How do I build the images locally before deploying remotely via docker-compose so I don't have to send a big build context over the internet? - docker

I have been deploying remotely with docker-compose -H $docker_host up --build, but the directory is large and even though I only need 2 small binaries for the images everything is getting sent to the remote server.
The slowness is having an impact on my performance, so I was wondering if there was a way to make compose build the images locally and then send those instead of the whole directory.

A .dockerignore file tells docker what files to ignore when sending the build context during a docker build.

You can build the images locally, but you will need a Docker daemon to do that. After building an image you would then push it to a Docker registry (you could also use a public registry, like the Docker hub and then you could download the image from that registry on the target server.
You can head over to the docker docs to learn more about the architecture or ask a more specific question - I'll try to answer.


How to run docker-compose with docker image?

I've moved my docker-compose container from the development machine to a server using docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load. I can see that my image is loaded by running docker images. But when I want to start my server with docker-compose up, it says that there isn't any docker-compose.yml. And there isn't really any .yml file. So how to do with this?
When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
What you achieve with docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load is that you put a Docker image into an archive and extract the image on another machine after that. You could check whether this worked correctly with docker run --rm image-name.
An image is just like a blueprint you can use for running containers. This has nothing to do with your docker-compose.yml, which is just a configuration file that has to live somewhere on your machine. You would have to copy this file manually to the remote machine you wish to run your image on, e.g. using scp docker-compose.yml remote_machine:/home/your_user/docker-compose.yml. You could then run docker-compose up from /home/your_user.
EDIT: Additional info concerning the updated question:
UPDATE When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
Personally, I have never used this approach of transferring a Docker image (but it's cool, didn't know it). What you typically would do is pushing your image to a Docker registry (either the official DockerHub one, or a self-hosted registry) and then pulling it from there.

Docker compose deployment

I have a question about docker compose. I am new to docker and I can't figure out the "right" flow for deployment.
Lets assume we have a "Dockerfile" which contain a steps to build an image from project source files.
And we have a "docker-compose.yml" which is actually building this "Dockerfile" along with 2 more services.
It is not important here but lets say they are, nginx, webapi (actual project) and mongodb.
So, if i will run "docker compose up" on my machine - it will create 3 images (webapi, nginx, mongodb) and run them. Everything is perfect here.
Questions is, what i need to do to get it deployed to production. What i have tried:
I can checkout git on production server and run "docker compose up" and it will work. But i think this is not the way to go - use of production server to build projects seems silly.
I can run "docker compose build" locally, get 3 images, push them to docker repository, go to production download images from repository and start them one by one. In this case I don't see a point in "docker compose" at all, I am loosing the way to easily define volumes and relation between images, which I can do with docker compose. It will also require a lot of manual activity, or some custom scripts to automate it.
It seems like, there is a way to use "docker machine" to connect to remote server and use "docker compose up", but I was not able to make it work. For some reasons it was not possible to connect from Windows to a remote docker on Linux.
Before going further with that option I need to understand/confirm, it case of remote docker, and "docker compose up", where the build will happen? And if I have a few volumes defined in "docker-compose.yml" are they going to be created on local machine or on remote?
For my project I went with option that resembles your second proposal but bit more automatic. The CI is doing the docker build webapi as this is the only part of my system that is actually build from sources. Ci is also doing docker push to my private repository. Next step is running docker-compose up on production. The compose is not building the webapi it is only configuring it so rather than using build section its using image. Docker compose is also configuring other services that are required (nginx, mongo) and networks for them to communicate. Even if you have custom image creation for other services you do not require full dev environment to create them. For full automation you can do docker machine to remotely execute it. Note that docker will not update images if they are already downloaded on docker-compose up execution you need to docker pull them.

Is git pull, docker-compose build and docker-compose up -d a good way to deploy complete solution on an empty machine

Recently, we just finished web application solution using Docker. (The actual solution is hosted in private repository. This example just a quick glance on how our project structure looks like)
We plan to purchase 1 empty Linux machine on deploy on it. We might purchase more machines in the future but with current traffic right now, 1 machine will be sufficient.
My plan for deployment on the single empty machine is
git pull <from private code repository>
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Since we are going to deploy to multiple machines in near future, I was wondering, is this a common practice to deploy docker application into a fresh empty machine?
Is there anything we can utilize from , without requiring us to perform git pull during deployment stage?
You don't want to perform git pull in each machine - your intuition is correct.
Instead you want to use remote docker registry (as docker hub for example).
So the right flow, each time your source code (git repo) is changed:
git pull from all relevant repos.
docker-compose build to build all relevant images.
docker-compose push to push all images (diff) to remote registry.
docker-compose pull in your production machines, to get the latest updated images.
docker-compose up to start all containers.
First 3 steps should be done in your CI machine (for example, as a jenkins job). Steps 4-5 in your production machines.
EDIT: one thing to consider. I think build via docker-compose is bad. Consider building directly by docker build -f Dockerfile -t repo/image:tag . and in docker-compose just specify the image name.
My opinion is you should not BUILD images on production machines. Because the image might be different than you would expect and you should limit yourself what you do on production machines.. With that being said, i would recommend:
updating the code on your local computer (development)
when you push code to git, you should use some software to build
your images from your push. For example Gitlab-CI (Continuous
integration tool)
gitlab-ci will build the image, then it could run some tests on that
image, and then deploy it to production (this build image)
On you production machine just do docker-compose pull &&
docker-compose up -d and that is it.
I strongly recommend to build images on other machine than production machines, and use some CI tool to test your images before deploying. For example
Deploying it on a fresh machine or the other way around would be fine.
The best way to go around is to make a private repo on and push your images there.
Building and shipping the image
git pull
docker build
docker login
docker push repo/image
Pulling the shipped image and deploying
docker login on the server
docker pull repo/image
docker-compose up -d
Though i would recommend you to look at container scheduling using kubernetes and setting up your CI/CD stack with jenkins to automate this process, in case something bad happens it can be a life saver.

Syncing docker images

I have 2 machines(separate hosts) running docker and I am using the same image on both the machines. How do I keep both the images in sync. For eg. suppose I make changes to the image in one of the hosts and want the changes to reflect in the other host as well. I can commit the image and copy the image over to the other host. Is there any other efficient way of doing this??
Some ways I can think of:
1. with a Docker registry
the workflow here is:
HOST A: docker commit, docker push
HOST B: docker pull
2. by saving the image to a .tar file
the workflow here is:
HOST A: docker save
HOST B: docker load
3. with a Dockerfile and by building the image again
the workflow here is:
provide a Dockerfile together with your code / files required
everytime your code has changed and you want to make a release, use docker build to create a new image.
from the hosts that you want to take the update, you will have to get the updated source code (maybe by using a version control software like Git), and then docker build the image
4. CI/CD pipeline
you can see a video here:
Keep in mind that containers are considered to be ephemeral. This means that updating an image inside another host will then require:
to stop and remove any old container (running with the outdated image)
to run a new one (with the updated image)
I quote from: Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
General guidelines and recommendations
Containers should be ephemeral
The container produced by the image your Dockerfile defines should be as ephemeral as possible. By “ephemeral,” we mean that it can be stopped and destroyed and a new one built and put in place with an absolute minimum of set-up and configuration.
You can perform docker push to upload you image to docker registry and perform a docker pull to get the latest image from another host.
For more information please look at this

Docker - is it necessary to push images to remote server?

I have successfully built some Docker images:
Now I would like to start my microservices by docker-compose, unfortunatelly I am unable to pull those images i.e. repository callista/discovery-server not found: does not exist or no pull access I solved this error by logging into my DockerHub account and pushining those images to remote server. But it seems to me like a little overkill to send such larges images (which are likely to change pretty soon) over the Internet over and over again twice (push&pull).
Is it possible to configure Docker to install those images locally and not to pull from remote server?
I use Docker 1.8 and work on Windows 10.
Do you need to run this images in a server different from the one you build then?
If you need you have some alternatives:
As #engineer-dollery said, you can run a registry into your network, than you would not need to send it over the internet, only in your network. Docs:
You could use the docker save and docker import to move then around too. Docs:
But if the server you run the images is the same you build then...
...than you could just add the tag image to your docker-compose services, and do a docker-compose build, as #lauri said, but with the image docker-compose will create a image with that name after the build, and then you could do docker run using than. Or do a docker-compose up --build so it will always build than again if something changes into the Dockerfile
If you define build option in docker-compose.yml, you should be able to build images locally with Docker Compose and then it uses those images without pulling. By default Docker Compose builds images if they are not found locally. If you want to rebuild images just add --build option docker-compose up command docker-compose up --build
Docker Compose build reference:
