Groovy Missing Property Exception - jenkins

I have a jenkins build that needs to get the filenames for all files checked in within a changeset.
I have installed groovy on the slave computer and configured Jenkins to use it. I am running the below script that should return the names (or so I assume as this may be wrong as well) and print to the console screen however I am getting this error:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: paths for class: hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet
Here is the Groovy System Script:
import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet
// work with current build
def build = Thread.currentThread()?.executable
// get ChangesSets with all changed items
def changeSet= build.getChangeSet()
def items = changeSet.getItems()
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.paths }
// get file names
def fileNames = affectedFiles.flatten().findResults
fileNames.each {
println "Item: $it" // `it` is an implicit parameter corresponding to the current element
I am very new to Groovy and Jenkins so if its syntax issue or if I'm missing a step please let me know.

I don't know the version of jenkins you are using but according to the sourcecode of ChangeSet that you can find here I suggest you to replace line 9 with:
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.getAffectedPaths() }
// or with the equivalent more groovy-idiomatic version
def affectedFiles = items.collect { it.affectedPaths }
Feel free to comment the answer if there will be more issues.


Update version following semver with groovy in Jenkinsfile

I'm currently trying to automate the versioning of my maven project with a Jenkins (version 2.190.3) job and following the SemVer. So I have my Jenkinsfile and I'm doing something like that:
script {
def version = "1.2.4"
def pattern = ~/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.\d{1,4}$/
def newVersion = version.replaceFirst(pattern) { _,major,minor -> "${major}.${(minor as int) + 1}.0"}
The expectation is to have 1.3.0 in newVersion.
The code seems OK, working on web console but when I'm using Jenkins I have the following error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot execute null+1
Am I doing something wrong ?
Almost the exact answer to your question is given in this post: Jenkins groovy regex match string : Error: java.util.regex.Matcher
What it comes down to is that the script executed by Jenkins is kind of groovy, but not exactly executed as it is. It is transformed first to a serializable state (can be suspended, saved to file, transported, restored, resumed).
This doesn't work with certain objects that have state, but aren't serializable, including java.util.regex.Matcher, which is working under the hood of your regular expression. If you put this code in a method marked #NonCPS, the code is not transformed, and (more of less) executed as plain groovy.
def foo() {
def version = "1.2.4"
def pattern = ~/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.\d{1,4}$/
def newVersion = version.replaceFirst(pattern) { _,major,minor -> "${major}.${(minor as int) + 1}.0"}
println "Version ${version} -> new ${newVersion}"
script {

XmlSlurper() in jenkins pipeline. how to avoid groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild

I'm trying to read properties from my pom.xml file. I tried the following and it worked:
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlfile)
def version = "${xml.version}"
echo version
When I tried to do something like this:
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlfile)
def version = "${xml.version}"
def mystring = "blabhalbhab-${version}"
echo mystring
the pipeline suddenly fails with the error:
Caused: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild
What might be the problem here?
EDIT: just adding this for others finding it with the same use case. My specific question was about how to avoid the CPS related error with XmlSlurper(). BUT for anyone else trying to parse POMs, afraid of that PR that supposedly will deprecate readMavenPom, the safest most maveny way of doing this is probably something like:
def version = sh script: "mvn help:evaluate -f 'pom.xml' -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout", returnStdout: true trim()
This way your using maven itself to tell you what the version is and not grepping or sedding all over the damn place. How to get Maven project version to the bash command line
In general, using groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild (the type of your xml variable) or groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren (the type of xml.version) inside CPS pipeline is a bad idea. Both classes are not serializable, so you can't predicate their behavior in the Groovy CPS. For instance, I run successfully your second example in my Jenkins Pipeline. Most probably because the example you gave is not complete or something like that.
groovy:000> xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("<tag></tag>")
groovy:000> xml instanceof Serializable
===> false
groovy:000> xml.tag instanceof Serializable
===> false
groovy:000> xml.dump()
===> <groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild#0 node=groovy.util.slurpersupport.Node#5b1f29fa parent= name=tag namespacePrefix=* namespaceMap=[xml:] namespaceTagHints=[xml:]>
groovy:000> xml.tag.dump()
===> <groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren#0 size=-1 parent= name=tag namespacePrefix=* namespaceMap=[xml:] namespaceTagHints=[xml:]>
If you want to read pom.xml file, use the readMavenPom pipeline step. It is dedicated to read pom files and what is most important - it is safe to do it without applying any workarounds. This step comes with the pipeline-utility-steps plugin.
However, if you want to use XmlSlurper for some reason, you need to use it inside the method that is annotated with #NonCPS. That way you can access "pure" Groovy and avoid problems you have faced. (Yet still using readMavenPom is the safest way to achieve what you are trying to do.) The point here is to use any non-serializable objects inside a #NonCPS scope so the pipeline does not try to serialize it.
Below you can find a simple example of the pipeline that shows both approaches.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Using readMavenPom") {
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readMavenPom file: "pom.xml"
def version = xmlfile.version
echo "version = ${version}"
stage("Using XmlSlurper") {
steps {
script {
def xmlfile = readFile "pom.xml"
def version = extractFromXml(xmlfile) { xml -> xml.version }
echo "version = ${version}"
String extractFromXml(String xml, Closure closure) {
def node = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
PS: not to mention that using XmlSlurper requires at least script 3 approvals before you can start using it.

How to get the current Jenkins pipeline StepContext

I have a step in a pipeline that pulls objects from the context and uses them. However, I need to access those objects outside of the steps to feed into different steps, and the second step doesn't expose it.
stage() {
steps {
script {
def status = waitForQualityGate()
// Use the taskId
The waitForQualityGate() call only returns a boolean, so I can't access it there.
I could instead manually initialize the step, like so:
script {
def qualityGate = new WaitForQualityGateStep()
def taskId = qualityGate.getTaskId()
but the taskId is null. If I try to run the start methods manually on the step:
script {
def qualityGate = new WaitForQualityGateStep()
def taskId = qualityGate.getTaskId()
It fails with the message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: you must either pass in a StepContext to the StepExecution constructor, or have the StepExecution be created automatically
The WaitForQualityGateStep has the info I need, but I can't initialize it without having a StepContext (which is an Abstract class). How can I get one from the pipeline?
You can define the variable before the pipeline and in the step just set its value. This way the variable is visible across the pipeline.
I still have no idea how to manually get a step context to manually execute a step, but in case anyone else finds this by trying to get information out of the Sonar plugin, this is how I got the task ID that I needed.
def output = sh(script: "mvn sonar:sonar", returnStdout: true)
echo output // The capture prevents printing to console
def taskUri = output.find(~'/api/ce/task\\?id=[\\w-]*')

How to write jenkins plugin import last_successful_build artifact report to current build

I wrote a plugin following
And it generates a html report
File artifactsDir = build.getArtifactsDir();
String path = artifactsDir.getCanonicalPath() + REPORT_TEMPLATE_PATH;
File reportFile = new File("path");
// write report's text to the report's file
and for the next build, I want to import this report file to see the changes
I tried these but none of them works
build.getPreviousSuccessfulBuild().getArtifactManager().root() + REPORT_TEMPLATE_PATH
// fail with File not found, but the file is there in bash
build.getPreviousSuccessfulBuild().getArtifactsDir() + REPORT_TEMPLATE_PATH
// null pointer exception, seems to be generated by getArtifactsDir()
build.getPreviousBuild().getArtifactManager().root() + REPORT_TEMPLATE_PATH
So how can I obtain the last successful build report file within current build ?
This is how I did it in an pipeline job. I stripped parts of the original code, I hope I didn't introduce an error. I also removed error handling for clarity:
// find last successful build
def lastSuccessfulBuild = currentBuild.getPreviousBuild()
while (lastSuccessfulBuild && (lastSuccessfulBuild.currentResult != 'SUCCESS')) {
lastSuccessfulBuild = lastSuccessfulBuild.getPreviousBuild()
// here I go for a file named 'crc.txt'
// this works only if you have a
// archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'crc.txt', fingerprint: true
// somewhere in your build
def build = lastSuccessfulBuild?.getRawBuild()
def artifact = build.getArtifacts().find { it.fileName == 'crc.txt' }
def uri = build.artifactManager.root().child(artifact.relativePath).toURI()
def content = uri.toURL().text
When I compare our solutions: you don't use child() and you have the relative path in REPORT_TEMPLATE_PATH while I obtain it from the artifact.

Custom changelog in Jenkins Pipelines

I was wondering if it is possible to have a custom changelog appear for Jenkins Pipelines. Ideally, I'd like to propagate the downstream changelogs, but failing that I've tried to create a custom changelog derived from the downstream builds. However, it doesn't appear to work (with no option for viewing the pipeline's workspace either).
I was wondering if this is something that I'm just getting wrong or whether it's actually supported or not.
This is the sample code I'm testing with
build 'SourceBuild'
def rootDir = currentBuild.rawBuild.getRootDir().toString()
echo rootDir
def changelog = new File(rootDir, "changelog.xml")
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(changelog));
writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
writer.println(String.format("\t\t<user>%s</user>", 'User'));
writer.println(String.format("\t\t<comment>Change</comment>", 'Comment'));
Many thanks
In Jenkins pipeline, I noticed that there is a global variable named currentBuild. It has a readable property called changeSets. I would rather take this approach with pipeline instead of playing around with changelog.xml
stage('some name') {
def gitChangeSetList = currentBuild.changeSets
def formatGitChangeLog(GitChangeSetList changeSetList) {
def formatStr = ""
for (setItem in changeSetList) {
for (change in setItem.getLogs()) {
formatStr += "${change.getAuthor().getDisplayName()}: ${change.getMsg()}\n"
return formatStr
currentBuild.changeSets is of type GitChangeSetList. From the javadoc, we can derive various methods involved in GitChangeSet.
