I am trying to start uiautomatorviewer under /.android/platform-tools/bin/ uiautomatorviewer but it gives me "can't find uiautomatorviewer-26.0.0-dev.jar I checked the path but I didn't find any issue.
In one post I read that Monitor has taken the place but that is also not working.
You can see the screenshot:
This is when I try to open the monitor
Where am I doing a mistake?
Please note that uiautomatorviewer executable has been moved in SDK Tools Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017) update to new location under <android-sdk>\tools\bin
i was trying to make use of unreal engine 4 template for AR but i got this error. This step kinda connect android studio with unreal but i just don't work.
Ran into the same issue and fixed it by editing the SetupAndroid.bat file.
Example of adjusted code
Not sure why it doesnt set the location of the SDKManager after it fails the first one. But manually replacing the first location works.
if you encountered this issue when running "SetupAndroid.bat", the reason might be simple. If you check the "SetupAndroid.bat"(right click, edit. Or turn it into a txt), the default sdkmanager path might be different from the actual location.
You might need to search "sdkmanager" from the Android Studio SDK root folder manually(it suppose to display on the cmd interface), find the actual directory and correct the "SetupAndroid.bat", then try it again.
the same here, i tried to search "sdkmanager" at both of my Drive and couldn't find any.
couldn't find any cmdline-tools drive as well.
Try next:
Go to your AppData\Local\Android\Sdk folder
Search for sdkmanager.bat
Navigate to its location and copy it
Open SetupAndroid.bat with Notepad (or other editor of your choice)
Find the line(s) which contains sdkmanager.bat
Paste the copied location (for example \cmdline-tools\latest\bin\sdkmanager.bat)
Save, exit, and run the edited file
This worked for me.
I spent 2 hours to figure out what's wrong with it.
So, provided earlier solutions should fix it:
Simply just replace incorrect path to correct one or, just DELETE most outer IF block and first line where %SDKMANAGER% var first set to invalid (I suppose, outdated path) value.
This is a part of the source code of SetupAndroid.bat from Epic Games. I've checked version 4.27 and 5.1. These lines are kind of identical in both versions (however version 5.1 still has the same exact error, but it works due to changing the order of which path is tried first):
set SDKMANAGER=%STUDIO_SDK_PATH%\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat
echo Using sdkmanager: %SDKMANAGER%
) ELSE (
set SDKMANAGER=%STUDIO_SDK_PATH%\cmdline-tools\latest\bin\sdkmanager.bat
echo Using sdkmanager: %SDKMANAGER%
) ELSE (
echo Unable to locate sdkmanager.bat. Did you run Android Studio and install cmdline-tools after installing?
exit /b 1
And this specific part does not work! I don't know why those who developed that did not check it or they simply don't know how batch file variables work.
The thing here is that on recent Android SDK installations there's no folder tools at the path %STUDIO_SDK_PATH%. So the first condition check fails and then they try to overwrite variable value to correct one with path %STUDIO_SDK_PATH%\cmdline-tools\latest\bin. But this overwrite DOES NOT WORK. You can't just do that in a batch file (which is kind of stupid, but it is). More on that issue with batch vars here: How to overwrite an existing variable using another variable in batch files?
"Good" job! Epic Games
I follow the guide to package the extension in this guide:
The sample extension is in download from:
I use the tool: ManifoldJS.
but the result of the target folder is empty.
We confirmed that this is a known issue of manifoldjs-edgeextension, please check below link for detail information, still no updates yet.
As a workaround, NodeJS version 8 works good for this extension, tested it and got the outputs.
Hi I have a problem I can not find template.pcp file that should be in windows SDK but It is not. I need it to make a patch .msp file I am following this tutorial: MSDN tutorial . Does anyone know where could I find it?
I can't see the template.pcp file anywhere in the SDK at this point, it might have gotten removed whereas it previously kept being moved.
The free MSI SDK tool called Orca can save a PCP file - and other types of MSI-relevant files. Search Windows SDK folder for Orca-x86_en-us.msi and install. Some more info here, current paths etc... (towards bottom).
WiX can also create a PCP file via markup, as explained in this thorough tutorial: Using Patch Creation Properties. This tutorial should contain all required information to succeed without the template.pcp file (though I never use patching).
I ejected from expo.
I ran ‘react-native link’ in the terminal
I moved into the iOS folder and ran ‘pod install’ in the terminal.
Then I opened the padel.xcworkspace in xcode. When I try and build the app
I get an error that says the React/RCTBridgeModule.h file is not
After much googling I understand that I need to “manually add
Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration” as
described in the expo docs
I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Can someone please help me?
When I click on the error message in build time this is what I see:
Where am I supposed to add ‘Pods/Headers/Public’
My best guess is that I have to add an additional path in the ‘Header Search Paths’ section. The problem is that I don’t understand where BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR corresponds to so I don’t know how to walk it to the pods folder.
Any suggestions?
Finally found the answer to this on step 3 of the docs on manual linking in react native https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios.html#manual-linking
I recently downloaded the trial version of Mono For Android. I tried running the Hello World tutorial. I receive the following error:
Tried to launch activity 'HelloMonoDroid.HelloMonoDroid/hellomonodroid.Activity1', but the device could not find it.
A common cause of this is manually adding an to your AndroidManifest.xml whose name does not match your Activity class.
Consider using the [Activity] attribute instead:
I triple checked my code and didn't see any differences between it and the posted code in the tutorial. So I tried to create a new Mono For Android Project and ran it without modification. I named the Project Driver. Here is the error I received:
Tried to launch activity 'Driver.Driver/driver.Activity1', but the device could not find it.
A common cause of this is manually adding an to your AndroidManifest.xml whose name does not match your Activity class.
Consider using the [Activity] attribute instead:
Notice it is the same as the original error with only the activity name changed. This is a simple solution. I am not creating a AndroidManifest.xml file manually. Is this a bug with the Mono For Android product?
Go to Tools->Options->Mono for Android and turn on adb logging.
This should write a log to your desktop that might give more details.
Aha, thanks I've found the issue. There is a place in that dialog (Tools->Options->Mono For Android) that sets the Android SDK path. After doing this the solution deploys and works with no trouble. I thought I told the installer where the SDK was, but apparently not. Its possible I got myself confused as I'm evaluating the Eclipse/Android SDK development environment in parrallel.