Upgrade Electron in Electron Forge application - electron

I have an Electron Forge application. I've hit a bug in Electron which is marked as resolved in v4.0.1, so I need to upgrade my application to use at least Electron 4.0.1
It seems though, that Electron Forge depends on a package named electron-prebuilt-compile, which only goes up to 4.0.0, limiting how far it is possible to upgrade.
Is there any way to upgrade an Electron Forge application past Electron 4.0.0?


Does electron version above 20.0.2 support ffi-napiu

I am trying to use electron with ffi-napi, everything works fine when I use the version 20.0.2 of electron.
When I update electron to 20.3.9
there is a error saying error in native callback
I've tried both 20.3.9 and 23.0.0
I got same error as above
only working version is 20.0.2
Does electron still support ffi-napi above the version 20.0.2

Electron app only runs in the background and doesn't show

I am trying to develop an Electron app in Windows 10 using boilerplate code like
After installing all the required modules and running the app in the dev mode using npm scripts, the electron app only runs in the background and doesn't appear.
This is a screenshot of the task manger which indicates that electron is running in the background:
but when I run the electron quick start app, it works.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem so that I can use any boilerplate
to use frameworks like React or Vue

[Mac OS]: How to create an Electron application installer for Windows, but using a Mac?

I have successfully built my first app on a Mac using atom and electron, but now I don't know how to get the app to Windows for other people to install.
Basically I don't know how to create an installer for Windows on Mac.
If I understand correctly, you need to know how to create a Windows install package (.exe or .msi) for an Electron app for the situation when you are developing the app on Mac OS.
There are multiple options; identify and choose a packaging solution that meets your needs.
One of the available packagers for Electron is electron-builder, see documentation here:
There are limitations.
From the electron-builder documentation:
On macOS/Linux you can build Electron app for Windows locally, except Appx for Windows Store
Other options
Look at the great list of tools here for some additional packaging options.
For other options available to you, and some discussion, take a look at the answers to this related question: How to deploy an Electron app as a executable or installable in Windows?

Can't build Electron app for Windows

I have problem with builind Electron app for Windows on Mac OS. Yesterday I could do that, today I can't. I have error:
Packaging app for platform win32 ia32 using electron v1.6.1
Could not find "wine" on your system.
I've installed Wine and have also CrossOver. Only things that are change from yesterday is that I've installed Android Studio, NativeScript and new version of Java SE.

Blackberry OS app with Phonegap

I am trying to develop mobile apps using phonegap and one of the platforms I plan to target is BBOS. However when I do installed phone gap using npm install -g phonegap it downloads the latest version of phonegap which does not support Blackberry OS other than Blackberry10.
So I decided to download Phonegap 2.9.1 directly which comes with all of Blackberry OS platform. My question now is that how do I use this to create and build my app?
