Named container shared between different docker-compose files - docker

I've seen some similar questions but found no solution for myself.
I have 2 docker-compose files, I have created a named volume and I'm currently using it like this:
- volume_static:/path/to/container
name: static
During the build process, it happens that the script adds some new file to this volume, but then, the second docker-compose, which mount the volume in the exact same manner, have no access to the new data, I need to restart it to make it work.
Is this the right approach?
I just need to push some new file in the volume from one docker-compose, and see them directly on the second docker-compose (yeah I know, docker, but saying specifying compose give a better idea on what is my problem) without restarting and building the service
Is this possible?

Docker believes named volumes are there to hold user data, and other things that aren't part of the normal container lifecycle.
If you start a container with an empty volume, only the very first time you run it, Docker will load content from the image into the volume. Docker does not have an update mechanism for this: since the volume presumably holds user data, Docker can't risk corrupting it by overwriting files with content from the updated image.
The best approach here is to avoid sharing files at all. If the files are something like static assets for a backend application, you can COPY --from those files from the backend image into a proxy image, using the image name and tag of your backend application (COPY --from=my/backend ...). That avoids the need for the volume altogether.
If you really must share files in a volume, then the container providing the files needs to take responsibility for copying in the files itself when it starts up. An entrypoint script is the easiest place to do this; it gives you a hook to run things as the container starts (and volumes exist and are mounted) but before running the main container process.
set -e
# Populate (or update) the shared static tree
cp -r ./app/assets /static
# Now run the image CMD
exec "$#"
Make this script be the ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile; it must use the JSON-array syntax. You can leave your CMD unchanged. If you've split an interpreter and filename into separate ENTRYPOINT and CMD you can combine those into a single CMD line (and probably should anyways).
CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]
In terms of build lifecycle, images are built without any of the surrounding Compose ecosystem; they are not aware of the network environment, volumes, environment variables, bind mounts, etc.; so when you rebuild the image you build a new changed image but don't modify the volume at all. The very first time you run the whole file, since the named volume is empty, it is populated with content from the volume, but this only happens the very first time you run it.
Rebuilding images and restarting containers is extremely routine in Docker and I wouldn't try to avoid that. (It's so routine that re-running docker-compose up -d will delete and recreate an existing container if it needs to in order to change settings.)


How docker detects which changes should be saved and which not?

I know that when we stop docker our changes are lost. There are many answers how to prevent this - commit each time. Idea is that when docker runs it will spin up a fresh container based on the image. On the other hand container persists some data after it exists unless you start using --rm.
Just to simplify:
If you run apt-get install vim, you must commit to save the change
BUT If you change nginx.conf or upload new file to HDFS, you do not lose the data.
So, just curious:
How docker knows what to save and what not? Ex: At the end of apt-get-install we have new files in the system. The same is when I upload new file. for the container/image there is NO difference , Right? Just I/O modification. So how docker know which modification should be saved when we stop the image?
The basic rules here:
Anything you explicitly store outside the container — a database, S3 — will outlive the container.
If you attach a volume to the container when you create the container using a docker run -v option or a Docker Compose volumes: option, any data written to that directory outlives the container. (If it’s a named volume, it lasts until you docker volume rm it.)
Anything else in the container filesystem is lost as soon as you docker rm the container.
If you need things like your application source code or a helper tool installed in an image, write a Dockerfile to describe how to build the image and run docker build. Check the Dockerfile into source control alongside your application.
The general theory of working with Docker is that you always start from a clean slate. When you docker build an image, you start from a base image and install your application into it; you never try to upgrade an installed application. Similarly, when you docker run a container, you start from a fresh copy of its image.
So the clearest answer to the question you ask is really, if you consistently docker rm a container when you stop it, when you docker run a new container, it will have the base image plus the content from the mounted volumes. Docker will never automatically persist anything outside of this.
You should never run docker commit: this leads to magic images that can’t be recreated later (in six months when you discover a critical security issue that risks taking your site down). Similarly, you should never install software in a running container, because it will be lost as soon as the container exits; add it to your Dockerfile and rebuild.
For any Container working with the Docker platform by default all the data generated is temporary and all the file generation or data generation is temporary and no data will persist if you have not mounted the filesystem part of if you have not attached volumes to the container.
IF you are finding that the nginx.conf is getting reused even after changes i would suggest try to find what directories are you trying to mount or mapped to the docker volumes.
The configurations for nginx which reside at /etc/nginx/conf.d/* and you might be mapping the volume with this directory. So if you make any changes in a working container and then remove the container the data will still persist as the data gets written to the writable layer. If the new container which you deploy later with the same volume mapping you will find all the changes you had initially done in the previous case are reflected in the newer container as well.

Windows Container with Sidecar for data

I am trying to setup a windows nanoserver container as a sidecar container holding the certs that I use for SSL. Because the SSL cert that I need changes in each environment, I need to be able to change the sidecar container (i.e. dev-cert container, prod-cert container, etc) at startup time. I have worked out the configuration problems, but am having trouble using the same pattern that I use for Linux containers.
On linux containers, I simply copy my files into a container and use the VOLUMES step to export my volume. Then, on my main application container, I can use volumes_from to import the volume from the sidecar.
I have tried to follow that same pattern with nanoserver and cannot get working. Here is my dockerfile:
# Building stage
FROM microsoft/nanoserver
RUN mkdir c:\\certs
COPY . .
VOLUME c:/certs
The container builds just fine, but I get the following error when I try and run it. The dockerfile documentation says the following:
Volumes on Windows-based containers: When using Windows-based
containers, the destination of a volume inside the container must be
one of:
a non-existing or empty directory
a drive other than C:
so I thought, easy, I will just switch to the D drive (because I don't want to export an empty directory like #1 requires). I made the following changes:
# Building stage
FROM microsoft/windowservercore as build
VOLUME ["d:"]
WORKDIR c:/certs
COPY . .
RUN copy c:\certs d:
and this container actually started properly. However, I missed in the docs where is says:
Changing the volume from within the Dockerfile: If any build steps
change the data within the volume after it has been declared, those
changes will be discarded.
so, when I checked, I didn't have any files in the d:\certs directory.
So how can you mount a drive for external use in a windows container if, #1 the directory must be empty to make a VOLUME on the c drive in the container, and use must use VOLUME to create a d drive, which is pointless because anything put in there will not be in the final container?
Unfortunately you cannot use Windows containers volumes in this way. Also this limitation is the reason why using database containers (like microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer) is a real pain. You cannot create volume on non-empty database folder and as a result you cannot restore databases after container re-creation.
As for your use case, I would suggest you to utilize a reverse proxy (like Nginx for example).
You create another container with Nginx server and certificates inside. Then you let it handle all incoming HTTPS requests, terminate SSL/TLS and then pass request to inner application container using plain HTTP protocol.
With such deployment you don't have to copy and install HTTPS certificates to all application containers. There is only one place where you store certificates and you can change dev/test/etc certificates just by using different Nginx image versions (or by binding certificate folder using volume).
Also if you still want to use sidecar container you can try one small hack. So basically you will move this operation
COPY . .
from build time to runtime (after container starts).
Something like this:
FROM microsoft/nanoserver
RUN mkdir c:\\certs_in
RUN mkdir c:\\certs_out
VOLUME c:/certs_out
CMD copy "C:\certs_in" *.* "D:\certs_out"

How to keep changes inside a container on the host after a docker build?

I have a docker-compose dev stack. When I run, docker-compose up --build, the container will be built and it will execute
RUN composer install --quiet
That command will write a bunch of files inside the ./vendor/ directory, which is then only available inside the container, as expected. The also existing vendor/ on the host is not touched and, hence, out of date.
Since I use that container for development and want my changes to be available, I mount the current directory inside the container as a volume:
- ./:/var/www/myapp/
This loads an outdated vendor directory into my container; forcing me to rerun composer install either on the host or inside the container in order to have the up to date version.
I wonder how I could manage my docker-compose stack differently, so that the changes during the docker build on the current folder are also persisted on the host directory and I don't have to run the command twice.
I do want to keep the vendor folder mounted, as some vendors are my own and I like being able to modifiy them in my current project. So only mounting the folders I need to run my application would not be the best solution.
I am looking for a way to tell docker-compose: Write all the stuff inside the container back to the host before adding the volume.
You can run a short side container after docker-compose build:
docker run --rm -v /vendor:/target my-app cp -a vendor/. /target/.
The cp could also be something more efficient like an rsync. Then after that container exits, you do your docker-compose up which mounts /vendor from the host.
Write all the stuff inside the container back to the host before adding the volume.
There isn't any way to do this directly, but there are a few options to do it as a second command.
as already suggested you can run a container and copy or rsync the files
use docker cp to copy the files out of a container (without using a volume)
use a tool like dobi (disclaimer: dobi is my own project) to automate these tasks. You can use one image to update vendor, and another image to run the application. That way updates are done on the host, but can be built into the final image. dobi takes care of skipping unnecessary operations when the artifact is still fresh (based on modified time of files or resources), so you never run unnecessary operations.

Is there a way to replicate pwd in a volume mount for docker in a boot2docker context?

So currently I can do: docker -v .:/usr/src/app or even specify it in my docker-compose.yml:
- .:/usr/src/app
But when I attempt to define this in my Dockerfile:
VOLUME .:/usr/src/app
It doesn't mount anything.
Now I understand the complexities in that I'm using OSX and so I have to virtualize the environment to run Docker via boot2docker, and that boot2docker solves the copy issue by mounting /User to the linux machine running Docker.
The documentation wants me to be explicit, but since my explicitness would require me to name my user (in this case /User/krainboltgreene/code/krainboltgreene/blankrails) it seems non-idiomatic, as that obviously doesn't work on other people's environments.
What's the solution for this? I mean, I can technically get this all working without (as noted above the CLI and compose works fine), but it means not being able to do project specific provisioning (bower install, npm install, vulcanize, etc).
You can't specify a host directory for a volume inside a Dockerfile, because of the portability reasons you mention (not everyone will have the same directories and there are security issues regarding mounting sensitive files).
If you instead do:
VOLUME /usr/src/app
Docker will automatically set up a volume at run-time for the folder, which will be mapped to a directory under /var/lib/docker/volumes.
If you want to be able to quickly make changes during development, I would suggest using COPY in the Dockerfile, but mounting local changes over the top with a volume at run-time. This has the disadvantage that if you volume mount a folder, all the contents of that directory in the container will be hidden (rather than merged).
The docker run -v .:/usr/src/app ... command as well as the docker-compose definitions are executing during runtime. Whereas the Dockerfile instructions are executed during build time.
By the way the instruction in your Dockerfile is syntactically incorrect. It should be VOLUME /usr/src/app instead.
That VOLUME keyword only defines that later during runtime this location will be stored on a volume. So all files that you add by further Dockerfile instructions or manual commits to that location are ignored and not added to the resulting image.
Now during runtime when you did not specify a volume it Docker will generate a volume for you which is empty by default.
To have your docker-compose setup working for other colleagues you could simply make the docker-compose configuration file being part of your blankrails project folder. Everybody then runs docker-compose from within that directory and your provided configuration will work.
I do not know exactly what you mean with project specific provisioning. But if your aim is to provide default contents for the defined volume you could do something like the following:
Add all required project files during the Dockerfile build to a /bootstrap folder on the image.
Instead of executing your app directly use a start shell script for CMD.
In that start script you can check whether the volume mounted to /usr/src/app is empty or not. When it is empty copy all the /bootstrap contents into it.
Afterwards start your app from within that script in foreground.
With that approach you can easily provide a default file set for mounted volumes. And when you re-use that volume e.g. after a container restart the container just works with the files that are on the volume without touching them again during startup. So modified files will be persisted.

How can I mount a file in a container, that isn't available before first run?

I'm trying to build a Dockerfile for a webapp that uses a file-based database. I would like to be able to mount the file from the host*
The file is in the root of the complete software install, so it's not really ideal to mount that complete dir.
Another problem is that before the first use, the database-file isn't created yet. A first time user won't have a database, but another user might. I can't 'mount' anything during a build** I believe.
It could probably work like this:
First/new database start:
Start the container (without mount).
The webapp creates a database.
Stop the container
subsequent starts:
Start the container using a -v to mount the file
It would be better if that extra start/stop isn't needed for a user. Even if it is, I'm still looking for a way to do this userfriendly, possibly having 2 'methods' of starting it (maybe I can define a first-boot thing in docker-compose as well as a 'normal' method?).
How can I do this in a simpel way, so that it's clear for any first time users?
* The reason is that you can copy your Dockerfile and the database file as a backup, and be up and running with just those 2 elements.
** How to mount host volumes into docker containers in Dockerfile during build
One approach that may work is:
Start the database in the build file in such a way that it has time to create the default file before exiting.
Declare a VOLUME in the Dockerfile for the file after the above instruction. This will cause the file to be copied into the volume when a container is started, assuming you don't explicitly provide a host path
Use data-containers rather than volumes. So the normal usage would be:
docker run --name data_con my_db echo "my_db data container"
docker run -d --volumes-from data_con my_db
The first container should exit immediately but set up the volume that is used in the second container.
I was trying to achieve something similar and managed to do it by mounting a folder, instead of the file, and creating a symlink in the Dockerfile, initially pointing to a non-existing file:
version: '3.0'
build: .
- ./data:/data
command: ['bash']
FROM bash:latest
RUN ln -s /data/.bash_history /root/.bash_history
Then you can run the container with:
docker-compose run --rm bash
With this setup, you can push an empty "data" folder into the repository for example (and exclude its content with .gitignore). In the first run, inside the container /root/.bash_history will be a "broken" symlink, pointing to a file that does not exist. When you exit the shell, bash will write the history to /root/.bash_history, which will end up in /data/.bash_history.
This is probably not the correct approach.
If you have multiple containers that are trying to share some information through the file-system, you should probably let them share some directory.
That way, the flow is simple and very hard to get wrong.
You simply mount the same directory, say /data (from the host's perspective) into all the containers that are trying to use it.
When an application starts and it can't find anything inside that directory, it can gracefully stop and exit with a code that says: "Cannot start, DB not initialized yet".
You can then configure some mechanism with a growing timeout to try and restart that container until you're successful.
On the other hand, the app that creates the DB can start and create it inside the directory or find an existing file to use.
