Update version following semver with groovy in Jenkinsfile - jenkins

I'm currently trying to automate the versioning of my maven project with a Jenkins (version 2.190.3) job and following the SemVer. So I have my Jenkinsfile and I'm doing something like that:
script {
def version = "1.2.4"
def pattern = ~/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.\d{1,4}$/
def newVersion = version.replaceFirst(pattern) { _,major,minor -> "${major}.${(minor as int) + 1}.0"}
The expectation is to have 1.3.0 in newVersion.
The code seems OK, working on web console but when I'm using Jenkins I have the following error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot execute null+1
Am I doing something wrong ?

Almost the exact answer to your question is given in this post: Jenkins groovy regex match string : Error: java.io.NotSerializableException: java.util.regex.Matcher
What it comes down to is that the script executed by Jenkins is kind of groovy, but not exactly executed as it is. It is transformed first to a serializable state (can be suspended, saved to file, transported, restored, resumed).
This doesn't work with certain objects that have state, but aren't serializable, including java.util.regex.Matcher, which is working under the hood of your regular expression. If you put this code in a method marked #NonCPS, the code is not transformed, and (more of less) executed as plain groovy.
def foo() {
def version = "1.2.4"
def pattern = ~/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.\d{1,4}$/
def newVersion = version.replaceFirst(pattern) { _,major,minor -> "${major}.${(minor as int) + 1}.0"}
println "Version ${version} -> new ${newVersion}"
script {


No such field found: field java.lang.String sinput error when accessing cppcheck plugin classes

]I am a junior dev trying to lear about Jenkins, I have been learning on my own for a couple of months. Currently I have a pipeline (just for learning purposes) which runs static analysis on a folder, and then publish it, I have been able to send a report through email using jelly templates, from there I realized it is posbile to instantiate the classes of a plugin to use its methods so I went to the cppcheck javadoc and did some trial and error so I can get some values of my report and then do something else with them, so I had something like this in my pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('analysis') {
steps {
bat'cppcheck "E:/My_project/Source/" --xml --xml-version=2 . 2> cppcheck.xml'
steps {
script {
publishCppcheck pattern:'cppcheck.xml'
for (action in currentBuild.rawBuild.getActions()) {
def name = action.getClass().getName()
if (name == 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckBuildAction') {
def cppcheckaction = action
def totalErrors = cppcheckaction.getResult().report.getNumberTotal()
println totalErrors
def warnings = cppcheckaction.getResult().statistics.getNumberWarningSeverity()
println warnings
which output is:
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] echo
My logic (wrongly) tells me that if I can access to the report and statistics classes like that and uses their methods getNumberTotal() and getNumberWarningSeverity() respectively, therefore I should be able to also access the DiffState class in the same way and use the valueOf() method to get an enum of the new errors. But adding this to my pipeline:
def nueva = cppcheckaction.getResult().diffState.valueOf(NEW)
println nueva
Gives me an error:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: No such field found: field org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckBuildAction diffState
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.unclassifiedField(SandboxInterceptor.java:425)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onGetProperty(SandboxInterceptor.java:409)
I can see in the javadoc there is a diffState class with a valueOf() method, but I cannot access to it is therre any other way to get the new errors between the last build and the current one?
I see 2 issues that could be causing this:
CppcheckResult doesn't have a member variable diffState so you can't access it obviously
If you check the javadoc of CppcheckResult the class does have:
private CppcheckReport report;
public CppcheckStatistics getReport()
private CppcheckStatistics statistics;
public CppcheckStatistics getStatistics()
there is no member (and getter method) for diffState so maybe try to call:
* Get differences between current and previous statistics.
* #return the differences
public CppcheckStatistics getDiff(){
my suggestion: cppcheckaction.getResult().getDiff().valueOf(NEW). Furthermore CppcheckWorkspaceFile does have a method getDiffState().
Please have a look at the script approval of your Jenkins (see here).
The syntax error might appear because Jenkins (Groovy Sandbox) blocks the execution of an (for the Jenkins) "unknown" and potential dangerous method.
Jenkins settings - Script Approval - Approve your blocked method

XmlSlurper() in jenkins pipeline. how to avoid java.io.NotSerializableException: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild

I'm trying to read properties from my pom.xml file. I tried the following and it worked:
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlfile)
def version = "${xml.version}"
echo version
When I tried to do something like this:
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlfile)
def version = "${xml.version}"
def mystring = "blabhalbhab-${version}"
echo mystring
the pipeline suddenly fails with the error:
Caused: java.io.NotSerializableException: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild
What might be the problem here?
EDIT: just adding this for others finding it with the same use case. My specific question was about how to avoid the CPS related error with XmlSlurper(). BUT for anyone else trying to parse POMs, afraid of that PR that supposedly will deprecate readMavenPom, the safest most maveny way of doing this is probably something like:
def version = sh script: "mvn help:evaluate -f 'pom.xml' -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout", returnStdout: true trim()
This way your using maven itself to tell you what the version is and not grepping or sedding all over the damn place. How to get Maven project version to the bash command line
In general, using groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild (the type of your xml variable) or groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren (the type of xml.version) inside CPS pipeline is a bad idea. Both classes are not serializable, so you can't predicate their behavior in the Groovy CPS. For instance, I run successfully your second example in my Jenkins Pipeline. Most probably because the example you gave is not complete or something like that.
groovy:000> xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("<tag></tag>")
groovy:000> xml instanceof Serializable
===> false
groovy:000> xml.tag instanceof Serializable
===> false
groovy:000> xml.dump()
===> <groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild#0 node=groovy.util.slurpersupport.Node#5b1f29fa parent= name=tag namespacePrefix=* namespaceMap=[xml:http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace] namespaceTagHints=[xml:http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace]>
groovy:000> xml.tag.dump()
===> <groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren#0 size=-1 parent= name=tag namespacePrefix=* namespaceMap=[xml:http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace] namespaceTagHints=[xml:http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace]>
If you want to read pom.xml file, use the readMavenPom pipeline step. It is dedicated to read pom files and what is most important - it is safe to do it without applying any workarounds. This step comes with the pipeline-utility-steps plugin.
However, if you want to use XmlSlurper for some reason, you need to use it inside the method that is annotated with #NonCPS. That way you can access "pure" Groovy and avoid problems you have faced. (Yet still using readMavenPom is the safest way to achieve what you are trying to do.) The point here is to use any non-serializable objects inside a #NonCPS scope so the pipeline does not try to serialize it.
Below you can find a simple example of the pipeline that shows both approaches.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Using readMavenPom") {
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readMavenPom file: "pom.xml"
def version = xmlfile.version
echo "version = ${version}"
stage("Using XmlSlurper") {
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def version = extractFromXml(xmlfile) { xml -> xml.version }
echo "version = ${version}"
String extractFromXml(String xml, Closure closure) {
def node = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
return closure.call(node)?.text()
PS: not to mention that using XmlSlurper requires at least script 3 approvals before you can start using it.

Groovy Missing Property Exception

I have a jenkins build that needs to get the filenames for all files checked in within a changeset.
I have installed groovy on the slave computer and configured Jenkins to use it. I am running the below script that should return the names (or so I assume as this may be wrong as well) and print to the console screen however I am getting this error:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: paths for class: hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet
Here is the Groovy System Script:
import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet
// work with current build
def build = Thread.currentThread()?.executable
// get ChangesSets with all changed items
def changeSet= build.getChangeSet()
def items = changeSet.getItems()
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.paths }
// get file names
def fileNames = affectedFiles.flatten().findResults
fileNames.each {
println "Item: $it" // `it` is an implicit parameter corresponding to the current element
I am very new to Groovy and Jenkins so if its syntax issue or if I'm missing a step please let me know.
I don't know the version of jenkins you are using but according to the sourcecode of ChangeSet that you can find here I suggest you to replace line 9 with:
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.getAffectedPaths() }
// or with the equivalent more groovy-idiomatic version
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.affectedPaths }
Feel free to comment the answer if there will be more issues.

How does variable scoping work when splitting a workflow into smaller chunks?

I have a very long workflow for building and testing our application. So long, in fact, that when we try to load the main workflow script, we get this exception:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid method Code length 67768 in class file WorkflowScript
I am not proud of this. I'm tying to split the workflow into smaller scripts that we load from the main workflow script, but are running into an issue with variable scoping. For example:
def a = 'foo' //some variable referenced in multiple workflow stages
node {
echo a
//... and then a whole bunch of other stages
might become
def a = 'foo' //some variable referenced in multiple workflow stages
node {
git: ...
load 'flowPartA.groovy'
where flowPartA.groovy looks like:
{ ->
node {
echo a
Based on my understanding of the documentation, where flowPartA.groovy is interpreted as a closure, I expect the variable 'a' would remain in scope, but instead, I get an exception to the contrary.
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: a for class: groovy.lang.Binding
Am I missing something about the way workflow interprets the flow scripts? Is there a good way to take a huge workflow that uses many, many parameters and split it into smaller chunks?
You have to define a function in the external groovy and call it passing all required parameters:
def a = 'foo'
node('slave') {
git '…'
def flow = load 'flowPartA.groovy'
And flowPartA.groovy contains:
def echoFromA(String a) {
echo a
return this
See the documentation for more information.

grails: guidance on writing scripts, esp for calling existing database-migration scripts

My requirement is to invoke some processing from a Jenkins build server, to determine whether the domain model has changed since the last build. I've come to the conclusion that the way forward is to write a script that will invoke a sequence of existing scripts from the db-migration plugin. Then I can invoke it in the step that calls test-app and war.
I've looked in the Grails doc, and at some of the db-migration scripts, and I find I'm stuck - have no idea where to start trying things. I'd be really grateful if someone could point me at any suitable sources. BTW, I'm a bit rusty in Grails. Started to teach myself two years ago via proof of concept project, which lasted 6 months. Then it was back to Eclipse rich client work. That might be part of my problem, though I never go involved in scripts.
One thing I need in the Jenkins evt is to get hold of the current SVN revision number being used for the build. Suggestions welcome.
Regards, John
Create a new script by running grails create-script scriptname. The database-migration plugins scripts are configured to be easily reused. There are is a lot of shared code in _DatabaseMigrationCommon.groovy and each script defines one target with a unique name. So you can import either the shared script or any standalone script (or multiple scripts) and call the targets like they're methods.
By default the script generated by create-script "imports" the _GrailsInit script via includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit") and you can do the same, taking advantage of the magic variables that point at installed plugins' directories:
includeTargets << new File("$databaseMigrationPluginDir/scripts/DbmGenerateChangelog.groovy")
If you do this you can remove the include of _GrailsInit since it's already included, but if you don't that's fine since Grails only includes files once.
Then you can define your target and call any of the plugin's targets. The targets cannot accept parameters, but you can add data to the argsMap (this is a map Grails creates from the parsed commandline arguments) to simulate user-specified args. Note that any args passed to your script will be seen by the database-migration plugin's scripts since they use the same argsMap.
Here's an example script that just does the same thing as dbm-generate-changelog but adds a before and after message:
includeTargets << new File("$databaseMigrationPluginDir/scripts/DbmGenerateChangelog.groovy")
target(foo: "Just calls dbmGenerateChangelog") {
println 'before'
println 'after'
setDefaultTarget foo
Note that I renamed the target from main to foo so it's unique, in case you want to call this from another script.
As an example of working with args, here's a modified version that specifies a default changelog name if none is provided:
println 'before'
if (!argsMap.params) {
argsMap.params = ['foo2.groovy']
println 'after'
Edit: Here's a fuller example that captures the output of dbm-gorm-diff to a string:
includeTargets << new File("$databaseMigrationPluginDir/scripts/_DatabaseMigrationCommon.groovy")
target(foo: "foo") {
depends dbmInit
def configuredSchema = config.grails.plugin.databasemigration.schema
String argSchema = argsMap.schema
String effectiveSchema = argSchema ?: configuredSchema ?: defaultSchema
def realDatabase
boolean add = false // booleanArg('add')
String filename = null // argsList[0]
try {
printMessage "Starting $hyphenatedScriptName"
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def baosOut = new PrintStream(baos)
ScriptUtils.executeAndWrite filename, add, dsName, { PrintStream out ->
MigrationUtils.executeInSession(dsName) {
realDatabase = MigrationUtils.getDatabase(effectiveSchema, dsName)
def gormDatabase = ScriptUtils.createGormDatabase(dataSourceSuffix, config, appCtx, realDatabase, effectiveSchema)
ScriptUtils.createAndPrintFixedDiff(gormDatabase, realDatabase, realDatabase, appCtx, diffTypes, baosOut)
String xml = new String(baos.toString('UTF-8'))
def ChangelogXml2Groovy = classLoader.loadClass('grails.plugin.databasemigration.ChangelogXml2Groovy')
String groovy = ChangelogXml2Groovy.convert(xml)
// do something with the groovy or xml here
printMessage "Finished $hyphenatedScriptName"
catch (e) {
ScriptUtils.printStackTrace e
exit 1
finally {
ScriptUtils.closeConnection realDatabase
setDefaultTarget foo
