What is the best way to save images? [duplicate] - image-processing

The common method to store images in a database is to convert the image to base64 data before storing the data. This process will increase the size by 33%. Alternatively it is possible to directly store the image as a BLOB; for example:
$image = new Imagick("image.jpg");
$data = $image->getImageBlob();
$data = $mysqli->real_escape_string($data);
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO images (data) VALUES ('$data')");
and then display the image with
<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($data) . '" />
With the latter method, we save 1/3 storage space. Why is it more common to store images as base64 in MySQL databases?
UPDATE: There are many debates about advantages and disadvantages of storing images in databases, and most people believe it is not a practical approach. Anyway, here I assume we store image in database, and discussing the best method to do so.

I contend that images (files) are NOT usually stored in a database base64 encoded. Instead, they are stored in their raw binary form in a binary column, blob column, or file.
Base64 is only used as a transport mechanism, not for storage. For example, you can embed a base64 encoded image into an XML document or an email message.
Base64 is also stream friendly. You can encode and decode on the fly (without knowing the total size of the data).
While base64 is fine for transport, do not store your images base64 encoded.
Base64 provides no checksum or anything of any value for storage.
Base64 encoding increases the storage requirement by 33% over a raw binary format. It also increases the amount of data that must be read from persistent storage, which is still generally the largest bottleneck in computing. It's generally faster to read less bytes and encode them on the fly. Only if your system is CPU bound instead of IO bound, and you're regularly outputting the image in base64, then consider storing in base64.
Inline images (base64 encoded images embedded in HTML) are a bottleneck themselves--you're sending 33% more data over the wire, and doing it serially (the web browser has to wait on the inline images before it can finish downloading the page HTML).
On MySQL, and perhaps similar databases, for performance reasons, you might wish to store very small images in binary format in BINARY or VARBINARY columns so that they are on the same page as the primary key, as opposed to BLOB columns, which are always stored on a separate page and sometimes force the use of temporary tables.
If you still wish to store images base64 encoded, please, whatever you do, make sure you don't store base64 encoded data in a UTF8 column then index it.

Pro base64: the encoded representation you handle is a pretty safe string. It contains neither control chars nor quotes. The latter point helps against SQL injection attempts. I wouldn't expect any problem to just add the value to a "hand coded" SQL query string.
Pro BLOB: the database manager software knows what type of data it has to expect. It can optimize for that. If you'd store base64 in a TEXT field it might try to build some index or other data structure for it, which would be really nice and useful for "real" text data but pointless and a waste of time and space for image data. And it is the smaller, as in number of bytes, representation.

Just want to give one example why we decided to store image in DB not files or CDN, it is storing images of signatures.
We have tried to do so via CDN, cloud storage, files, and finally decided to store in DB and happy about the decision as it was proven us right in our subsequent events when we moved, upgraded our scripts and migrated the sites serveral times.
For my case, we wanted the signatures to be with the records that belong to the author of documents.
Storing in files format risks missing them or deleted by accident.
We store it as a blob binary format in MySQL, and later as based64 encoded image in a text field. The decision to change to based64 was due to smaller size as result for some reason, and faster loading. Blob was slowing down the page load for some reason.
In our case, this solution to store signature images in DB, (whether as blob or based64), was driven by:
Most signature images are very small.
We don't need to index the signature images stored in DB.
Index is done on the primary key.
We may have to move or switch servers, moving physical images files to different servers, may cause the images not found due to links change.
it is embarrassed to ask the author to re-sign their signatures.
it is more secured saving in the DB as compared to exposing it as files which can be downloaded if security is compromised. Storing in DB allows us better control over its access.
any future migrations, change of web design, hosting, servers, we have zero worries about reconcilating the signature file names against the physical files, it is all in the DB!

I recommend looking at modern databases like NoSQL and also I agree with user1252434's post. For instance I am storing a few < 500kb PNGs as base64 on my Mongo db with binary set to true with no performance hit at all. Mongo can be used to store large files like 10MB videos and that can offer huge time saving advantages in metadata searches for those videos, see storing large objects and files in mongodb.


Upload image without converting NSData

I try to upload my image into server converting to NSData but it's take to much time to convert images.
Can we upload image to server without converting to NSData ?
At starting I had tried sending image directly to server.
But without converting image to data and string if I tried to send it ,it could not send also it is not possible.Because in server if we send data anything to server,it must be a string format.If we send image directly,it takes much space also it should not be a data.Image must be a URL or path in server.
It depends upon the source of these images. If the images are from the photos libraries, for example, then, yes, you can retrieve the original asset, avoiding the inefficient process of converting a UIImage to a NSData (which can make the asset larger, introduce quality loss, lose metadata, etc.).
The key take home message in this scenario is not "how to avoid converting to NSData", but rather "how to avoid round-tripping the image through a UIImage and then reconverting it back to a NSData, but rather just retrieve the original asset."
But this only applies to images for which you have the original raw asset (e.g. images in the photos library, images in the documents folder, etc.). In those cases, just grab the raw NSData and you're done.
But if this is an image that you generated programmatically (e.g. a snapshot of a UIKit view), then that will have to be converted to a NSData. But if you can avoid round-tripping it through the UIImage in the first place, then you eliminate this overhead.
You can use blob data type store the data. Though its not highly recommended. You can refer these links. BLOB data type and how to use BLOB storage service as don't put large BLOBs in a database. Put them in the filesystem next to your database file and then write the filenames or an URL to the database. This will be a much faster, will use the database much more efficiently, will minimize I/O.

How can I store images in my heroku postgres DB

I've found some similar questions, and good link on the topic. Such as this one (Easiest way to store images in database on Heroku?), where the top answer is to re-think using their DB and instead go with S3.
What I need is store 120 100KB images. That's it. There is no dynamic aspect. It's not like I have 10,000 users, and each one needs to store their profile picture. None of that. I just need to store 120 100KB images. The amount of images will never never change, neither growing or shrinking. 3 years from now, the same 120 images will be all that there is.
For these reasons, I want to store these in my DB. S3 is overkill, could cost some, extra time and cost needed implementing that solution, etc. In my DB, it's a measly 12MB which is a fraction of a fraction of the DB's total size.
How can I store the images? What datatype should I use and how can I upload them into my DB?
Just store them as bytea fields in a table. Insert them using a script in whatever your preferred language is and its database adapter. e.g. using Python with psycopg2 you'd open('filename','rb') the file, then pass it as a query parameter to the execute method when doing your INSERT.
For images that small there's no point using pg_largeobject and the lo wrapper, which can be useful for really big files. The only real advantage of that is that you can use lo_import to read the files directly into the database.

Rails: How to stream data to and from a binary column (blob)

I have a question about how to efficiently store and retrieve large amounts of data to and from a blob column (data_type :binary). Most examples and code out there show simple assignments but that cannot be efficient for large amounts of data. For instance storing data from a file may be something like this:
# assume a model MyFileStore has a column blob_content :binary
my_db_rec = MyFileStore.new
File.open("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/alargefile.txt", "rb") do |f|
my_db_rec.blob_content = f.read
Clearly this would read the entire file content into memory before saving it to the database. This cannot be the only way you can save blobs. For instance, in Java and in .Net there are ways to stream to and from a blob column so you are not pulling every thing into memory (see Similar Questions to the right). Is there something similar in rails? Or are we limited to only small chunks of data being stored in blobs when it comes to Rails applications.
If this is Rails 4 you can use render stream. Here's an example Rails 4 Streaming
I would ask though what database you're using, and if it might be better to store the files in a filesystem (Amazon s3, Google Cloud Storage, etc..) as this can greatly affect your ability to manage blobs. Microsoft, for example, has this recommendation: To Blob or Not to Blob
Uploading is generally done through forms, all at once or multi-part. Multi-part chunks the data so you can upload larger files with more confidence. The chunks are reassembled and stored in whatever database field (and type) you have defined in your model.
Downloads can be streamed. There is a large tendency to hand off upload and streaming to third party cloud storage systems like amazon s3. This drastically reduces the burden on rails. You can also hand off upload duties to your web server. All modern web servers have a way to stream files from a user. Doing this avoids memory issues as only the currently uploading chunk is in memory at any give time. The web server should also be able to notify your app once the upload is completed.
For general streaming of output:
To add a stream to a template you need to pass the :stream option from within your controller like this: render stream: true. You also need to explicitly close the stream with response.stream.close. Since the method of rendering templates and layouts changes with streaming, it is important to pay attention to loading attributes like title, etc. This needs to be done with content_for not yield. You can explicitly open and close streams using the Live API. For this you need the puma gem. Also be aware that you need a web server that supports streaming. You can configure Unicorn to support streaming.

serve my text from the filesystem instead of a database?

I am working on a content management application in which the data being stored on the database is extremely generic. In this particular instance a container has many resources and those resources map to some kind of digital asset, whether that be a picture, a movie, an uploaded file or even plain text.
I have been arguing with a colleague for a week now because in addition to storing the pictures, etc - they would like to store the text assets on the file system and have the application look up the file location(from the database) and read in the text file(from the file system) before serving to the client application.
Common sense seemed to scream at me that this was ridiculous and if we are bothering to look up something from the database, we might as well store the text in a database column and have it served along up with the row lookup. Database lookup + File IO seemed sounds uncontrollably slower then just Database Lookup. After going back and forth for some time, I decided to run some benchmarks and found the results a little surprising. There seems to be very little consistency when it comes to benchmark times. The only clear winner in the benchmarks was pulling a large dataset from the database and iterating over the results to display the text asset, however pulling objects one at a time from the database and displaying their text content seems to be neck and neck.
Now I know the limitations of running benchmarks, and I am not sure I am even running the correct idea of "tests" (for example, File system writes are ridiculously faster then database writes, didn't know that!). I guess my question is for confirmation. Is File I/O comparable to database text storage/lookup? Am I missing a part of the argument here? Thanks ahead of time for your opinions/advice!
A quick work about what I am using:
This is a Ruby on Rails application,
using Ruby 1.8.6 and Sqlite3. I plan
on moving the same codebase to MySQL
tomorrow and see if the benchmarks are
the same.
The major advantage you'll get from not using the filesystem is that the database will manage concurrent access properly.
Let's say 2 processes need to modify the same text as the same time, synchronisation with the filesystem may lead to race conditions, whereas you will have no problem at all with everyhing in database.
I think your benchmark results will depend on how you store the text data in your database.
If you store it as LOB then behind the scenes it is stored in an ordinary file.
With any kind of LOB you pay the Database lookup + File IO anyway.
VARCHAR is stored in the tablespace
Ordinary text data types (VARCHAR et al) are very limited in size in typical relational database systems. Something like 2000 or 4000 (Oracle) sometimes 8000 or even 65536 characters. Some databases support long text
but these have serious drawbacks and are not recommended.
LOBs are references to file system objects
If your text is larger you have to use a LOB data type (e.g. CLOB in Oracle).
LOBs usually work like this:
The database stores only a reference to a file system object.
The file system object contains the data (e.g. the text data).
This is very similar to what your colleague proposes except the DBMS lifts the heavy work of
managing references and files.
The bottom line is:
If you can store your text in a VARCHAR then go for it.
If you can't you have two options: Use a LOB or store the data in a file referenced from the database. Both are technically similar and slower than using VARCHAR.
I did this before. Its a mess, you need to keep the filesystem and the database synchronized all the time, so that makes the programming more complicated, as you would guess.
My advice is either go for an all filesystem solution, or all database solution, depending on the data. Notably, if you require lots of searches, conditional data retrieval, then go for database, otherwise fs.
Note that database may not be optimized for storage of large binary files. Still, remember, if you use both, youre gonna have to keep them synchronized, and it doesnt make for an elegant nor enjoyble (to program) solution.
Good luck!
At least, if your problems come from the "performance side", you could use a "no SQL" storage solution like Redis (via Ohm, for example), or CouchDB...

What is the best way to upload user portrait

Stored in the database or file system ?
And I need several different sizes. like 128*128, 96*96, 64*64 and so on.
What is the best way to upload user portrait?
Not knowing all of your constraints, I'd upload the 128x128 picture and then create all the other portraits on the fly.
I don't think you need to worry about storing the images in the DB, specially if you're running SQLServer 2008 (and you use the new FILESTREAM type).
Definitively it depends of the amount of images you need to store.
If you store them in the file system you just need to keep the URL or location of the image the database. To change the size you can do it in real time using components to achieve the change depending of the language you're using. For .NET ASPjpeg is a very good one, but you can manipulate the image with the System.Drawing.Imaging class. No need to manipulate database filestream or BLOB fields.
In the other hand, storing images in the database can make it too big in order to backup or download depending of the amount of records, even if you are working with SQL server, but you have everything in the same place. Maintenance is faster.
The problem with storing images in the file system is the cleaning procedure, if you delete a record, you need to delete the image in the file system too in order to prevent of keeping garbage.
