Jquery-ui selectmenu doesn't play well with jqgrid js - jquery-ui

I am using a jquery-ui select along with a theme and the jqgrid JS, however the options for the select do not drop down under the select's button. The appear in the top left of the browser. How can I fix that?

thanks for the reply. I have now resolved the issue. It seems for some reason that the jquery-ui theme that I had downloaded had issues. I pointed to the CDN for that theme and it is working great now.


options in select menu do not scroll in JQuery mobile

I have a a select menu in jquery mobile site you can find the work here:
Note: please try to see the (Days) select menu
I tried to make it custom pop up menu but JQuery do not respond and I tried to make it native but the options do not scroll it is shown as in the link the options is long and exceeds the page height.
So I'm stuck at this (error) and I searched the internet for more than 2 days but no one is saying anything about it.
the final and perfect answer is the above to answers but two clear things up:
1)it is actually conflicting with JQuery UI and putting it before JQuery Mobile solve the issue.
if you trying to use JQuery UI Menus (Styles) you need to add the following Styles in your CSS file:
.ui-selectmenu-menu .ui-menu{
/* Note to modify the height of the select menu for specific menu use (ID-menu)*/
height:50px !important;
Thanks All

jQuery UI Draggable scroll issue

The problem with my function is that when I scroll down, the clone of the element I want to drag is positioned under my mouse pointer, this only happens in FF, IE and Safari, Chrome works like it should.
I already tried all answers on this question :
jQuery draggable shows helper in wrong place after page scrolled
But without succes,
I use jQuery 1.8.3 & jQuery UI 1.10.3
hopefully anyone has any idea on how to fix this.
You can view a live version of my webpage here : http://www.solar-sell.eu/uw-pv-systeem/?gezin=true
The people are the draggable elements and the house is the drop area.
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me that the problem is a jQuery UI bug - http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/9315

Jquery DateTime Picker doesnot display with page css

have download Jquery DatePicker and try to add to my View.
But the DatePicker only work fine when I remove all my page css file
If I keep both of them, the DatePicker display very strange with a small rectangle
I am using Jquery 1.8.2 and Jquery-ui 1.8.24
I think the main reason is that there is some duplication between css in my file with the css in the DatePicker
Please help me to solve it
Thank you in advance
I suggest you to download firebug,if you haven't it already, and select the datapicker.
In this way the firebug console display you on the right column the CSS style related to the selected item,here you can disable the CSS property and see wich one cause you the problem.
Also be sure that you have the jquery ui images in the correct folder

Jquery Mobile Themeroller leaves stripes in the background

I have a problem that drives me nuts, i have used themeroller from jquery mobile and i love this tool, it has its flaws and one of them is when you use dark backgrounds it leaves a little white stripe at the top of the list you can see it right here
it is on the top , left and right of the list, its small but it is there
Is there a fix for this, so i can remove the annoying white stripe
On this:
div class="ui-btn-inner ui-li" ...
Give it:
Worked at my end.
First I would add a HTML DOCTYPE
I think you're missing the opening <html> tag
http://yellowgreenmedia.info/1-theme/ (right click to view source)
and last I think you also need to add just the custom theme and not jQM default css
Last I would give the jQM Theme Roller another go as it looks to be adding CSS from RC2
http://yellowgreenmedia.info/1-theme/css/style.css (jQuery Mobile v1.0rc2)
One more thing, your custom CSS could be causing the extra line as well, Didn't look at it too much though

Draggable box in jquery-ui sliders not rendering

I am using Trent Richardson's timepicker and I am having an issue with the jquery-ui sliders that are used in his widget. The draggable boxes in the sliders are not rendering fully. I am left with what looks like the border of what would have been the boxes on the far left side of the slider and it does not move when I click on it.
I have tried using this tool with the full version of jquery and jquery-ui packages so I know that I am not missing a package and I have not found anyone else with a similar problem. Everything else works just fine in the timepicker so I believe that this is a problem specific to the slider. My javascript is identical to the first example shown in the link above.
Has anyone experience a similar problem when working with sliders?
Found the issue. It turns out I did not have sliders selected when I downloaded the css files for my datepicker. I had since then downloaded the necessary slider functions but forgot to redownload the css...
Yes that's it, the solutin is to add the slider css to your project. The file can be found here :
