Semi supervised learning for Regression task with tabular data? - machine-learning

Semi-supervised learning for Regression task with tabular data? I have like 20K labelled data and 200K unlabeled data.
Model gets better and better with semi-supervised learning for eg. self-learning and on top of it if you have just 20K and making predictions on 200K you assume variance and distribution of features remain same which is not always true so you make a prediction with a sizeable error even your model was 90 Mean R2 on K Fold CV. Hope that explains why I am searching for a semi-supervised approach for regression!

A key assumption for most semi-supervised learning (SSL) is that nearby points (e.g. between an unlabelled and labelled point) are likely to share the same label. It seems you're expecting the variance and distribution of your unlabelled set to be different to your labelled set which may violate the above assumption.
If you still wish to go ahead with SSL then there are no conventional techniques for regression methods. But...
The literature on less conventional methods has been reviewed:
You could always convert to a classification approach (helps if the labels are relatively uniformly distributed). For instance, just choose the median prediction value in your labelled set, then everything less than that is 0 and everything greater is 1. You can then apply a conventional classification SSL technique, such as label propagation. Then, you get the predicted probabilities on a test set (e.g. use predict_proba()) and scale these back to your regression range. For example, if the minimum value in your labelled set was 0 and the max was 10, then just multiply the predicted probabilities by 10.
Hope the above at least provides food for thought.


Machine Learning Experiment Design with Small Positive Sample Set in Sci-kit Learn

I am interested in any tips on how to train a set with a very limited positive set and a large negative set.
I have about 40 positive examples (quite lengthy articles about a particular topic), and about 19,000 negative samples (most drawn from the sci-kit learn newsgroups dataset). I also have about 1,000,000 tweets that I could work with.. negative about the topic I am trying to train on. Is the size of the negative set versus the positive going to negatively influence training a classifier?
I would like to use cross-validation in sci-kit learn. Do I need to break this into train / test-dev / test sets? Is know there are some pre-built libraries in sci-kit. Any implementation examples that you recommend or have used previously would be helpful.
The answer to your first question is yes, the amount by which it will affect your results depends on the algorithm. My advive would be to keep an eye on the class-based statistics such as recall and precision (found in classification_report).
For RandomForest() you can look at this thread which discusses
the sample weight parameter. In general sample_weight is what
you're looking for in scikit-learn.
For SVM's have a look at either this example or this
For NB classifiers, this should be handled implicitly by Bayes
rule, however in practice you may see some poor performances.
For you second question it's up for discussion, personally I break my data into a training and test split, perform cross validation on the training set for parameter estimation, retrain on all the training data and then test on my test set. However the amount of data you have may influence the way you split your data (more data means more options).
You could probably use Random Forest for your classification problem. There are basically 3 parameters to deal with data imbalance. Class Weight, Samplesize and Cutoff.
Class Weight-The higher the weight a class is given, the more its error rate is decreased.
Samplesize- Oversample the minority class to improve class imbalance while sampling the defects for each tree[not sure if Sci-kit supports this, used to be param in R)
Cutoff- If >x% trees vote for the minority class, classify it as minority class. By default x is 1/2 in Random forest for 2-class problem. You can set it to a lower value for the minority class.
Check out balancing predict error at
For the 2nd question if you are using Random Forest, you do not need to keep separate train/validation/test set. Random Forest does not choose any parameters based on a validation set, so validation set is un-necessary.
Also during the training of Random Forest, the data for training each individual tree is obtained by sampling by replacement from the training data, thus each training sample is not used for roughly 1/3 of the trees. We can use the votes of these 1/3 trees to predict the out of box probability of the Random forest classification. Thus with OOB accuracy you just need a training set, and not validation or test data to predict performance on unseen data. Check Out of Bag error at for further study.

Input matches no features in training set; how much more training data do I need?

I am new to Text Mining. I am working on Spam filter. I did text cleaning, removed stop words. n-grams are my features. So I build a frequency matrix and build model using Naive Bayes. I have very limited set of training data, so I am facing the following problem.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
When I send this vector for classification, I obviously get a useless result.
What can be ideal size of training data to expect better results?
Generally, the more data you have, the better. You will get diminishing returns at some point. It is often a good idea to see if your training set size is a problem by plotting the cross validation performance while varying the size of the training set. In scikit-learn has an example of this type of "learning curve."
Scikit-learn Learning Curve Example
You may consider bringing in outside sample posts to increase the size of your training set.
As you grow your training set, you may want to try reducing the bias of your classifier. This could be done by adding n-gram features, or switching to a logistic regression or SVM model.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
You should normalize your input so that it forms some kind of rough distribution around 0. A common method is to do this tranformation:
input_signal = (feature - feature_mean) / feature_stddev
Then all zeroes would only happen if all features were exactly at the mean.

Suggestions to improve my normalized accuracy with libsvm

I'm with a problem when I try to classify my data using libsvm. My training and test data are highly unbalanced. When I do the grid search for the svm parameters and train my data with weights for the classes, the testing gives the accuracy of 96.8113%. But because the testing data is unbalanced, all the correct predicted values are from the negative class, which is larger than the positive class.
I tried a lot of things, from changing the weights until changing the gamma and cost values, but my normalized accuracy (which takes into account the positive classes and negative classes) is lower in each try. Training 50% of positives and 50% of negatives with the default parameters i have a very low accuracy (18.4234%).
I want to know if the problem is in my description (how to build the feature vectors), in the unbalancing (should i use balanced data in another way?) or should i change my classifier?
Better data always helps.
I think that imbalance is part of the problem. But a more significant part of the problem is how you're evaluating your classifier. Evaluating accuracy given the distribution of positives and negatives in your data is pretty much useless. So is training on 50% and 50% and testing on data that is distributed 99% vs 1%.
There are problems in real life that are like the one your studying (that have a great imbalance in positives to negatives). Let me give you two examples:
Information retrieval: given all documents in a huge collection return the subset that are relevant to search term q.
Face detection: this large image mark all locations where there are human faces.
Many approaches to these type of systems are classifier-based. To evaluate two classifiers two tools are commonly used: ROC curves, Precision Recall curves and the F-score. These tools give a more principled approach to evaluate when one classifier is working better than the another.

data imbalance in SVM using libSVM

How should I set my gamma and Cost parameters in libSVM when I am using an imbalanced dataset that consists of 75% 'true' labels and 25% 'false' labels? I'm getting a constant error of having all the predicted labels set on 'True' due to the data imbalance.
If the issue isn't with libSVM, but with my dataset, how should I handle this imbalance from a Theoretical Machine Learning standpoint? *The number of features I'm using is between 4-10 and I have a small set of 250 data points.
Classes imbalance has nothing to do with selection of C and gamma, to deal with this issue you should use the class weighting scheme which is avaliable in for example scikit-learn package (built on libsvm)
Selection of best C and gamma is performed using grid search with cross validation. You should try vast range of values here, for C it is reasonable to choose values between 1 and 10^15 while a simple and good heuristic of gamma range values is to compute pairwise distances between all your data points and select gamma according to the percentiles of this distribution - think about putting in each point a gaussian distribution with variance equal to 1/gamma - if you select such gamma that this distribution overlaps will many points you will get very "smooth" model, while using small variance leads to the overfitting.
Imbalanced data sets can be tackled in various ways. Class balance has no effect on kernel parameters such as gamma for the RBF kernel.
The two most popular approaches are:
Use different misclassification penalties per class, this basically means changing C. Typically the smallest class gets weighed higher, a common approach is npos * wpos = nneg * wneg. LIBSVM allows you to do this using its -wX flags.
Subsample the overrepresented class to obtain an equal amount of positives and negatives and proceed with training as you traditionally would for a balanced set. Take note that you basically ignore a large chunk of data this way, which is intuitively a bad idea.
I know this has been asked some time ago, but I would like to answer it since you might find my answer useful.
As others have mentioned, you might want to consider using different weights for the minority classes or using different misclassification penalties. However, there is a more clever way of dealing with the imbalanced datasets.
You can use the SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) algorithm to generate synthesized data for the minority class. It is a simple algorithm that can deal with some imbalance datasets pretty well.
In each iteration of the algorithm, SMOTE considers two random instances of the minority class and add an artificial example of the same class somewhere in between. The algorithm keeps injecting the dataset with the samples until the two classes become balanced or some other criteria(e.g. add certain number of examples). Below you can find a picture describing what the algorithm does for a simple dataset in 2D feature space.
Associating weight with the minority class is a special case of this algorithm. When you associate weight $w_i$ with instance i, you are basically adding the extra $w_i - 1$ instances on top of the instance i!
What you need to do is to augment your initial dataset with the samples created by this algorithm, and train the SVM with this new dataset. You can also find many implementation online in different languages like Python and Matlab.
There have been other extensions of this algorithm, I can point you to more materials if you want.
To test the classifier you need to split the dataset into test and train, add synthetic instances to the train set (DO NOT ADD ANY TO THE TEST SET), train the model on the train set, and finally test it on the test set. If you consider the generated instances when you are testing you will end up with a biased(and ridiculously higher) accuracy and recall.

Using weka to classify sensor data

I am working on a classification problem, which has different sensors. Each sensor collect a sets of numeric values.
I think its a classification problem and want to use weka as a ML tool for this problem. But I am not sure how to use weka to deal with the input values? And which classifier will best fit for this problem( one instance of a feature is a sets of numeric value)?
For example, I have three sensors A ,B, C. Can I define 5 collected data from all sensors,as one instance? Such as, One instance of A is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, and one instance of B is{3,434,534,213,55,4,7). C{424,24,24,13,24,5,6}.
Thanks a lot for your time on reviewing my question.
Commonly the first classifier to try is Naive Bayes (you can find it under "Bayes" directory in Weka) because it's fast, parameter less and the classification accuracy is hard to beat whenever the training sample is small.
Random Forest (you can find it under "Tree" directory in Weka) is another pleasant classifier since it process almost any data. Just run it and see whether it gives better results. It can be just necessary to increase the number of trees from the default 10 to some higher value. Since you have 7 attributes 100 trees should be enough.
Then I would try k-NN (you can find it under "Lazy" directory in Weka and it's called "IBk") because it commonly ranks amount the best single classifiers for a wide range of datasets. The only issues with k-nn are that it scales badly for large datasets (> 1GB) and it needs to fine tune k, the number of neighbors. This value is by default set to 1 but with increasing number of training samples it's commonly better to set it up to some higher integer value in range from 2 to 60.
And finally for some datasets where both, Naive Bayes and k-nn performs poorly, it's best to use SVM (under "Functions", it's called "Lib SVM"). However, it can be hassle to set up all the parameters of the SVM to get competitive results. Hence I leave it to the end when I already know what classification accuracies to expect. This classifier may not be the most convenient if you have more than two classes to classify.
