Which way to compare maps in Elixir - erlang

Given two large and different maps defined as follows
Interactive Elixir (1.9.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> m1 = Map.new(1..1_000_000 |> Enum.map(&{&1, &1})); :ok
iex(2)> m2 = Map.new(2..1_000_000 |> Enum.map(&{&1, &1})); :ok
it takes a significant time difference when comparing them using ==/2 and Map.equal?/2
iex(3)> :timer.tc(fn -> m1 == m2 end)
{21, false}
iex(4)> :timer.tc(fn -> Map.equal?(m1, m2) end)
{20487, false}
What is the reason of this time difference between ==/2 and Map.equal?/2, and which to use?
Equivalently, which to use between ==/2 and ===/2? (because Map.equal?/2 calls to ===/2, see here)

Indeed, Map.equal?/2 is simply delegating to Kernel.===/2.
Kernel.===/2 is delegating to :erlang."=:="/2 and Kernel.==/2 is delegating to :erlang."=="/2. The latter compares numbers while the former compares values and types.
Consider the following example.
%{1 => 1} == %{1 => 1.0}
#⇒ true
%{1 => 1} === %{1 => 1.0}
#⇒ false
That said, Kernel.===/2 should compare all the values. OTOH, Erlang/OTP reference explicitly states that
Maps are ordered by size, two maps with the same size are compared by keys in ascending term order and then by values in key order. In maps, key order integers types are considered less than floats types.
If it was indeed true, two maps of the different size, as in your example, should have returned in the nearly same time.
The summing up, I would consider this time difference to be a bug in :erlang."=:="/2 implementation, worth to report to Erlang team.


What alternatives exist for representing sets in Z3?

Per this answer the Z3 set sort is implemented using arrays, which makes sense given the SetAdd and SetDel methods available in the API. It is also claimed here that if the array modification functions are never used, it's wasteful overhead to use arrays instead of uninterpreted functions. Given that, if my only uses of a set are to apply constraints with IsMember (either on individual values or as part of a quantification), is it a better idea to use an uninterpreted function mapping from the underlying element sort to booleans? So:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
string_set = SetSort(StringSort())
x = String('x')
s.add(IsMember(x, string_set))
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
string_set = Function('string_set', StringSort(), BoolSort())
x = String('x')
Are there any drawbacks to this approach? Alternative representations with even less overhead?
Those are really your only options, as long as you want to restrict yourself to the standard interface. In the past, I also had luck with representing sets (and in general relations) outside of the solver, keeping the processing completely outside. Here's what I mean:
from z3 import *
def FSet_Empty():
return lambda x: False
def FSet_Insert(val, s):
return lambda x: If(x == val, True, s(val))
def FSet_Delete(val, s):
return lambda x: If(x == val, False, s(val))
def FSet_Member(val, s):
return s(val)
x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
myset = FSet_Insert(x, FSet_Insert(y, FSet_Insert(z, FSet_Empty())))
s = Solver()
s.add(FSet_Member(2, myset))
Note how we model sets by unary relations, i.e., functions from values to booleans. You can generalize this to arbitrary relations and the ideas carry over. This prints:
[x = 2, z = 4, y = 3]
You can easily add union (essentially Or), intersection (essentially And), and complement (essentially Not) operations. Doing cardinality is harder, especially in the presence of complement, but that's true for all the other approaches too.
As is usual with these sorts of modeling questions, there's no single approach that will work best across all problems. They'll all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'd recommend creating a single API, and implementing it using all three of these ideas, and benchmarking your problem domain to see what works the best; keeping in mind if you start working on a different problem the answer might be different. Please report your findings!

Why do Maps have slower lookup property than Records in Erlang?

I'm reading Programming Erlang, in Chapter 5 of the book it says:
Records are just tuples in disguise, so they have the same storage and performance
characteristics as tuples. Maps use more storage than tuples and have
slower lookup properties.
In languages I've learned before, this is not the case. Maps are usually implemented as a Hash Table, so the lookup time complexity is O(1); Records (Tuples with names) are usually implemented as an immutable List, and the lookup time complexity is O(N).
What's different in the implementation of these data structures in Erlang?
There's no real practical performance difference between record lookup and map lookup for small numbers of fields. For large numbers of fields, though, there is, because record information is known at compile time while map keys need not be, so maps use a different lookup mechanism than records. But records and maps are not intended as interchangeable replacements, and so comparing them for use cases involving anything more than a small number of fields is pointless IMO; if you know the fields you need at compile time, use records, but if you don't, use maps or another similar mechanism. Because of this, the following focuses only on the differences in performance of looking up one record field and one map key.
Let's look at the assembler for two functions, one that accesses a record field and one that accesses a map key. Here are the functions:
-record(foo, {f}).
r(#foo{f=X}) ->
m(#{f := X}) ->
Both use pattern matching to extract a value from the given type instance.
Here's the assembly for r/1:
{function, r, 1, 2}.
The interesting part here starts under {label,2}. The code verifies that the argument is a tuple, then verifies the tuple's arity, and extracts two elements from it. After verifying that the first element of the tuple is equal to the atom foo, it returns the value of the second element, which is record field f.
Now let's look at the assembly of the m/1 function:
{function, m, 1, 4}.
This code verifies that the argument is a map, then extracts the value associated with map key f.
The costs of each function come down to the costs of the assembly instructions. The record function has more instructions but it's likely they're less expensive than the instructions in the map function because all the record information is known at compile time. This is especially true as the key count for the map increases, since that means the get_map_elements call has to potentially wade through more map data to find what it's looking for.
We can write functions to call these accessors numerous times, then time the new functions. Here are two sets of recursive functions that call the accessors N times:
call_r(N) ->
call_r(_,0) ->
call_r(F,N) ->
1 = r(F),
call_m(N) ->
call_m(#{f => 1},N).
call_m(_,0) ->
call_m(M,N) ->
1 = m(M),
We can call these with timer:tc/3 to check the execution time for each function. Let's call each one ten million times, but do so 50 times and take the average execution time. First, the record function:
1> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_r,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
This means calling the function ten million times took an average of 238ms. Now, the map function:
2> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_m,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
Calling the map function ten million times averaged 236ms per call. Your mileage will vary of course, as did mine; I observed that running each multiple times sometimes resulted in the record function being faster and sometimes the map function being faster, but neither was ever faster by a large margin. I'd encourage you to do your own measurements, but it seems that there's virtually no performance difference between the two, at least for accessing a single field via pattern matching. As the number of fields increases, though, the difference in performance becomes more apparent: for 10 fields, maps are slower by about 0.5%, and for 50 fields, maps are slower by about 50%. But as I stated up front, I see this as being immaterial, since if you're trying to use records and maps interchangeably you're doing it wrong.
UPDATE: based on the conversation in the comments I clarified the answer to discuss performance differences as the number of fields/keys increases, and to point out that records and maps are not meant to be interchangeable.
UPDATE: for Erlang/OTP 24 the Erlang Efficiency Guide was augmented with a chapter on maps that's worth reading for detailed answers to this question.
I have different results when repeat the test with Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6].
Disassembled code is different for r/1:
The record lookup is 1.5+ times faster.
{function, r, 1, 2}.
{function, m, 1, 4}.
9> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_r,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
10> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_m,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
After I declared -compile({inline, [r/1, m/1]}).
13> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_r,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
14> lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f2,call_m,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
I compared record with 10 elements to map of the same size. In this case records proved to be more than 2 times faster.
-compile({inline, [r/1, m/1]}).
-export([call_r/1, call_r/2, call_m/1, call_m/2]).
-define(I, '2').
-define(V, 2 ).
-record(foo, {
r(#foo{?I = X}) ->
m(#{?I := X}) ->
call_r(N) ->
'1' = 1,
'2' = 2,
'3' = 3,
'4' = 4,
'5' = 5,
'6' = 6,
'7' = 7,
'8' = 8,
'9' = 9,
'0' = 0
}, N).
call_r(_,0) ->
call_r(F,N) ->
?V = r(F),
call_m(N) ->
'1' => 1,
'2' => 2,
'3' => 3,
'4' => 4,
'5' => 5,
'6' => 6,
'7' => 7,
'8' => 8,
'9' => 9,
'0' => 0
}, N).
call_m(_,0) ->
call_m(F,N) ->
?V = m(F),
% lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f22,call_r,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
% 229777.3
% lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f22,call_m,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
% 395897.68
% After declaring
% -compile({inline, [r/1, m/1]}).
% lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f22,call_r,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
% 130859.98
% lists:sum([element(1,timer:tc(f22,call_m,[10000000])) || _ <- lists:seq(1,50)])/50.
% 306490.6
% 306490.6 / 130859.98 .
% 2.34212629407401

Finding if Integer is Even or Odd

I am learning Erlang and one of the problems as per Joe's book states
The function even(X) should return true if X is an even integer and
otherwise false. odd(X) should return true if X is an odd integer.
The way I solve this is
%% API
-export([even/1, odd/1]).
even(Integer) -> (Integer >= 0) and (Integer rem 2 =:= 0).
odd(Integer) -> (Integer >= 1) and (Integer rem 2 =/= 0).
and run this as
Eshell V6.2 (abort with ^G)
1> math_functions:odd(13).
2> math_functions:odd(-13).
3> math_functions:odd(1).
4> math_functions:even(1).
5> math_functions:even(2).
6> math_functions:even(-2).
The question I have is if there are better ways to do this
You could use guards to limit yourself to integers greater than or equal to zero, and then simply check the least-significant bit as suggested in the comment to your question. You can also define odd/1 in terms of even/1:
even(X) when X >= 0 -> (X band 1) == 0.
odd(X) when X > 0 -> not even(X).
The guards are part of the function-head, so if you call even(-1) it will fail to match in exactly the same way as if you called even(1, 2) (i.e. with the wrong number of arguments).
Answer to Daydreamer comment about Steve answer.
When you write a function, a frequent usage in erlang is to code only the "success" cases and let crash the unsuccessful cases (I'll come back later to explain why it is important).
Another criteria, valid for any language, is to avoid surprise when someone use or read your code.
In one of your comment you say that the odd and even functions you want to write are limited to positive or null integers (I won't discuss this choice, and at least the odd and even functions are limited to integers). This means that you have to ask yourself a first question: what is the behavior of my function if it is called with a bad parameter.
First choice: let it crash this the Steve proposition: the function works only with the correct arguments. I always prefer this solution. The only exception is if I do not master the input parameters, for example if they come directly from a file, a user interface ... Then I prefer the third choice.
Second choice: return a result this is your choice: you return false. From a logic point of view, for odd and even function, returning false is valid: is something is not true, it is false :o). I don't like this solution for 2 reasons. The first one is that it is not something you can generalize easily to something else than boolean answer. The second and more important to me, is that it may surprise the user. When the function odd(N) return false, it is reasonable to think that N is even, while in this case odd(-2) and even(-2) will both return false.
third choice: return a tagged result this is something you see very often in erlang: a function return either {ok,Value} or {Error,Term}. doing this you let the choice to the calling function to manage or not a bad arguments errors. the Error variable allows you to have explicit error messages, useful for debug and also user interface. In your example the code becomes:
even(X) when is_integer(X), X >= 0 -> {ok,(X band 1) == 0};
even(X) -> {illegal_param,X}.
odd(X) when is_integer(X), X >= 0 -> {ok,(X band 1) == 1};
odd(X) -> {illegal_param,X}.
When programming, it is important to detect error as soon as possible, in erlang it is even more important. If one process does not detect (and the simplest detection is crash) and error and propagate some invalid information through messages, it may be very difficult to find the root cause of a problem, ignoring which process (maybe died) issued this message. Coding only the success cases is an easy way to detect problems as soon as possible.
Find the no if even
%functions that manipulate functions are called higher-order %functions, and the data type that represents a function in Erlang is %called a fun. here in below example you see FUNCTIONS THAT HAVE %FUNCTIONS AS THEIR ARGUMENTS
% K is an example list
1> K=[4,5,6,8,10].
% Use lisst:filter to perform no/2 and filter if rem=0
2> lists:filter(fun(J)->(J rem 2)=:=0 end, K).
Another way:
% Function to check even
22> Checkeven=fun(U)->(U rem 2)=:=0 end.
23> Checkeven(5).
% Define a test list
25> K=[1,2,3,4,5].
% Use lists filter to apply Checkeven func to all elements of k
26> lists:filter(Checkeven,K).
%Using List comprehension
42> K.
% For all elements of K check remainder of elem/2 is zero
43> [(S rem 2=:=0) || S<-K].

Option type benchmark using F#

I need to use Some/None options in heavy numerical simulations. The following micro benchmark gives me Fast = 485 and Slow = 5890.
I do not like nulls and even if I liked them I cannot use null because The type 'float' does not have 'null' as a proper value.
Ideally there would be a compiler option that would compile Some/None into value/null so there would be no runtime penalty. Is that possible? Or how shall I make Some/None efficient?
let s = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
for h in 0 .. 1000 do
Array.init 100000 (fun i -> (float i + 1.)) |> ignore
printfn "Fast = %d" s.ElapsedMilliseconds
for h in 0 .. 1000 do
Array.init 100000 (fun i -> Some (float i + 1.)) |> ignore
printfn "Slow = %d" s.ElapsedMilliseconds
None is actually already represented as null. But since option<_> is a reference type (which is necessary for null to be a valid value in the .NET type system), creating Some instances will necessarily require heap allocations. One alternative is to use the .NET System.Nullable<_> type, which is similar to option<_>, except that:
it's a value type, so no heap allocation is needed
it only supports value types as elements, so you can create an option<string>, but not a Nullable<string>. For your use case this seems like an unimportant factor.
it has runtime support so that boxing a nullable without a value results in a null reference, which would be impossible otherwise
Keep in mind that your benchmark does very little work, so the results are probably not typical of what you'd see with your real workload. Try to use a more meaningful benchmark based on your actual scenario if at all possible.
As a side note, you get more meaningful diagnostics (including garbage collection statistics) if you use the #time directive in F# rather than bothering with the Stopwatch.

Generate a powerset without a stack in Erlang

Note: This is a sequel to my previous question about powersets.
I have got a nice Ruby solution to my previous question about generating a powerset of a set without a need to keep a stack:
class Array
def powerset
return to_enum(:powerset) unless block_given?
1.upto(self.size) do |n|
self.combination(n).each{|i| yield i}
# demo
['a', 'b', 'c'].powerset{|item| p item} # items are generated one at a time
ps = [1, 2, 3, 4].powerset # no block, so you'll get an enumerator
10.times.map{ ps.next } # 10.times without a block is also an enumerator
It does the job and works nice.
However, I would like to try to rewrite the same solution in Erlang, because for the {|item| p item} block I have a big portion of working code already written in Erlang (it does some stuff with each generated subset).
Although I have some experience with Erlang (I have read all 2 books :)), I am pretty confused with the example and the comments that sepp2k kindly gave me to my previous question about powersets. I do not understand the last line of the example - the only thing that I know is that is is a list comprehension. I do not understand how I can modify it to be able to do something with each generated subset (then throw it out and continue with the next subset).
How can I rewrite this Ruby iterative powerset generation in Erlang? Or maybe the provided Erlang example already almost suits the need?
All the given examples have O(2^N) memory complexity, because they return whole result (the first example). Two last examples use regular recursion so that stack raises. Below code which is modification and compilation of the examples will do what you want:
subsets(Lst) ->
N = length(Lst),
Max = trunc(math:pow(2, N)),
subsets(Lst, 0, N, Max).
subsets(Lst, I, N, Max) when I < Max ->
_Subset = [lists:nth(Pos+1, Lst) || Pos <- lists:seq(0, N-1), I band (1 bsl Pos) =/= 0],
% perform some actions on particular subset
subsets(Lst, I+1, N, Max);
subsets(_, _, _, _) ->
In the above snippet tail recursion is used which is optimized by Erlang compiler and converted to simple iteration under the covers. Recursion may be optimized this way only if recursive call is the last one within function execution flow. Note also that each generated Subset may be used in place of the comment and it will be forgotten (garbage collected) just after that. Thanks to that neither stack nor heap won't grow, but you also have to perform operation on subsets one after another as there's no final result containing all of them.
My code uses same names for analogous variables like in the examples to make it easier to compare both of them. I'm sure it could be refined for performance, but I only want to show the idea.
