Customize TextInputLayout with hint inside TextInputEditText - android-edittext

I'm trying to customize my TextInputLayout to make it like this:
I already tried lots of things using xml attributes but with style="#style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox" but no success, the hint is always at border level with that space(like the default material).
It's possible to achieve this layout only using the TextInputLayout attributes or I'll have to create a custom view? If so, how would I control the hint animation?


Custom scrollbars for <vaadin-combo-box> , impossible?

I'm using vaadin-combo-box and I have a problem. I have no clue how to customize look and feel of scrollbars for the dropdown. I read about styling parts and I know how to do it but this seems to be impossible. Cant figure out the way to select #scroller element because it has been design not to be a "part" to style. However that is the only way I can think of to apply custom style to dropdown scrollbars. How can that be accomplished?
Thanks in advance for help.
Turns out that as of today there is no way of having customized styling on scrollbars for vaadin-combo-box component. Element responsible for scrolling resides inside contents shadow DOM and is inaccessible from outside nor its going to inherit style implemented on the parent part [part="content"]
The dropdown part is called vaadin-combo-box-overlay, see: And it is available for styling.
This allows to style the dropdown to some extent, but there is additional shadow root, that prevents to apply e.g. ::-webkit-scrollbar styles on #scroller element.
So the last option would be to make a copy of the vaadin-combo-box html file in right place in frontend directory. It happens so that that file will be used instead of the one coming from webjar. Then you can edit that html file directly. Of course this means that if there are changes in future versions of vaadin-combo-box, you need to copy again, re-apply changes

Bind click on TextInputEditText in TextInputLayout

I've created a custom control whose layout is roughly like this
For a use case, I would like to attach a command to the click event on the TextInputLayout in order to open up a datepicker fragment from the view model. So I proceeded like this:
app:MvxBind="Click SaveDateCommand"/>
However, the click event wont trigger the "SaveDateCommand". In my control I have added stylable properties to control the "focusable" and "focusableInTouchMode" of the TextInputEditText widget; I've set those to false to no avail. I also went the custom binding route. Didn't work either. As of know I have written the barebones layout for my control into the main layout to bind a click with a command in TextInputEditText.
app:MvxBind="Click SaveDateCommand"/>
However, I have the gut feeling that there has a to be a better way to do it. Thank you for your share of expertise on this one.

Vaadin Grid wrap labels in componentColumns

I'm currently working on a webapp project in Vaadin 10. On the main page there's an overview of your current chats. Each chat is displayed as a bubble looking like:
It contains an image and a label.
I placed the bubbles in a Grid to ensure fast loading and flexibility like this:
`Grid<VisualGroup> cloudGrid = new Grid<VisualGroup>();
My problem is that the label does not wrap when I put the components in the grid. If I create the component independently the text wraps correctly like:
But if I use the grid like described above it looks:
Does anyone know how to get text wrapping working in ComponentColumns in Vaadin?
If anyone knows the exact attribute I need to overwrite to get just the wrapping working and not delete every thing else that would probably the best solution. But for now that is a workaround.

Windows Phone Application Bar TextBox

I was wondering, if it is somehow possible to add a TextBox in the Application Bar area (the same way the Internet Explorer does), but I didn't find any information source about this. Have you any idea, how to accomplish this task?
You will not be able to add UIElements inside ApplicationBar as it is not derived from UIElement.
Alternatively, you can try adding a Grid at the bottom of the screen and color it similar to the ApplicationBar. Then add a TextBlock inside the Grid. This is just a workaround and not recommended as it is not according to the standards.
You can also check the following link:

How to set a border on a Vaadin component?

I would like to programmatically set a border around a Form component in Java. How can I do this without having to edit the css style sheet?
You could wrap the form with a Panel component, which has a border defined already. Otherwise, not much alternatives than just using CSS.
One option, if you wish to stay inside the server environment, is to use the CSSInject add-on and add the border using that (you still need to write CSS, but you can do it on the server in a Java file and not inside a regular CSS file).
Vaadin Flow — Style::set to specify CSS
In Vaadin Flow (Vaadin versions 10 and later), you can conveniently set CSS for a widget or layout programmatically. No need to edit separate CSS files, even though styling with CSS files is the recommended way.
On your widget/layout, call getStyle to retrieve the Style object.
On that Style object, call set to pass the name and value of your CSS property.
For example, I find setting a bright colored border on my nested layouts quite helpful for debugging.
myVerticalLayout.getStyle().set( "border" , "6px dotted DarkOrange" ) ;
You can see this in action with this screenshot on my Answer to another Vaadin question here:
