Coral Edge TPU, Can use it for training? - google-coral

I bought a Coral Edge TPU for my Raspberry Pi
to use TensorFlow Lite.
On provider's homepage, They said it's only for inferencing
and just limited transfer learning.
There example use it their own framework.
Is Tensorflow-core library support this device?
Colar Edge TPU designed for inferencing.
There is no FP32 or FP16 operation units.
And provider's library also don't have it.
So it's impossible what i want to do.
and Tensorflow-core library also do not support this device.

The EdgeTPU can only be used for tflite models that are compiled using the edgetpu_compiler. The job of the compiler is to map the model to the tpu, otherwise all operations will be executes on the CPU by default. The EdgeTPU, then, will not work with tensorflow core models because it hasn't been compiled.
In order for you model(s) to pass the compiler, it will have to meets all requirements lists here.


Training ML Models on iOS Devices

Is there any way to train PyTorch models directly on-device on an iPhone via the GPU? PyTorch Mobile docs seems to be completely focused on inference only, as do the iOS app examples ( I did find this article about using MPS backend on Macs (, but not sure if this is at all viable for iOS devices. There's also this prototype article about using iOS GPU for PyTorch mobile (, but it too seems to be focused on inference only.
We are attempting to train a large language model on the iPhone 14 and in order to make that possible given the memory constraints, we would like to a) discard intermediate activations and recompute them, and b) manage memory directly to write some intermediate activations to the filesystem and later read them back. We suspect that converting a PyTorch model to CoreML format and using CoreML for training would prevent us from making these low-level modifications, but PyTorch might have the APIs necessary for this. If there's any examples/pointers that anyone can link to that would be great.

Does TFF serializalize functions of another library?

I'm planning a TFF scheme in which the clients send to the sever data besides the weights, like their hardware information (e.g CPU frequency). To achieve that, I need to call functions of third-party python libraries, like psutils. Is it possible to serialize (using tff.tf_computation) such kind of functions?
If not, what could be a solution to achieve this objective in a scenario where I'm using a remote executor setting through gRPC?
Unfortunately no, this does not work without modification. TFF uses TensorFlow graphs to serialize the computation logic to run on remote machines. TFF does not interpret Python code on the remote machines.
There maybe a solution by creating a TensorFlow custom op. This would mean writing C++ code to retrieve CPU frequency, and then a Python API to add the operation to the TensorFlow graph during computation construction. TensorFlow's guide for Create an op can provide detailed instructions.

Can I use drake to test Visual SLAM algorithms?

I was wondering whether I could leverage the modularity drake gives to test Visual SLAM algorithms on realtime data. I would like to create 3 blocks that output acceleration, angular speed, and RGBD data. The blocks should pull information from a real sensor. Another block would process the data and produce the current transform of the camera and a global map. Effectively, I would like to cast my problem into a "Systems" framework so I can easily add filters where I need them.
My question is: Given other people's experience with this library, is Drake the right tool for the job for this usecase? Specifically, can I use this library to process real time information in a production setting?
Visual SLAM is not a use case I've implemented myself, but I believe the Drake Systems framework should be up to the task, depending on what you mean by "realtime".
We definitely ship RGBD data through the framework often.
We haven't made any attempt to support running Drake in hard realtime, but certainly can run at high rates. If you were to hit a performance bottleneck, we tend to be pretty responsive and would welcome PRs.
As for the "production-level", it is certainly our intention for the code / process to be mature enough for that setting, and numerous teams do already.

Is there a way to use external, compiled packages for data processing in Google's AI Platform?

I would like to set up a prediction task, but the data preprocessing step requires using tools outside of Python's data science ecosystem, though Python has APIs to work with those tools (e.g. a compiled java NLP tool set). I first thought about creating a Docker container to have an environment with those tools available, but a commentator has said that that is not currently supported. Is there perhaps some other way to make such tools available to the Python prediction class needed for AI Platform? I don't really have a clear sense of what's happening on the backend with AI platform, and how much ability a user has to modify or set that up.
Not possible today. Is there any specific use case you are targeting not satisfied today?
Cloud AI platform offers multiple prediction frameworks (TensorFlow, scikit-learn, XGboost, Pytorch, Custom predictions) in multiple versions.
After looking into the requirements you can use the new AI Platform feature custom prediction,
To deploy a custom prediction routine to serve predictions from your trained model, do the following:
Create a custom predictor to handle requests
Package your predictor and your preprocessing module. Here you can install your custom libraries.
Upload your model artifacts and your custom code to Cloud Storage
Deploy your custom prediction routine to AI Platform

OpenCV + Webcam compatibility

For the people that have experience with OpenCV, are there any webcams that don't work with OpenCV.
I am looking into the feasibility of a project and I know I am going to need a high quality feed (1080p), so I am going to need a webcam that is capable of that. So does OpenCV have problems with certain cameras?
To be analysing a video feed of that resolution on the fly I am going to need a fast processor, I know this, but will I need a machine that is not consumer, will an i7 do?
On Linux, if it's supported by v4l2, it is probably going to work (e.g., my home webcam isn't listed, but it's v4l2 compatible and works out of the box). You can always use the camera manufacturer's driver to acquire frames, and feed them to your OpenCV code. You can even sub-class the VideoCapture class, and implement your camera driver to make it work seamlessly with OpenCV.
I would think the latest i7 series should work just fine. You may want to also check out Intel's IPP library for more optimized routines. IPP also easily integrates into OpenCV code since OpenCV was an Intel project at its inception.
If you need really fast image processing, you might want to consider adding a high performance GPU to the box, so that you have that option available to you.
Unfortunately, the page that I'm about to reference doesn't exist anymore. OpenCV evolved a lot since I first wrote this answer in 2011 and it's difficult for them to keep track of which cameras in the market are supported by OpenCV.
Anyway, here is the old list of supported cameras organized by Operating System (this list was available until the beginning of 2013).
It depends if your camera is supported by OpenCV, mainly by the driver model that your camera is using.
Quote from Getting Started with OpenCV capturing,
Currently two camera interfaces can be used on Windows: Video for Windows (VFW) and Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) and two on Linux: Video for Linux(V4L) and IEEE1394. For the latter there exists two implemented interfaces (CvCaptureCAM_DC1394_CPP and CvCapture_DC1394V2).
So if your camera is VFW or MIL compliant under Windows or suits into standard V4L or IEEE1394 driver model, then probably it will work.
But if not, like mevatron says, you can even sub-class the VideoCapture class, and implement your camera driver to make it work seamlessly with OpenCV.
