How can I display picture in app from a server? - ios

I am a new iOS developer. I need to know if the following is possible.
I will use objective C to dev my app (I am confortable with C and C++)
I have a Mysql Database. it will be stored on a network.
I need to get and post information between my app and my database. I have decided to use API rest json for that purpose.
I need to display pictures stored on the network/server in my app but I'm stuck as I can not find relevant information in google (as I am new to iOS development, I get lost). Could you please help me?
i do not have code to share as I am in the beginning of the development. I am just looking at information in order to know the cost of doing it.


How would I go about building and hosting my own backend for an iOS application?

As a preface: I want to do this as a learning exercise. I'm not trying to produce a commercially viable app.
What are the layers/abstractions of an iOS application that is connected to a custom, self hosted backend? What technologies are needed to build this stack?
This post has helped my understanding a bit. I'm currently using Firebase as my backend but have found its NoSQL structure wrong for my app. The data I'm storing is relational, so I think an SQL database storing JSON would work better. The data is modeling Vehicles shared between Users.
From my research, the Realm Platform looks like a good choice. Am I understanding the technologies correctly here? Does this sentence make sense?
General functionality:
Sign Up and Login of users
Upload/download vehicle data
Some server side logic
Pushing data updates to users in real time
So would the stack look like the following?
User Front End: iOS app written in Swift
Database: Realm Database (SQL)
Server: Realm Object Server
I'm really looking for an overview of the general architecture. I don't know anything about that, so I'm sure I have failed to provide many details that are necessary for a thorough answer.
I apologize if this question is redundant; most answers I've seen for similar questions typically end with "just use AWS, Firebase, etc".
For a start you want to build your own backend and you should create your own API's that your IOS application will connect to. in short this is called REST api
you will need to use many more technologies more than just a server like Apache
once you create your backend API you will need to connect it to the IOS app which can be done using NSURLSession builtin framework form Apple or Alamofire which is based on NSURLSession but its easer to use if you are learning
you will need to learn how to do an http/https request to understand how the request is made
check this
Now to Realm. Realm is a local database that will be inside of your IOS app which helps you save data downloaded online or even user generated

Xcode 6 - iOS8: Allow Master User To Update Information

I was wondering if anyone could point me to any useful tutorials on allowing a master user to update information for their app. I am looking into creating an application for a local restaurant and I want the owner to be able to update information like the soup of the day and such by themselves.
I have been looking into JSON and CMS for this, but I am unable to find any useful information regarding iOS 8 or xCode 6. If anyone could provide me with this information, or any other suggestions on how to achieve this I would be very grateful!
(I am using Swift not Objective-C)
This is not a code issue, rather it is a development concept issue. You have many choices including making an API that is updated by the restaurant. The app then connects to the API and gets the recipes. If you feel you need to do this via the App make a special username that is allowed access to modify the menu. This can be accomplished via matching username exactly or via using a regex. It all really depends on the structure of your app platform.

Database for Real Time Queries/Push Notifications

I am looking to build an iOS app and website that work 'together'.
What the plan is for each:
On the iOS side, it will be pushing information to the server in the form of a post. The users will then be able to vote up and down on the posts as well; which also implies they will be able to see the other users information (in real time).
The website will be viewing this information in real time and using the posts. If a post gets enough down votes the server should tell the website and apps to remove it.
I have experience with SQL. Although SQL does not seem to be the appropriate server choice - for what I want to do - given my experience with it. (I could definitely be wrong.)
I would like to host the information myself, however have heard that Parse is good about holding information for iOS apps. I just don't know whether it gives you enough freedom to work with websites as well.
TL;DR: What kind of database/datastore should I use for a real time queries that allows for push notifications?
All suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
Try Using FireBase

Using Parse to make an iOS Social Network App?

I want to make an iOS Scocial Network, almost like Facebook. But I only do it to test my Objective C programming skills so it wont be massive like Facebook (though it will have all features that Facebook has).
What I want to ask is:
Can I only use my Objective C knowledge to build my front-end app and use Parse Services ( to build my back-end? Or I need some tools, knowledge etc...?
Again, I do not make a very very big iOS Social Network app like Facebook but I do a smaller one that has all features Facebook has.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, you can use Objective-C to create the app and use to host your data. You can use the Parse SDK to allow the app to easily access the backend data. It will work well (depending on how well you design the Parse data storage) and you won't need to write any (or much) backend code. actually has a couple tutorials that would be very helpful in creating your social app. It may even be exactly what you are wanting.
Parse is the way to go. You might want to check out Helios and Stackmob as well. They do the same thing as parse. However, I like Parse much better because of it's documentation.
Happy learning.

iOS app without API, alternatives?

Im thinking about learn to develop app for iOS. I had a lot of ideas, but most of them i would need the API of that website. For example:
The point is: is there any other possibility of collect/use information of a site without the API, anything else without the typical parsing or scraping?
Thanks you
To get the most up to date information to your users, you would need to use the API. If you want to store the data locally, you could do some initial scraping and build up your own database and distribute it within your app. This approach is not ideal because your data may become out of date quickly (unless you have a database update mechanism) and the owners of the sites you are scraping may not take too kindly on the matter
