I'm calling three services in a row. When I'm calling third service, I need to use variable from first service response which is userModel. I can get second service response from which is initModel but can't reach first model userModel. My Question is that how can I use userModel in done block by returning it then blocks?
P.S: I tried to return -> Promise<(UserModel,InstallationModel)> in first call but because UserModel is already an object not a promise, I need to convert it to promise to return it. This looks like me a bad way to do it.
As you can see I'm storing it with self.userModel = userModel which I don't wanna do.
func callService(completionHandler: #escaping (Result<UserModel>) -> Void) {
SandboxService.createsandboxUser().then { userModel -> Promise<InstallationModel> in
self.userModel = userModel
return SandboxService.initializeClient(publicKey: self.keyPairs.publicKey)
}.then { initModel -> Promise<DeviceServerResponseModel> in
self.initModel = initModel
if let unwrappedUserModel = self.userModel {
return SandboxService.deviceServerServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token,apiKey:unwrappedUserModel.apiKey,privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
throw ServiceError.handleParseError()
}.then { serverResponseModel -> Promise<UserModel> in
if let unwrappedInitModel = self.initModel, let unwrappedUserModel = self.userModel {
return SandboxService.sessionServiceCaller(authKey: unwrappedInitModel.token.token, apiKey: unwrappedUserModel.apiKey, privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
throw ServiceError.handleParseError()
}.done { userModel in
}.catch { error in
I had also opened issue at PromiseKit page #Github. I'm sharing answer of Mxcl from Github to here also.
func callService(completionHandler: #escaping (Result<UserModel>) -> Void) {
SandboxService.createsandboxUser().then { userModel in
firstly {
SandboxService.initializeClient(publicKey: self.keyPairs.publicKey)
}.then { initModel in
SandboxService.deviceServerServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token, apiKey: userModel.apiKey,privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey).map{ ($0, initiModel) }
}.then { serverResponseModel, initModel in
SandboxService.sessionServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token, apiKey: userModel.apiKey, privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
}.pipe(to: completionHandler)
I'm not familiar with PromiseKit but since it is a framework, you cannot really edit the methods in a way that you could include userModel in callback of .done method. So what I would do is, have an optional value declared in the class where this code block is executed with the type of userModel, and then set it to received value from first call, then set it back to nil after using it in second one. Like following:
Lets assume type of userModel is UserModel.
final class SampleFetcher {
let userModel: UserModel?
func fetch() {
SandboxService.createsandboxUser().then { userModel in
// save userModel here.
userModel = userModel
}.done { initModel in
// Use it here
guard let userModel = userModel else {
SandboxService.deviceServerServiceCaller(secretID: "")
// after you are done, set it to nil
userModel = nil
}.catch { error in
If it wasn't a framework, you could write functions in a way that you could include userModel in second callback as well.
My requirement is to return the value from closure so I tried Dispatch group.
func retrieveAccessToken()->String {
var accessToken: String?
let group = DispatchGroup()
if !accessTokenExpired(){
Network.instance.networkRequest() { value in
accessToken = value
} else {
accessToken = KeychainHandler.shared[ACCESS_TOKEN]!
return accessToken!
if I don't use the dispatch group, the function returns nil,
if I use it my UI gets frozen.
I searched many questions but I didn't find any with my requirement.
Please mark duplicate and provide the link if this question is already solved.
Again, My requirement is to return the value, not to call or print the value inside the closure.
The only way to prevent it from freezing your UI is to wrap it in backgroundQueue but then you wont be able to return a string, What you need is
func retrieveAccessToken(block : ((String) -> ())) {
var accessToken: String! = nil
if !accessTokenExpired(){
Network.instance.networkRequest() { value in
accessToken = value
} else {
accessToken = KeychainHandler.shared[ACCESS_TOKEN]!
Call it as
self.retrieveAccessToken { (accessToken) in
//do whatever you wanna do here
I think it makes sense to make accessToken as implicit optional because you expect the string to be returned at the end.
You need completion for that , Can you try
func retrieveAccessToken(completion: #escaping (_ str: String) -> Void){
if !accessTokenExpired(){
Network.instance.networkRequest() { value in
} else {
Call it like this
retrieveAccessToken { (token) in
// get the token
Also make sure that the api call is asynchronous
I am new to RxSwift and MVVM.
my viewModel has a method named rx_fetchItems(for:) that does the heavy lifting of fetching relevant content from backend, and returns Observable<[Item]>.
My goal is to supply an observable property of the viewModel named collectionItems, with the last emitted element returned from rx_fetchItems(for:), to supply my collectionView with data.
Daniel T has provided this solution that I could potentially use:
protocol ServerAPI {
func rx_fetchItems(for category: ItemCategory) -> Observable<[Item]>
struct ViewModel {
let collectionItems: Observable<[Item]>
let error: Observable<Error>
init(controlValue: Observable<Int>, api: ServerAPI) {
let serverItems = controlValue
.map { ItemCategory(rawValue: $0) }
.filter { $0 != nil }.map { $0! } // or use a `filterNil` operator if you already have one implemented.
.flatMap { api.rx_fetchItems(for: $0)
.filter { $0.isCompleted == false }
collectionItems = serverItems.filter { $0.element != nil }.dematerialize()
error = serverItems.filter { $0.error != nil }.map { $0.error! }
The only problem here is that my current ServerAPI aka FirebaseAPI, has no such protocol method, because it is designed with a single method that fires all requests like this:
class FirebaseAPI {
private let session: URLSession
init() {
self.session = URLSession.shared
/// Responsible for Making actual API requests & Handling response
/// Returns an observable object that conforms to JSONable protocol.
/// Entities that confrom to JSONable just means they can be initialized with json.
func rx_fireRequest<Entity: JSONable>(_ endpoint: FirebaseEndpoint, ofType _: Entity.Type ) -> Observable<[Entity]> {
return Observable.create { [weak self] observer in
self?.session.dataTask(with: endpoint.request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
/// Parse response from request.
let parsedResponse = Parser(data: data, response: response, error: error)
switch parsedResponse {
case .error(let error):
case .success(let data):
var entities = [Entity]()
switch endpoint.method {
/// Flatten JSON strucuture to retrieve a list of entities.
/// Denoted by 'GETALL' method.
case .GETALL:
/// Key (underscored) is unique identifier for each entity, which is not needed here.
/// value is k/v pairs of entity attributes.
for (_, value) in data {
if let value = value as? [String: AnyObject], let entity = Entity(json: value) {
// Need to force downcast for generic type inference.
observer.onNext(entities as! [Entity])
/// All other methods return JSON that can be used to initialize JSONable entities
if let entity = Entity(json: data) {
observer.onNext([entity] as! [Entity])
} else {
return Disposables.create()
The most important thing about the rx_fireRequest method is that it takes in a FirebaseEndpoint.
/// Conforms to Endpoint protocol in extension, so one of these enum members will be the input for FirebaseAPI's `fireRequest` method.
enum FirebaseEndpoint {
case saveUser(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchUser(id: String)
case removeUser(id: String)
case saveItem(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchItem(id: String)
case fetchItems
case removeItem(id: String)
case saveMessage(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchMessages(chatroomId: String)
case removeMessage(id: String)
In order to use Daniel T's solution, Id have to convert each enum case from FirebaseEndpoint into methods inside FirebaseAPI. And within each method, call rx_fireRequest... If I'm correct.
Id be eager to make this change if it makes for a better Server API design. So the simple question is, Will this refactor improve my overall API design and how it interacts with ViewModels. And I realize this is now evolving into a code review.
ALSO... Here is implementation of that protocol method, and its helper:
func rx_fetchItems(for category: ItemCategory) -> Observable<[Item]> {
// fetched items returns all items in database as Observable<[Item]>
let fetchedItems = client.rx_fireRequest(.fetchItems, ofType: Item.self)
switch category {
case .Local:
let localItems = fetchedItems
.flatMapLatest { [weak self] (itemList) -> Observable<[Item]> in
return self!.rx_localItems(items: itemList)
return localItems
// TODO: Handle other cases like RecentlyAdded, Trending, etc..
// Helper method to filter items for only local items nearby user.
private func rx_localItems(items: [Item]) -> Observable<[Item]> {
return Observable.create { observable in
observable.onNext(items.filter { $0.location == "LA" })
return Disposables.create()
If my approach to MVVM or RxSwift or API design is wrong PLEASE do critique.
I know it is tough to start understanding RxSwift
I like to use Subjects or Variables as inputs for the ViewModel and Observables or Drivers as outputs for the ViewModel
This way you can bind the actions that happen on the ViewController to the ViewModel, handle the logic there, and update the outputs
Here is an example by refactoring your code
View Model
// Inputs
let didSelectItemCategory: PublishSubject<ItemCategory> = .init()
// Outputs
let items: Observable<[Item]>
init() {
let client = FirebaseAPI()
let fetchedItems = client.rx_fireRequest(.fetchItems, ofType: Item.self)
self.items = didSelectItemCategory
.withLatestFrom(fetchedItems, resultSelector: { itemCategory, fetchedItems in
switch itemCategory {
case .Local:
return fetchedItems.filter { $0.location == "Los Angeles" }
default: return []
.bind(to: viewModel.didSelectItemCategory)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { items in
// Do something
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
I think the problem you are having is that you are only going half-way with the observable paradigm and that's throwing you off. Try taking it all the way and see if that helps. For example:
protocol ServerAPI {
func rx_fetchItems(for category: ItemCategory) -> Observable<[Item]>
struct ViewModel {
let collectionItems: Observable<[Item]>
let error: Observable<Error>
init(controlValue: Observable<Int>, api: ServerAPI) {
let serverItems = controlValue
.map { ItemCategory(rawValue: $0) }
.filter { $0 != nil }.map { $0! } // or use a `filterNil` operator if you already have one implemented.
.flatMap { api.rx_fetchItems(for: $0)
.filter { $0.isCompleted == false }
collectionItems = serverItems.filter { $0.element != nil }.dematerialize()
error = serverItems.filter { $0.error != nil }.map { $0.error! }
EDIT to handle problem mentioned in comment. You now need to pass in the object that has the rx_fetchItems(for:) method. You should have more than one such object: one that points to the server and one that doesn't point to any server, but instead returns canned data so you can test for any possible response, including errors. (The view model should not talk to the server directly, but should do so through an intermediary...
The secret sauce in the above is the materialize operator that wraps error events into a normal event that contains an error object. That way you stop a network error from shutting down the whole system.
In response to the changes in your question... You can simply make the FirebaseAPI conform to ServerAPI:
extension FirebaseAPI: ServerAPI {
func rx_fetchItems(for category: ItemCategory) -> Observable<[Item]> {
// fetched items returns all items in database as Observable<[Item]>
let fetchedItems = self.rx_fireRequest(.fetchItems, ofType: Item.self)
switch category {
case .Local:
let localItems = fetchedItems
.flatMapLatest { [weak self] (itemList) -> Observable<[Item]> in
return self!.rx_localItems(items: itemList)
return localItems
// TODO: Handle other cases like RecentlyAdded, Trending, etc..
// Helper method to filter items for only local items nearby user.
private func rx_localItems(items: [Item]) -> Observable<[Item]> {
return Observable.create { observable in
observable.onNext(items.filter { $0.location == "LA" })
return Disposables.create()
You should probably change the name of ServerAPI at this point to something like FetchItemsAPI.
You run into a tricky situation here because your observable can throw an error and once it does throw an error the observable sequence errors out and no more events can be emitted. So to handle subsequent network requests, you must reassign taking the approach you're currently taking. However, this is generally not good for driving UI elements such as a collection view because you would have to bind to the reassigned observable every time. When driving UI elements, you should lean towards types that are guaranteed to not error out (i.e. Variable and Driver). You could make your Observable<[Item]> to be let items = Variable<[Item]>([]) and then you could just set the value on that variable to be the array of items that came in from the new network request. You can safely bind this variable to your collection view using RxDataSources or something like that. Then you could make a separate variable for the error message, let's say let errorMessage = Variable<String?>(nil), for the error message that comes from the network request and then you could bind the errorMessage string to a label or something like that to display your error message.
I am working on an iOS App with Swift 3 using ReactiveSwift 1.1.1, the MVVM + Flow Coordinator pattern and Firebase as a backend. I only recently started to adapt to FRP and I am still trying to figure out how to integrate new functionalities into my existing code base.
For instance, my model uses a asynchronous method from Firebase to download thumbnails from the web and I want to provide a SignalProducer<Content, NoError> to subscribe from my ViewModel classes and observe, if thumbnails have been downloaded, which then updates the UI.
// field to be used from the view-models to observe
public let thumbnailContentSignalProducer = SignalProducer<Content, NoError> { (observer, disposable) in
// TODO: send next content via completion below
// thumbnail download method
public func findThumbnail(bucketId: String, contentId: String) {
guard let userId = userService.getCurrentUserId() else {
debugPring("Error id")
let ref = self.storageThumbnail.reference()
let contentRef = ref
contentRef.data(withMaxSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024, completion: { (data, error) in
guard let data = data else {
debugPrint("Error download")
let content = Image(data: data)
content.id = contentId
content.userId = userId
content.bucketId = bucketId
// TODO: emit signal with content
// How to send the content via the SignalProducer above?
I have also tried something similar with Signal<Content, NoError>, whereas I used the Signal<Content, NoError>.pipe() method to receive a (observer, disposable) tuple and I saved the observer as a private global field to access it form the Firebase callback.
Is this the right approach or am I missing something?
How do I emit the content object on completion?
After some hours of pain, I found out how to design the SingalProducer to emit signals and to subscribe from the ViewModels.
Maybe the following code snippet will help also others:
// model protocol
import ReactiveSwift
import enum Result.NoError
public protocol ContentService {
func findThumbnail(bucketId: String, contentId: String)
var thumbnailContentProducer: SignalProducer<Content, NoError> { get }
// model implementation using firebase
import Firebase
import FirebaseStorage
import ReactiveSwift
public class FirebaseContentService: ContentService {
// other fields, etc.
// ...
private var thumbnailContentObserver: Observer<Content, NoError>?
private var thumbnailContentSignalProducer: SignalProducer<Content, NoError>?
var thumbnailContentProducer: SignalProducer<Content, NoError> {
return thumbnailContentSignalProducer!
init() {
thumbnailContentSignalProducer = SignalProducer<Content, NoError> { (observer, disposable) in
self.thumbnailContentObserver = observer
func findThumbnail(bucketId: String, contentId: String) {
guard let userId = userService.getCurrentUserId() else {
// TODO handle error
let ref = self.storageThumbnail.reference()
let contentRef = ref
contentRef.data(withMaxSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024, completion: { (data, error) in
guard let data = data else {
// TODO handle error
let content = Image(data: data)
content.id = contentId
content.userId = userId
content.bucketId = bucketId
// emit signal
self.thumbnailContentObserver?.send(value: content)
// usage from a ViewModel
.startWithValues { content in
Maybe someone can verify the code above and say that this is the right way to do it.
I think you were on the right path when you were looking at using Signal with pipe. The key point is that you need to create a new SignalProducer for each thumbnail request, and you need a way to combine all of those requests into one resulting signal. I was thinking something like this (note this is untested code, but it should get the idea across):
class FirebaseContentService {
// userService and storageThumbnail defined here
extension FirebaseContentService: ReactiveExtensionsProvider { }
extension Reactive where Base: FirebaseContentService {
private func getThumbnailContentSignalProducer(bucketId: String, contentId: String) -> SignalProducer<Content, ContentError> {
return SignalProducer<Content, ContentError> { (observer, disposable) in
guard let userId = self.base.userService.getCurrentUserId() else {
observer.send(error: ContentError.invalidUserLogin)
let ref = self.base.storageThumbnail.reference()
let contentRef = ref
contentRef.data(withMaxSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024, completion: { (data, error) in
guard let data = data else {
observer.send(error: ContentError.contentNotFound)
let content = Image(data: data)
content.id = contentId
content.userId = userId
content.bucketId = bucketId
observer.send(value: content)
class ThumbnailProvider {
public let thumbnailSignal: Signal<Content, NoError>
private let input: Observer<(bucketId: String, contentId: String), NoError>
init(contentService: FirebaseContentService) {
let (signal, observer) = Signal<(bucketId: String, contentId: String), NoError>.pipe()
self.input = observer
self.thumbnailSignal = signal
.flatMap(.merge) { param in
return contentService.reactive.getThumbnailContentSignalProducer(bucketId: param.bucketId, contentId: param.contentId)
.flatMapError { error in
debugPrint("Error download")
return SignalProducer.empty
public func findThumbnail(bucketId: String, contentId: String) {
input.send(value: (bucketId: bucketId, contentId: contentId))
Using ReactiveExtensionsProvider like this is the idiomatic way of adding reactive APIs to existing functionality via a reactive property.
The actual requesting code is confined to getThumbnailContentSignalProducer which creates a SignalProducer for each request. Note that errors are passed along here, and the handling and conversion to NoError happens later.
findThumbnails just takes a bucketId and contentId and sends it through the input observable.
The construction of thumbnailSignal in init is where the magic happens. Each input, which is a tuple containing a bucketId and contentId, is converted into a request via flatMap. Note that the .merge strategy means the thumbnails are sent as soon as possible in whatever order the requests complete. You can use .concat if you want to ensure that the thumbnails are returned in the same order they were requested.
The flatMapError is where the potential errors get handled. In this case it's just printing "Error download" and doing nothing else.
I have the following class to return a list of NOAA weather observation stations. I am using it to learn how to deal with XML. However, I am getting a "Use of undeclared type 'wxObservationStations'" as an error at func returnWxStation() -> (wxObservationStations). I am using SWXMLHash to deserialize the XML, but I don't think that is my problem (though I am just learning, so it may be).
class WxObservationStations {
let wxObserStationsURL = URL(string: "http://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/index.xml")
struct wxStation: XMLIndexerDeserializable {
let stationName: String
let stationState: String
let latitude: Double
let longitude: Double
static func deserialize(_ node: XMLIndexer) throws -> wxStation {
return try wxStation(
stationName: node["station_name"].value(),
stationState: node["state"].value(),
latitude: node["latitude"].value(),
longitude: node["longitude"].value()
public var wxObservationStations: [wxStation] = []
private func getStationNamesAndLocations(url: URL, completion:#escaping (XMLIndexer) -> ()) {
Alamofire.request(url).responseJSON { response in
// print(response) // To check XML data in debug window.
let wxStationList = SWXMLHash.parse(response.data!)
//The error is here:
func returnWxStation() -> (wxObservationStations) {
getStationNamesAndLocations(url: wxObserStationsURL!, completion: { serverResponse in
do {
self.wxObservationStations = try serverResponse["wx_station_index"]["station"].value()
} catch {
return self.wxObservationStations
Any thoughts? The variable is declared in the class, and I would like to use it to send the data back to the requesting object. Thanks in advance.
The wxObservationStations is not a type, so it doesn't make sense to say
func returnWxStation() -> (wxObservationStations) { ... }
You're returning self.wxObservationStations, which is of type [wxStation]. So the method declaration should be
func returnWxStation() -> [wxStation] { ... }
By the way, your life will be much easier if you stick with Cocoa naming conventions, namely types should start with upper case letters. So rather than the wxStation type, I'd suggest WxStation.
Your following method will not achieve what you want:
func returnWxStation() -> [wxStation] {
getStationNamesAndLocations(url: wxObserStationsURL!, completion: { serverResponse in
do {
self.wxObservationStations = try serverResponse["wx_station_index"]["station"].value()
} catch {
return self.wxObservationStations
The method getStationNamesAndLocations runs asynchronously and your self.wxObservationStations will not be populated by the time that returnWxStation actually returns.
The entire purpose of the getStationNamesAndLocations method is to provide you a nice asynchronous method with completion handler. I would excise returnWxStation from your code entirely. Or do something like:
func returnWxStation(completionHandler: ([wxStation]?) -> Void) {
getStationNamesAndLocations(url: wxObserStationsURL!) { serverResponse in
do {
let stations = try serverResponse["wx_station_index"]["station"].value()
} catch {
And you'd use it like so:
returnWxStation() { stations in
guard let stations = stations else {
// handle error here
// use `stations` here
// but not here
What is the recommended approach in RxSwift to implement RAC tryMap-like functionality?
The following code is how I do mapping of json objects to an internal response wrapper class. If the response fails to comply with certain conditions, nil will be returned, which turns into an Error Event(tryMap implementation).
extension RACSignal{
func mapToAPIResponse() -> RACSignal{
return tryMap({ (object) -> AnyObject! in
if let data = object as? [String:AnyObject]{
//Some Logic
return data["key"]
return nil
How should this be implemented in RxSwift?
Updated-Possible Solution
I came up with following solution for Rx-Swift. Open for better solutions.
extension Observable{
func mapToAPIResponse() -> Observable<APIResponse>{
return map({ (object) in
guard let dictionary = object as? [String:AnyObject] else{
//APIResponseError.InvalidResponseFormat is defined in other class.
throw APIResponseError.InvalidResponseFormat
let response = APIResponse()
//Complete API Response
return response
My conclusion is to use throw inside a map to handle errors.
Your solution is correct, that's why map operator in RxSwift is annotated with throws. Release notes of RxSwift 2 explicitly state this:
Adds support for Swift 2.0 error handling try/do/catch.
You can now just write
.map { rawData in
if invalidData(rawData) {
throw myParsingError
return parsedData
Even in `RxCocoa
There is a great way to implement network layer with these set of PODs
RxSwift + Moya/RxSwift + Moya-ObjectMapper/RxSwift
Finally your code for model will looks like
import ObjectMapper
final class Product: Mappable {
var id: String?
var categoryId: String?
var name: String?
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
categoryId <- map["category_id"]
name <- map["name"]
And for service
final class ProductService {
class func productWithId(id: String, categoryId: String) -> Observable < Product > {
return networkStubbedProvider
.request(.Product(id, categoryId))