Mosquitto-Dynamic Bridging - mqtt

I wanted to know if any of you have tried this -
Mosquitto is working fine but what payload to be sent with this topic? - $SYS/broker/bridge/new
I am unable to implement dynamic bridging, please help me out.

The message should be the same as the bridge configuration you would include in the mosquitto.conf file. You can see where the tool builds the message in the patch linked to the pull request here
connection [name]
address [address]:[port]
topic [pattern] [direction] [qos] [local prefix] [remote prefix]
But by the look of things this functionality has not been merged into the release branch of mosquitto. The last comment on the linked pull request implies that it only works up to 1.5.4 and not on the latest 1.6.x code base.

I did see comment by the author on pull request 635.
Dynamic bridges was working with version 1.6.10 and he has initiated a request for latest release as well.
GitHub repository


Getting file version from TFS rest API Get Item

I am pulling a file from on premise TFS source control using the Rest API. I can't find on premise specific documentation, but it seems to be very close to version 4.1 of the Azure Get Item call. According to this documentaiton, it should return a TfvcItem object which has a lot of metadata including the version. However, when I make the call it only returns the file contents (the content field of the documentation's TfvcItem).
How do I get the current version of the file?
I need the version when I check itin with create changeset. I don't need it for any other reason, so if you know another way to check in an edited file that would help.
Instead of using Get Item API, some related REST APIs are not documented. For these REST APIs we can use tools such as Fiddler or directly press F12 - network in Chrome to track them.
You should use below API to fetch latest changeset version of a file:
For body:
itemPath is your server path of the file.
From the response, you will get the version info such as "version": "139", instead of the file content.
Not sure your detail version of TFS, I was using Azure DevOps Service for an example. There maybe some difference for different TFS version. You could track the detail API on your own side.
More detail info kindly take a look at this question: VSTS Release API Documentation
Had the same issue. You can get item metadata by specifying "scopePath" URI parameter, instead of "path". Microsoft example in API documentation seems incorrect, as it indeed returns only item content:

sentry issues not being linked to source map

I am using which in turn is also pushing the code for source map to work (internally
I have enabled the integration for gitlab. I have created a .sentryclirc file with project, org and token as variables to fill.
The token has proj:read proj:write and proj:release permissions enabled.
This is my config for sentry webpack
release: pkg.version, // 1.0.0
// dryRun: isDev,
setCommits: {
repo: "company_name/project_name",
auto: true,
I am using my SENTRY_DSN properly.
I am able to push a source map under release 1.0.0, and when I go to an issue it is tagged as 1.0.0.
Under the release tab, I get the message Releases aren't 100% set up and redirects me to tag an error. I don't really understand what it is suggesting I do. The config should just use the recent commit.
I look under the issues tab and the issues are tagged with the version 1.0.0 and say it is linked to it. Yet, the minified version is still showing up.
Looking around I click on the link View new issues seen in this release in the stream to see what issues I have filtered for that version. I looked at the query in the url and the query is first-release-1.0.0.
I am not sure why it defaults to filtering it like that.
This leads me to believe that the release I am deploying isn't by synced up with the issues that sentry is pushing.

Error creating Queues in RabbitMQ

I have an environment in our company which hosts RabbitMQ 3.6.1 and Erlang 19.3. When i tried to create a queue by using RabbitMQ Management UI, I am getting the below error. I can create Exchanges and VHosts ok. It is only when I am trying to create Queues that I am getting the error. I tried to write a utility to create queues using the HTTP api but even that fails.
Upon some more researching I stumbled upon this article which says Erlang 19 is not compatible with RabbitMQ 3.6.3 and lower. Can someone confirm my findings please?
The error I am getting is
Got response code 500 with body {"error":"Internal Server Error","reason":"{error,\n {exit,\n {{function_clause,\n [{rabbit_queue_location_validator,module,\n [\"random\"],\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_queue_location_validator.erl\"},\n {line,50}]},\n {rabbit_queue_location_validator,validate_strategy,1,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_queue_location_validator.erl\"},\n {line,38}]},\n {rabbit_queue_master_location_misc,get_location_mod_by_config,\n 1,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_queue_master_location_misc.erl\"},\n {line,88}]},\n {rabbit_queue_master_location_misc,get_location,1,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_queue_master_location_misc.erl\"},\n {line,51}]},\n {rabbit_amqqueue,declare,6,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl\"},{line,300}]},\n {rabbit_channel,handle_method,3,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_channel.erl\"},{line,1331}]},\n {rabbit_channel,handle_cast,2,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_channel.erl\"},{line,455}]},\n {gen_server2,handle_msg,2,\n [{file,\"src/gen_server2.erl\"},{line,1049}]}]},\n {gen_server,call,\n [<0.27627.105>,\n {call,\n {'queue.declare',0,<<\"Test\">>,false,true,false,false,false,\n []},\n none,<0.15368.105>},\n infinity]}},\n [{gen_server,call,3,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,212}]},\n {rabbit_mgmt_util,'-amqp_request/5-fun-0-',4,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_mgmt_util.erl\"},{line,579}]},\n {rabbit_mgmt_util,with_channel,5,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_mgmt_util.erl\"},{line,598}]},\n {rabbit_mgmt_util,http_to_amqp,5,\n [{file,\"src/rabbit_mgmt_util.erl\"},{line,526}]},\n {webmachine_resource,resource_call,3,\n [{file,\"src/webmachine_resource.erl\"},{line,186}]},\n {webmachine_resource,do,3,\n [{file,\"src/webmachine_resource.erl\"},{line,142}]},\n {webmachine_decision_core,resource_call,1,\n [{file,\"src/webmachine_decision_core.erl\"},{line,48}]},\n {webmachine_decision_core,accept_helper,1,\n [{file,\"src/webmachine_decision_core.erl\"},{line,612}]}]}}\n"}
The RabbitMQ team monitors this mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on stackoverflow.
In your case, the error is happening here. Did you create a queue-master-locator policy with the value of random? If so, I recommend clearing the policy to see if that resolves the issue.
I also recommend upgrading to the latest version (3.6.12). The version you are using is very old.
Thanks to #Luke Bakken for pointing me to the RabbitMQ Mailing list.
I managed to fix the problem by changing the configuration of queue master location strategy to <<"random">>
Please see this link for more info

Authentication Failed on SourceTree while cloning BitBucket project

I am trying to clone a project from my bitbucket to my computer, using SourceTree.
I tried to do so from the web interface :
But it always failed.
Here is the details of the error.
Can you help me please ?
Update: As mentioned below an update (1.6.25) has been released which fixes this error.
Original: Authentication in Version 1.6.24 of SourceTree is currently not working well. Use version 1.6.23 instead. You can find it here:
Yes, the problem is with Askpass.exe
We recently changed the logging framework we used to slf4net/log4net and this, unexpectedly is being picked up by askpass.exe.
But unfortunately since askpass.exe has no configuration in place it logs some output to stdout by default, this is interfering with the expected stdout output from askpass.exe.
We will release a 1.6.25 tomorrow with a proper fix.
Work Around
As a temporary workaround copying the attached Askpass.exe.config file in to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree
will provide the necessary configuration and should fix the multiple authentication requests.
You may find that unfortunately SourceTree has deleted what it thought were 'failing' passwords. Apologies for this you will need to re-enter them.
You can see the issue on Atlassian's own Jira: SRCTREEWIN-3944
Edit: Said update appears to be available now.
Help > Check for Updates > Update
Worked for me
It is because of the update which is the Two-step verification. I suggest you read this first to read more about their update and then you proceed over here. I was able to change my default HTTPS protocol to SSH protocol by following the steps above.

Smartgit SHA fingerprint of the certificate does not match

I am trying to install SmartGit and trying to provide bitbucket as hosting provide. I provide correct credentials of my bitbucket account but I get following error:
======================================= SHA fingerprint of the certificate does not match.
Expected: [some string]
Actual: [some other string]
This may either mean that the server certificate has changed or that you are spoofed.
I think this is related to SSL certificate but do not know how to fix it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
From [1]: to fix SmartGit (and older) add following line to (in the SmartGit settings directory, see About dialog):
After restarting SmartGit, connection will work again.
Same problem here. Guess BitBucket changed their key since the latest version got released.
Solution (or rather, workaround)...:
Don't add BitBucket as a remote provider. Add your URL simply per each project.
Remote -> Add
You can find the URL for your projects on the web interface of BitBucket.
Right after you select a project of yours, a link is displayed on the right side of your screen. It starts with https ... That is what you need.
BitBucket just changed their certificates, as announced on their blog.
On March 7th at 22:00 UTC, we’ll be updating our SSL certificates to replace ones that will be expiring soon. It’s likely that you won’t notice any changes and won’t need to take any action.
You can work around it it using the per-project URLs as described in Shiki's answer.
Just add the following line to your ~/.smartgit/5/
Then re-try adding Bitbucket and it should work.
I had this same issue, but for github and adding the fingerprint to was not working.
What did work was updating to the latest build (last option in the Help menu).
