Bitbucket Scriptrunner script Post hook does not trigger on pull-request merge - bitbucket

I am using bit-bucket script runner plugin recently. within Script post hooks I have added a custom script to trigger, the trigger happens for commit push but it does not trigger the script upon pull-request merge.
Any help from people who have used script runner script post hooks on pull request merge will be helpful.

Use "Script Event Handlers" or "Listener" and trigger your script on the "PullRequestMergedEvent" event.
you can access event in your script:
def bugId = event.getPullRequest().fromRef.getDisplayId()


Trigger another jenkins job execute shell

How to trigger a jenkins job from another freestyle job execute shell section? For pipeline jobs we have groovy which makes it easy.
Two ways to do.
1 - Add a post-build step to build another project
2 - Create a user in jenkins to build remotely jobs (example remoteUser). Create a API TOken for this user. Edit the project to be triggered and make the option “Trigger Builds Remotely”, add an authentication token (IT'S NOT THE TOKEN OF THE USER, YOU CAN GENERATE A NEW FOR THIS).
Now can just use curl to start the job
curl -X POST HTTP://remoteUser:{remoteUser_API_TOKEN}#jenkins.domain/project/my_project/build?token=TOKEN

Notifications on jenkins job failures - with pipeline from scm

We have several jenkins pipeline jobs setup as "pipeline from scm" that checkout a jenkins file from github and runs it. There is sufficient try/catch based error handling inside the jenkinsfile to trap error conditions and notify the right channels.This blog post goes into a quite a bit of depth about how to achieve this.
However, if there is issue fetching the jenkinsfile in the first place, the job fails silently. How does one generate notifications from general job launch failures before the pipeline is even started?
Jenkins SCM pipeline doesn't have any execution provision similar to catch/finally that will be called if Jenkinsfile load is failed, And I don't think there will be any in future.
However there is this global-post-script which runs groovy script after every build of every job on Jenkins. You have to place that script in $JENKINS_HOME/global-post-script/ directory.
Using this you can send notifications or email to admins based on project that failed and/or reason/exceptions of failure.
Sample code that you can put in script
def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("$JOB_NAME")
def build = job.getBuild("$BUILD_NUMBER")
def exceptionsToHandle = ["","hudson.plugins.git.GitException"]
def foundExection = build
.filter{ line ->
!line.trim().isEmpty() && !{ex -> line.contains(ex)}.collect().isEmpty()
.size() > 0;
println "do something with '$foundExection'"
You can validate your Jenkinsfile before pushing it to repository.
Command-line Pipeline Linter
There are some IDE Integrations as well
Apparently this is an open issue with Jenkins:
I have decided not to use Yogesh answer mentioned earlier. For me it is simpler to just copy the content of the Jenkinsfile directly into the Jenkins project instead of pointing Jenkins to the GIT location of the Jenkinsfile. However, in addition I keep the Jenkinsfile in GIT. But make sure to keep the GIT and the Jenkins version identical.

Jenkins: how to trigger pipeline on git tag

We want to use Jenkins to generate releases/deployments on specific project milestones. Is it possible to trigger a Jenkins Pipeline (defined in a Jenkinsfile or Groovy script) when a tag is pushed to a Git repository?
We host a private Gitlab server, so Github solutions are not applicable to our case.
This is currently something that is sorely lacking in the pipeline / multibranch workflow. See a ticket around this here:
If you're not opposed to using release branches instead of tags, you might find that to be easier. For example, if you decided that all branches that start with release- are to be treated as "release branches", you can go...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
// groovy code on release goes here
And if you need to use the name that comes after release-, such as release-10.1 turning into 10.1, just create a variable like so...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
def releaseName = env.BRANCH_NAME.drop(8)
Both of these will probably require some method whitelisting in order to be functional.
I had the same desire and rolled my own, maybe not pretty but it worked...
In your pipeline job, mark that "This project is parameterized" and add a parameter for your tag. Then in the pipeline script checkout the tag if it is present.
Create a freestyle job that runs a script to:
Run git describe --tags --abbrev=0 to get the latest tag.
Check that tag against a running list of builds (like in a file).
If the build hasn't occurred, trigger the pipeline job via a url passing your tag as a parameter (in your pipeline job under "Build Triggers" set "Trigger builds remotely (e.g. from scripts) and it will show the correct url.
Add the tag to your running list of builds so it doesn't get triggered again.
Have this job run frequently.
if you use multibranch pipeline, there is a discover tag. Use that plus Spencer solution

How can I get the joblist in jenkins after I execute the jobdsl

How can I get the job list in jenkins after I execute the jobdsl ?
Jenkin JobDSL is nice to manage the jenkins jobs. When you execute the jobDSL, jenkins can help to generate the jobs are expected. Even more, if the job is created, you can choose to skip or overwrite.
Now I want to trigger the build directly after it is new generated.
See sample console output from jenkins build.
Processing DSL script demoJob.groovy
Added items:
Existing items:
How can I get the jobname simpliest-job-ever in jenkins? And in this case, I don't want to build existing-job
Scan the console log could be choice, but it is not elegant enough.
You can trigger a build from the DSL script using the queue method (docs).
job('simpliest-job-ever') {
// ...

How to use "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?

I tried search but didn't find any example. I tried and got it is for the different nodes on the same Jenkins.
I would like to trigger a build on another Jenkins. I configured the Remote Hosts and Authentication in system configuration of my Jenkins.
How to call "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?
Seems to be an open bug:
As a workaround you could create another job locally of an old type and use the plugin in the old school non pipeline script way. Then in your pipeline script you would just trigger this job. I know it's an ugly adapter but then you have parametrize this adapter and have it up and running for almost anything ;)
The bug 38657 is already closed, the plugin is available as pipeline step since 16th of May 2018. Usage should be as easy as:
//Trigger remote job
def handle = triggerRemoteJob(remoteJenkinsName: 'remoteJenkins', job: 'RemoteJob')
More information on the triggerRemoteJob step
For anyone wondering how to do this using the Declarative Jenkinsfile Syntax:
steps {
triggerRemoteJob remoteJenkinsName: 'configured-remote-jenkins-name', job: 'trigger-job-folder/trigger-job-name', blockBuildUntilComplete: true
