylog alerting on specific log occurrence

I have a question on how does one set up an email alert, when a certain error in found in the logs.
So basicly i have this sort of error :
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "something".
Now when this error, or similar error comes, i would love for graylog to alert certain people so they can react to it, however i have managed to only find information on how you set up alerts when there are too many messages coming through or something like that. If anyone has some experience with this sort of search and notify alert, would be much appreciated.
What version of Graylog are you using?
Have you tried the docs here:
Set your query, stream, intervals and then select "Filter has results" and it will generate an event each time the query comes up with a match. You can then use a notification to send emails to relevant users.
When you set an alarm, in the "conditions" section you can see there are two options.
One option is to aggregate the occurencies and then trigger the alarm when they reach a treshold, the other option is to just trigger the alarm as soon as there is a single occurency (that you need to define).
I personally used this option and it works fine. I've attached a screenshot of what I see from my graylog, but if you need additional informations, this is the page from Graylog documentation. I think it's very well explained :)

Changing messages on Slack

So I'm attempting to change a message in slack through my slackbot at the end of a chain of events. I'm able to change it for the first few instances, but I'm not able to do the very last one. I'm 99% sure that it is because I have reached the 5 interactions limit since I am indeed going through 5 interactions with the user prior to my final message. If this is the case, is there a way to change a message without server responses? I ask because the last message is simply a thank you message to the user for participating. It doesn't actually require any input from data on the server to accomplish. I feel like I read about doing it somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find it again. Any help or links would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: The user is interacting with buttons through interactive messages to respond to some questions. The current method of updating messages are with chat.update and setting "response_type": "ephemeral" within the json params that I am sending.
An alternative method to using chat.update is to simply reply with the message to the request from Slack. This will replace the existing message by default. It has no limit that I am aware of, so it solves your problem.
This works great with slash commands and interactive messages.
See here for more details.

A way of logging more info than error ID in Flurry?

I use Flurry 5.4.0 for iOS at the moment and I have a concern about being able to log more information than only an error ID when it comes to the method:
+ (void)logError:(NSString *)errorID message:(NSString *)message error:(NSError *)error;
You might wonder if I'm a bit slow, since there obviously exists a perfect parameter for just that, message:(NSString *)message. Well, unfortunately that message doesn't show up anywhere in the Flurry dashboard, which the Flurry Support Team confirmed in the answer that I got back (2014-08-30):
For error reporting, although you can pass the message in the logError function call - at the moment the dashboard doesn't have the provision to display the error message. This is something that is being considered in the long term feature road-map. Our product team is aware of this, and they would work on it, as a feature request. But, at the moment I do not have a time-line on if/when this would get implemented.
So, I don't really know how to proceed to add more important information "to" my errors. A first unsmart idea was to concatenate the information and send this in the first parameter:
errorID = errorID + errorMessage;
This to at least get the information to Flurry, but that would more or less always create unique error IDs and we would miss the great benefit of separating the errors into different kinds or errors. A really bad idea.
Apart from changing analytics provider I can't figure out a smart way to get hold of the own-created error information. Maybe I should just do that, or how do you add more useful error info to inspect at the Flurry dashboard?
Please feel free to speculate.
I asked the Flurry Team if I could get the message info from any of their ("requestable") open APIs instead and got this reply:
We do not have API that provides the error message. In addition to the errors section be sure to check the Technical -> Errors section. There is an exception log at the bottom that may provide some additional insight into the cause of your crashes.
When checking out the recommended section I found what I have been looking for. The message is located under the sub section called 'Exception Log'. I'd say that it's a bad placement, since it's more obvious to go look for logged errors under a section called 'Errors' than under 'Technical'. Right(?)
Flurry is a nice way to go so I would re frame what you define as an error and evaluate what is more important - getting the information back or getting it back as an error.
Option 1
I would log the events as some sort of sudo error (aka - "A bad thing happened" :) and use the parameters to bring back the additional details you are wanting.
Option 2
It was unclear in your response from the Flurry team if the information is completely unavailable or just not available within their portal/dashboard.
If you download the raw data from Flurry can you see the information you wanted and create your own dashboard as appropriate from that?
Hopefully this is enough speculation to get things flowing for you.

NSError code to detailed message

In my recent iOS APP I am trying to connect SSL server with past date via AFNetworking. I am getting the error "The operation couldn't be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012)". I searched apple doc and found this error mean "NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication" I need to show a more detailed error message on place of this High level message (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012). How can I convert this error code to more details string message. Should I need to do this my self (check error code and then show message accordingly) or Apple provide any other good way to show this message or is there any open source category or class available for the same. Already checked
Earlier I was interested in similar thing. But could not find anything useful. I think you have to do it yourself. There is not standard mapping from Error code to detail text.
You have to write a function yourself which may return text details from an error code.
The NSError instance itself provides the most detailed messages about an error, through methods such as localizedDescription.
You've hit up against a bit of a special case though, in NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication. It should only be generated in response to your code cancelling an authentication challenge. i.e. by calling completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil) or [challenge.sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge:challenge].
The framework figures that if a challenge has been cancelled, it's because the user asked to (and so there's no further UI to display), or your code chose to, and should display its own specific error info to the user.
Is there a bit of your code that is performing such a cancellation? Can you give us a bit more detail?
