Create docker swarm overlay network over a set of external and internal hosts - docker

Currently, I'm trying to create a docker swarm network over hosts. We have two different network sites, and one is a closed and private network. In this closed site, there is only one public IP assigned to us and hosts in this site have private IP addresses. Hosts in another network site have own public IP address to each host so there is no problem.
What I want to do is connecting hosts in the closed network site (called internal hosts) and hosts that have their own public IP addresses (called external hosts).
Because the only one public IP assigned to us for the closed network site, I set this public IP designated one internal host in the closed network site and this host became the docker swarm manager. Then, internal hosts joined to the swarm network using the internal IP address of the swarm manager host and external hosts joined using the public IP address.
For example, in the internal hosts:
docker swarm join --token ...
and in the external hosts:
docker swarm join --token ...
Joining was successfully done and I could recognize all nodes correctly in the swarm manager using docker node ls command. However, when I create an overlay network, this network is recognized in external hosts, but not in internal hosts. So, when I created a container in an external host and tried to ping from an internal host, it failed.
Is this a wrong way? Or is there anything that I should check? Any kind of ideas will be very helpful. Thanks!


Can we use a DNS name for a service running on a Docker Swarm on my local system?

Say I have a Swarm of 3 nodes on my local system. And I create a service say Drupal with a replication of 3 in this swarm. Now, say each of the node has one container each running Drupal. Now when I have to access this in my browser I will have to use the IP address of one of the nodes <IP Address>:8080 to access Drupal.
Is there a way I can set a DNS name for this service and access it using DNS name instead of having to use IP Address and port number?
You need to configure the DNS server that you use on the host making the query. So if your laptop queries the public DNS, you need to create a public DNS entry that would resolve from the internet (on a domain you own). This should resolve to the docker host IPs running the containers, or an LB in front of those hosts. And then you publish the port on the host to the container you want to access.
You should not be trying to talk directly to the container IP, these are not routeable from outside of the docker host. And the docker DNS used for service discovery is for container to container communication. This is separate from communication outside of docker that goes through a published port.

Docker: how to access the hosts network with a docker container?

How can I access the hosts network with a docker container? Can I put a container in the hosts network with another IP from the hosts network?
Current situation:
Docker container (default bridge network):
Host (server):
Can I put the docker container on the network as a secondary address?
(or) Can I access the hosts network on the container and vica versa?
I want to access the hosts network from my container (for example: monitoring server).
I want the container to act as a server accessible from the hosts network on all ports.
I run several docker containers so a few ports are already forwarded from the host and these should remain so. So an all-port-forward from the hosts IP isn't really a solution here.
Setup on host:
basic docker system
Centos 7
Macvlan networks may be the solution you are looking for.
You could assign multiple MAC/IP addresses on virtual NICs over single physical NIC.
There are some prerequisites for using Macvlan.

Can a docker (community edition) overlay network be accessed from internet (with out port-forwarding)?

I have a docker SWARM (conected with docker overylay network) with 5 host (4 worker and 1 master). I will be deploying my application along with load balancer/gateway on this swarm. So far so good, but how can I access the gateway from the internet.
1) I don't want to use port-forwading.
2) I don't want to use Docker Enterprise Edition / Http Routing mesh.
3) I don't want to use Weave Net etc third party Net Plugins.
With these restrictions is it possible to access the gateway from net.
If you create a Swarm Cluster With Overlay network driver,
you will be getting a gateway for Docker which will be having a private IP Address attached to a Interface which is created by Docker Daemon.
Attach a Public IP to this Interface (as we do in AWS, we will be having a Private IP Address attached to a Interface and will be attaching a Public Ip Address).

Network accessible IP for each docker container

I would like to deploy multiple applications via docker. Some of them are using the same port.
An alternative port mapping (Port 80->5080) is not an option, so my way to handle the problem is a network bridge which should allow me to assign an ip address from my internal network to each container.
The answer from this post does not work for me
Assign LAN IP address to Docker container different from host's IP address
i am able to assign an ip to the docker container, but it also gets the host ip address so i can not map ports.

static IP for container in docker swarm

I'm new in docker and I have a simple question.
I have 3 hosts running a docker swarm with the following ip's:
Also, I've created a http service with a published port:8080. As expected, service it's available at all hosts ip's (ex:
Is it possible to assign a static IP Address to the service(for example and be able to reach it from any computer from my local network ? (
This way I should have high availability for my service; if the host with the service goes down, it should be started on another host, but keep the same IP.
