Jquery Mobile Themeroller leaves stripes in the background - jquery-mobile

I have a problem that drives me nuts, i have used themeroller from jquery mobile and i love this tool, it has its flaws and one of them is when you use dark backgrounds it leaves a little white stripe at the top of the list you can see it right here
it is on the top , left and right of the list, its small but it is there
Is there a fix for this, so i can remove the annoying white stripe

On this:
div class="ui-btn-inner ui-li" ...
Give it:
Worked at my end.

First I would add a HTML DOCTYPE
I think you're missing the opening <html> tag
http://yellowgreenmedia.info/1-theme/ (right click to view source)
and last I think you also need to add just the custom theme and not jQM default css
Last I would give the jQM Theme Roller another go as it looks to be adding CSS from RC2
http://yellowgreenmedia.info/1-theme/css/style.css (jQuery Mobile v1.0rc2)
One more thing, your custom CSS could be causing the extra line as well, Didn't look at it too much though


Tooltip with info on click

I have been looking for something similar to the map at http://www.rottnestisland.com/. As you can see, you click on an icon then a tooltip with information comes up.
Searched for two days now for something similar but I only get the regular tooltips. Do I just edit the tooltip CSS and go from there or am I searching for the wrong thing? I just want to know if what I am looking for is indeed a tooltip or called something else?
Thanks for your help.
Instead using the concept of tool tip we can use simply show hide in a div. In your reference link also they have used opacity in css to show hide the div (Tooltip).

jquery mobile left menu

Throughout the jQuery Mobile docs, they use a left-side menu for navigation that changes to a more mobile friendly version when the browser width is smaller. You can see an example on this page.
They use this layout throughout the docs, and I can see in the source that they use two divs with the IDs "content-primary" and "content-secondary." My question relates to the fact that I can't find anything about this structure actually discussed in the documentation. It seems very strange that they would not include such a useful widget in the Framework. Did they use custom code to make this, or did I miss it in the documentation somehow?
I'm frankly quite surprised to see how challenging it's been to find a left nav example that works consistently and as expected in JQM.
I wound up copying code directly from the JQM docs, including grabbing their custom .js and .css scripts (which defines the .content-primary and .content-secondary classes, as well as the various #media queries which make the menu responsive).
The JQM docs do not use the "multi-page" format. Instead, each nav menu item links to a wholly separate URL (presumably prefetched into the DOM by adding data-prefetch="true" to the link), so each new page/URL must redefine the same nav menu over again.
This immediately makes my developer brain think "let's abstract the menu and include it on each page automatically". But how to 'include' the menu on each page without PHP (or other server-side language)? This is the problem I have yet to solve.
You may be able to call the $(document).bind('pageinit', function to manually inject your menu into the loading page by using javascript/jquery, but I have yet to figure out how to do this properly.
I'll keep you posted if/when I have a workable solution.
Actually this is not specific to jquery mobile, this is CSS3. You can check documentation here: http://www.css3.info/preview/media-queries/. Essentially what they do is specify style rules for different screen width using media query as shown in this example:
#media all and (min-width: 650px) { // you can define your width here
// style rules here
Are you talking about something like the left menu at http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.3.0-beta.1/docs/demos/panels/panel-nav-form.html# ? Haven't played with it but it looks like these days it just takes
<div data-role="panel" data-position="left" data-position-fixed="false" data-display="reveal">

sIFR3 - renders beautifully but links are not clickable

I've got sIFR3 running on my site but for some reason, links are not clickable. I've never experienced this issue before.. I'm only replacing h2 with it which is a linked title on my site. How do i enable sIFR to treat it as such?
Site is: http://criticaldesigner.com
This sounds like a bug in Firefox/Safari where a Flash movie with wmode set to transparent or opaque, contained in a floated element, doesn't properly register click events. Try removing the wmode setting if possible.

Help with html select replacement

I hate default select control, that's because it can't be styled in IE using CSS.
This is why I developed a new select control from scratch, using HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
I did a great job in the past two days matching CSS and HTML together, but today I discovered a bug wich looks very hard for me to fix.
In IE 7, when I have tow controls on the same page, the one from top does not overlay the one from bottom.
See the image: coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.jpg
Download the demo page (HTML + CSS + Javascript): coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.zip
Please help me, this control looks so nice for me and I want to use it on all my projects from now on. This bug killed my hopes and lot of time.
Thank you.
If you give each control the same z-index, then you will not have control over the stacking order.
I would suggest modifying your control to behave more like a real SELECT element: only one can be open at a time, or losing focus causes it to close. Alternately, you can set a high z-index when the control has focus, and a lower one when it does not.
Another thing to look out for: try putting some other controls like radio, checkbox, and select under your control. You might find that IE also will not hover over those even if you give them a different z-index (as #grawity explained in his answer). This is why you'll typically see widget demos displayed on top of these elements, as shown here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/
A typical hack to fix this is to use an iframe, but that probably deserves a different question altogether.
Edit: After rereading the question, this answer now seems totally unrelated, but I'm keeping it here anyway.
Not really an answer, but an attempt to explain:
In Internet Explorer, <select> tags are implemented as simple windowed controls, while all other elements are windowless controls (this allows them to be styled). That's why these tags are always on top and don't follow the z-order rules. (The drop-down menu part must be styleable so it's a windowless control, and so it shows under the main part.)
In Firefox all elements are windowless, and in IE8 they should be too.

Making animation on sIFR3

Now I'm using sIFR3. It works very nicely.
Additionally, I would like to put an effect on sIFR.
My idea is that when the page loaded, sIFR(ed) texts change its color. For example, sIFR in list item change color one by one.
The purpose is to emphasize the sIFR(ed) texts.
Reading the document, I thought Flash filters are not for like this animation.
Do you think is it possible to make animation on sIFR ?
Thank you for your help.
You could do this using JavaScript. See this answer for inspiration: Sifr and Javascript changing stylesheets (without a page refresh)
