I've experimented with URLs of this format:
As far as I can see, they are always reformatted:
https://A.com/B/../C becomes https://A.com/C
https://A.com/B/C/../C/D becomes https://A.com/B/C/D
Is this a part of the URL standard, or does it depend on the browser or server?
Here is an example you can try:
Yes it's part of RFC 3986
In the path definition we can read
The path segments "." and "..", also known as dot-segments, are
defined for relative reference within the path name hierarchy. They
are intended for use at the beginning of a relative-path reference
(Section 4.2) to indicate relative position within the hierarchical
tree of names.
And later we can see how these relative segments are processed,
T.path = merge(Base.path, R.path);
T.path = remove_dot_segments(T.path);
and how the relative part ../C will get merged with the base https://A.com/B into https://A.com/../C
return a string consisting of the reference's path component
appended to all but the last segment of the base URI's path (i.e.,
excluding any characters after the right-most "/" in the base URI
path, or excluding the entire base URI path if it does not contain
any "/" characters).
and further how the dots /../ will get replaced by /
C. if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..",
where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that
prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last
segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output
buffer; [...]
So we can get the final https://A.com/C
Can somebody explain how the following snippet from the uwsgi docs works?
cache2 = name=mycache,items=100
; load the mime types engine
mime-file = /etc/mime.types
; at each request starting with /img check it in the cache (use mime types engine for the content type)
route = ^/img/(.+) cache:key=/img/$1,name=mycache,mime=1
; at each request ending with .css check it in the cache
route = \.css$ cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache,content_type=text/css
; fallback to text/html all of the others request
route = .* cache:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
; store each successful request (200 http status code) in the 'mycache' cache using the REQUEST_URI as key
route = .* cachestore:key=${REQUEST_URI},name=mycache
Since ${REQUEST_URI} is used for storing everything in the cache, but only a part of ${REQUEST_URI} is used to check the cache for images, how is this supposed to work? I did output ${REQUEST_URI} with the log: routing target, and it equals the complete request starting from the first / every time.
Something similar in my setup does not work (I am using /usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types as the mime types file).
Look carefully at this line:
route = ^/img/(.+) cache:key=/img/$1,name=mycache,mime=1
It will catch all requests for files inside /img/ directory, saving it's path relative to /img/ in variable $1. Now it asks cache for key /img/$1, so it will glue /img/ at the beginning of saved path.
For file /img/my_logo.png it will save "my_logo.png" in $1 variable, then it will glue "/img/" at the beginning of saved path, so at the end, it will query for /img/my_logo.png.
Basically, it re-creates REQUEST_URI. So if it doesn't work for you, make sure that you're using same base directory name in regex and in cache key.
I have tried:
None of them work: When I try to clean a relative url, like test I get the href attribute removed (<a>test</a>).
I am using JSoup 1.8.2.
Any ideas?
The problem most likely stems from the call of the clean method. If you give the base URI all should work as expected:
String html = ""
+ "test"
+ "<invalid>stuff</invalid>"
+ "<h2>header1</h2>";
String cleaned = Jsoup.clean(html, "http://base.uri", Whitelist.relaxed().preserveRelativeLinks(true));
The above works and keeps the relative links. With String cleaned = Jsoup.clean(html, Whitelist.relaxed().preserveRelativeLinks(true)) however the link is deleted.
Note the documentation of Whitelist.preserveRelativeLinks(true):
Note that when handling relative links, the input document must have
an appropriate base URI set when parsing, so that the link's protocol
can be confirmed. Regardless of the setting of the preserve relative
links option, the link must be resolvable against the base URI to an
allowed protocol; otherwise the attribute will be removed.
I'm using jQuery drag n drop to drop a thumbnail image into a div and I notice in the drop handler that if I pull the image src with:
src = ui.draggable.attr('src'); // brings back relative path
I get a relative path: clientImages/t_clown.jpg. But if I get the raw thumb node and get the src from there I get the full absolute path: - http:// . . .mysite/clientImages/t_clown.jpg.
var src= ui.draggable[0].src; // brings back absolute path
Does anyone understand why the different treatment?
Because attr uses getAttribute which doesn't do any computation. It returns the attribute's "real" value.
src is the absolute address to the resource
For example, I have arbitrary lines in this format:
directory C:\Program Files\abc\def\
or something like.
log-enabled On
I want to be able to extract the "C:\Program Files\ab\def\" part out of that first line. Likewise, I want to extract the "On" out in the second line. The spaces between the variable and its value are arbitrary. I will know the name of the variable, but I need extract the value based on that.
So basically, I want to remove the first word and a number of arbitrary spaces that follow the first word, and return what remains until the end of the line.
Assuming that, by "word" you mean "a string of characters without spaces", you can do this:
for line in ioFile:lines() do
local variable, value = line:match("(%S+)%s+(.+)")
... --Do stuff with variable and value
One alternative with string.match was shown by Nicol Bolas, here is another alternative:
function splitOnFirstSpace(input)
local space = input:find(' ') or (#input + 1)
return input:sub(1, space-1), input:sub(space+1)
local command, param = splitOnFirstSpace(line)
If no argument is given (splitOnFirstSpace('no-param-here')), then param is the empty string.
I do not believe Lua is packaged with a split() function like Ruby or Perl.
I found that this guy built a lua version of Perl's split function:
If you can guarantee that the argument will only have 1 word before it, with that word not containing any spaces, you can read in that line, run the split function on it, and use the return array's 1 index value as what you want.
You could error check that too and make sure you get a 'C:\' within your expected directory, or check to make sure the string is == to 'On' or 'Off'. Because of using the hardcoded index value I really advocate you error check your expected value. Nothing is worse than having an assumed value be wrong.
If an error is detected make sure to log or print it to the screen so you know about it.
This could catch bugs where maybe the string that was input is improper.
Some simple code that models what I suggest you do:
line = "directory C:\Program Files\abc\def/";
contents = line.split(" "); --Split using a space
directory = contents[2]; --Here is your directory
--Use directory
In response to comments below Lua indeed begins indexing at 1, not 0.
Also, in the case that the directory contains spaces (which is probable) instead of simply using contents[2], I would loop through all of contents except index 1, and piece back together the directory making sure to add the required space between each index that you attach.
So in the case above, contents[2] and contents[3] would have to be stitched back together with a space in between to recover the proper directory.
directory = contents[2].." "..contents[3]
This can be easily automated using a function which has a loop in it and returns back the proper directory:
function recoverDir(contents)
directory = "";
--Recover the directory
for i=2, table.getn(contents) do
directory = directory..contents[i].." ";
--strip extra space on the end
dirEnd = string.len(directory);
directory = string.sub(directory,1,dirEnd-1);
return directory; --proper directory
I'm trying to find documentation that describe the syntax and possibilities suggested by the construction ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. Obviously this turns into some version of the product name, but where is the documentation that describes how? I just grepped the entire /Developer directory, and got nothing useful.
I'm not looking for the narrow definition of what happens to this particular variable, I want to know about all such modifiers like rfc1034identifier.
By using strings I also dug out the following things that look like they're related to :rfc1034identifier:
:quote - adds backslashes before whitespaces (and more), for use in shell scripts
:identifier - replaces whitespace, slashes (and more) with underscores
:rfc1034identifier - replaces whitespace, slashes (and more) with dashes
:dir - don't know, observed replace with ./ in some cases
:abs - don't know
Exact command:
strings /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsCore|grep '^:'
There are more things that look like interesting modifiers (for example, :char-range=%#), but I couldn't get these to work. There's only one example of :char-range on the net, and it's from a crash log for Xcode.
Someone asked how do we know it's a modifier specification. Well, we know because it works on multiple variables in build settings. Plist preprocessor probably uses the same mechanisms to resolve build variables as does the build system.
Hack Saw, if you get a response via that bug report, don't forget to keep us informed :-)
Looks like you can stack these as well. The useful case floating around out there is
such that a product name of "Your App" becomes com.yourcompany.your-app.
At long last, Apple produced some documentation on this. This is in the "Text Macros" section of the Xcode manual, as of this date.
Text macro format reference
A text macro can contain any valid unicode text. It can also contain other text macros.
Including other text macros
To include another text macro, add three underscore (_) characters before and after the macro name:
Modifying text macro expansion
You can modify the final expansion of the text macro by adding one or more modifiers. Add a modifier to a text macro by placing a colon (:) at the end of the macro followed by the modifier. Add multiple modifiers by separating each one with a comma (,).
For example, the following macro will remove the path extension from the FILENAME macro:
To turn the modified macro above into a valid C identifier, add the identifier macro:
bundleIdentifier: Replaces any non-bundle identifier characters with a hyphen (-).
deletingLastPathComponent: Removes the last path component from the expansion string.
deletingPathExtension: Removes any path extension from the expansion string.
deletingTrailingDot: Removes any trailing dots (.).
identifier: Replaces any non-C identifier characters with an underscore (_).
lastPathComponent: Returns just the last path component of the expansion string.
pathExtension: Returns the path extension of the expansion string.
rfc1034Identifier: Replaces any non-rfc1034 identifier characters with a hyphen (-).
xml: Replaces special xml characters with the corresponding escape string. For example, less-than (<) is replaced with <
Text macros reference
A copyright string that uses the company name of the team for the project. If there is no company name, the string is blank.
The example shows a copyright string when the company is set to “Apple”.
Copyright © 2018 Apple. All rights reserved.
The current date.
The version of Swift used for the default toolchain.
The name of the current file without any extension.
The name of the current file encoded as a C identifier.
The text placed at the top of every new text file.
The full name of the current file.
The full name of the current macOS user.
The entry for the human readable copyright string in the Info.plist file of a macOS app target. The value of the macro must include the XML delimiters for the plist. For example, a valid value is:
<string>Copyright © 2018 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.</string>
Notice that the value includes a newline.
The name for your organization that appears in boilerplate text throughout your project folder. The organization name in your project isn’t the same as the organization name that you enter in App Store Connect.
The name of the package built by the current scheme.
A C-identifier encoded version of the package name built by the current scheme.
The app name of the product built by the current scheme.
The name of the current project.
The version of macOS that is running Xcode.
The name of the current target.
The current time.
The login name for the current macOS user.
Returns a unique ID. The first time this macro is used, it generates the ID before returning it. You can use this macro to create multiple unique IDs by using a modifier. Each modifier returns an ID that is unique for that modifier. For example, the first time the UUID:firstPurpose modifier is used, the macro generates and returns a unique ID for that macro and modifier combination. Subsequent uses of the UUID:firstPurpose modifier return the same ID. Adding the UUID:secondPurpose modifier generates and returns a different ID that will be unique to UUID:secondPurpose, and different from the ID for UUID:firstPurpose.
The name of the current workspace. If there is only one project open, then the name of the current project.
The current year as a four-digit number.
$ strings /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsCore
It seems that there are :identifier, :rfc1034identifier and :xml modifiers. But I have no clue except this.
After stumbling over this question and its existing answers, I have to say: Apples documentation did not improve on this topic over the recent years. We are currently at Xcode 13 and there is still no complete list of all modifiers available.
Therefore I did some spelunking and found the supported modifiers in DVTFoundation.framework which I will list below.
I've tested them all in Xcode 13.3 build settings and used the following two macros to illustrate their impact:
MY_MACRO = Some "text" with umlauts äöüçñ and special characters are ',/|\-_:;%&<>.!
MY_SOURCE = /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/../SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework
Retrieval operators/modifiers
Retrieval modifiers are used to extract and/or transform all or parts of a macro/variable/setting.
They are applied using the following syntax: $(<VARIABLE>:<MODIFIER>)
quote: Escapes all characters which have a special meaning in shell scripts/commands like space, colon, semicolon and backslash.
RESULT_quote = $(MY_MACRO:quote)
Some\ \"text\"\ with\ umlauts\ äöüçñ\ and\ special\ characters\ are\ \',/|\\-_:;%&<>.!
upper: Transforms all characters to their uppercase equivalents.
RESULT_upper = $(MY_MACRO:upper)
lower: Transforms all characters to their lowercase equivalents.
RESULT_lower = $(MY_MACRO:lower)
some "text" with umlauts äöüçñ and special characters are ',/|\-_:;%&<>.!
identifier: Replaces any non-C identifier characters with an underscore (_).
RESULT_identifier = $(MY_MACRO:identifier)
rfc1034identifier: Replaces any non-rfc1034 identifier characters with a hyphen (-)
RESULT_rfc1034identifier = $(MY_MACRO:rfc1034identifier)
c99extidentifier: Replaces any non-C99 identifier characters with an underscore (_). Umlauts are allowed as C99 uses Unicode!
RESULT_c99extidentifier = $(MY_MACRO:c99extidentifier)
xml: According to Apple documentation it should replace special xml characters with the corresponding escape string. For example, less-than (<) is replaced with <. But in my examples this didn't work.
RESULT_xml = $(MY_MACRO:xml)
Some "text" with umlauts äöüçñ and special characters are ',/|\-_:;%&<>.!
dir: Extracts the directory part of a path
RESULT_dir = $(MY_SOURCE:dir)
file: Extracts the filename part of a path
RESULT_file = $(MY_SOURCE:file)
base: Extracts the filename base part of a path (=filename without suffix/extension)
RESULT_base = $(MY_SOURCE:base)
suffix: Extracts the filename extension/suffix a path or filename
RESULT_suffix = $(MY_SOURCE:suffix)
standardizepath: Standardizes the path (e.g. ../ and tilde (~) are resolved)
RESULT_standardizepath = $(MY_SOURCE:standardizepath)
Replacement operators/modifiers
Beside above extracting/transforming operators, there is support built into the build settings system to replace specific parts of a directory which are matched using a modifier.
They are applied using the following syntax: $(<VARIABLE>:<MODIFIER>=<VALUE>)
dir=<VALUE>: Replaces the directory part of a path with <VALUE> and returns the new path
RESULT2_dir = $(MY_SOURCE:dir=/Developer/SharedFrameworks)
file=<VALUE>: Replaces the filename part of a path and returns the new path
RESULT2_file = $(MY_SOURCE:file=my_file.txt)
base=<VALUE>: Replaces the filename base part of a path (=filename without suffix/extension) and returns the new path
RESULT2_base = $(MY_SOURCE:base=Dummy)
suffix=<VALUE>: Replaces the filename extension/suffix a path and returns the new path
RESULT2_suffix = $(MY_SOURCE:suffix=.txt)
I hope this list will help more people looking at Xcodes build settings and wondering how they can be transformed.