How to configure a writable folder inside an application published to Azure App Service using Docker for Windows - docker

I'm working in an application to obtain some data from a web service, create a text file in the local filesystem send a command to a command line application, obtain the result and then send the results back via the web service.
I need to be able to write to the local file system, read from it and then delete the temporary file. I was reading about bind mounts and volumes but this folder can be delete if a new version of the image is uploaded is just a staging area.
Any ideas how this can be done, thanks.

When using containers in App Service, I believe you will have to link a storage account and mount file shares accordingly. Depending on the OS (windows / linux), the steps vary a bit.
If you are not using containers, then you should be able to access the temporary file locations for file-based requirements. Do note that the storage available this way is limited and not shared across site instances.


Editing application settings of a containerized application after deployment

There might be something I fundamentally misunderstand about Docker and containers, but... my scenario is as follows:
I have created an core application and a docker image for it.
The application requires some settings being added / removed at runtime
Also some dll plugins could be added and loaded by the application
These settings would normally be stored in appsettings.json and a few other settings files located in predefined relative path (e.g. ./PluginsConfig)
I don't know how many plugins will there be and how will they be configured
I didn't want to create any kind of UI in the web application for managing settings and uploading plugins - this was to be done on the backend (I need the solution simple and cheap)
I intend to deploy this application on a single server and the admin user would be able and responsible for setting the settings, uploading plugins etc. It's an internal productivity tool - there might be many instances of this application, but they would not be related at all.
The reason I want it in docker is to have it as self-contained as possible, with all the dependencies being there.
But how would I then allow accessing, adding and editing of the plugins and config files?
I'm sure there's a pattern that would allow this scenario.
What you are looking for are volumes and bind mounts. You can bind files or directories from a host machine to a container. Thus, host and container can share files.
Sample command (bind mount - (there are also other ways))
docker container run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container image
Detailed information for volumes and bind mounts

Azure batch working directory issue

I am newbie to Azure batch as well as docker. The problem i am facing is i have created an image based on another custom image in which some files and folders are created at the root level/directory of the container and every thing works fine but when the same image is running in Azure batch task, i dont know where these files and folders are being created because the wd (working directory) folder is empty. Any suggestions please? Thank you. I know the Azure batch does something with the directory structure but i am not clear about it.
As you're no doubt aware, Batch maps directories into the container (from the docs):
All directories recursively below the AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR (the root of Azure Batch directories on the node) are mapped into the container
so for example if you have a resource file on the task, this ends up in the working directory within the container. However this doesn't mean the container is allowed to write back to the same location on the host (but only within the container). I would suggest that you take whatever results/output you have generated and upload them into Azure Blob Storage via a Shared Access Signature - this is the usual way to get results from a Batch job even without using Docker.

Make notebook .txt or .json generated files within static folder persistent in bluemix

I've been following the twitter tutorial for bluemix and watson and I've read that notebooks are short-lived but what about the .txt or .json files generated by running a notebook and saved under 'static' folder?
Whenever I re-run my application, those .txt and .json files are no longer there. Is there any way to make them persistent?
You have to save the files to your git repository if you are using the IBM DevOps as described in the tutorial. Using this approach a brand new container for your application will be created every time you run Build and Deploy in your devops environment.
Or you can save a local copy to your root project directory and then it will be copied to your application container when you use cf push to deploy your application.
Cloud foundry applications are ephemeral so you should avoid writing to the local disk. As I mentioned in the first paragraph a brand new container is created every time your application is redeployed.
You can find more details here.

How do you create a shared folder to the host using vSphere?

VMWare player and workstation has the ability to easily create a shared folder directly to the host:
This feature seems to be missing or is moved in vSphere. How do you set it up in vSphere?
Actually, we can't have shared folders using ESXi. But we can workaround it by creating a folder in the host datastore and copying files from/to it using scp protocol. Of course, you need to have administrative privileges on the host for that.
This link explains how to set up SSH Server and Shell Access on ESXi:
This feature doesn't make sense with vSphere, which is why you can't find it.
Workstation, Player, Server all run on top of a "host OS" while ESX (vSphere managed) runs on bare-metal. You're not supposed to have access to the native file system on the host - so there is no option to do so.

Running multiple executables from a windows service

I would like to achieve the following. I have a C# server application which is run by a Windows Service. The service currently requires that the server application is located in a specific directory.
Is it possible to create a Windows Service that takes a directory at start and run the application in that directory? How do you do that?
Can such a "configurable" service be used to start multiple application (executables with same name but located in different directories). This would be used to run different versions of a server application in parallel. Or do you need one service per running instance?
Yes, simply set the context to reflect the desired environment.To do this use Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable.
A single service can start many applications, each with its environment. Use a configuration file or persistent data in the registry.
