Windows SDK 10 can not find .pcp file - sdk

Hi I have a problem I can not find template.pcp file that should be in windows SDK but It is not. I need it to make a patch .msp file I am following this tutorial: MSDN tutorial . Does anyone know where could I find it?

I can't see the template.pcp file anywhere in the SDK at this point, it might have gotten removed whereas it previously kept being moved.
The free MSI SDK tool called Orca can save a PCP file - and other types of MSI-relevant files. Search Windows SDK folder for Orca-x86_en-us.msi and install. Some more info here, current paths etc... (towards bottom).
WiX can also create a PCP file via markup, as explained in this thorough tutorial: Using Patch Creation Properties. This tutorial should contain all required information to succeed without the template.pcp file (though I never use patching).


Adding Header Search Path when trying to incorportate GPUImage in my xcode project?

I am trying to add the GPUImage framework/library according to this:
and I am stuck at the point of setting the Header Search Path. I tried setting a path but when I tried importing#import "GPUImage.h" I got an error saying it is not found. Maybe I put in the wrong path? I'm confused about what I should do because I have never used this before (very new to programming). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First, if you're developing using Xcode 6, you might look at using the new framework support present in iOS 8 (and back to iOS 7, near as I can tell). The project has a true iOS framework that eliminates the need for setting paths to headers, like static libraries require. See the "Adding this as a framework (module) to your Mac or iOS project" section of the instructions for how to use this.
If you're targeting an older version of iOS and/or using an older version of Xcode, you'll need to set the Header Search Paths value in your build settings to be the path to where you installed GPUImage from where your application resides. For example, the sample applications in the examples/iOS directory use a path of
The .. elements in that tell it to step one directory back from the location of your application project. Since the examples reside in GPUImage/examples/iOS/[project], the above relative path leads to GPUImage/framework. If you placed your project and GPUImage in the same encompassing directory, you might use
In that path setting, make sure you set the option on the right to "recursive" as well.
Use the sample applications as templates, and compare how they are set up to your application to find areas where you might have deviated from the listed setup instructions. About the hardest part of those instructions is getting the relative path right.
I suggest you use cocoapods. It handles gracefully library dependencies and GPUImage is present there.
It is also fairly easy to install and use

YouTube integration issue in iOS SDK

I am integrating YouTube in my app in which I have to login the user for authentication.I got a sample code that is working fine.When I started integrating that code in my app then I am getting some issues.
When I run the same code in a sample app I made then its telling GTLYouTube.h file missing.I am unable to know how that sample is working even though it does not have that file.
Subsequently I added the downloaded file from svn checkout svn checkout google-api-objectivec-client-read-only and added the files in my app.
Then although the GTLYouTubeConstants.m is present as I can see in Services->Youtube->Generated I am getting error that GTLYouTubeConstants.m file not found.
I am unable to find while compiler is unable to find the file.Is there anything wrong in my implementation?
Finally I came up with the solution.I need to make a lot of changes in the code which I will write in steps so that it can be helpful for others.
The main problem I got in GTLYouTube_Sources.m,GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLNetworking_Sources.m.When I used these files from the Sample App the files were missing and I was getting message like GTLYouTubeConstants.m file not found in GTLYouTube_Sources.m file.From the comments of developer in the GTLYouTube_Sources.m I came to know that I can't directly use these files.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
So I downloaded the files from svn checkout and added the files in my app.Then again I got that error but when I removed the GTLYouTube_Sources.m,GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLNetworking_Sources.m files form the project then the error gone(since I have already added the needed files).
Then again I got the duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$ (linker error).Then I had to remove the GTLYouTube_Sources.m from Services->YouTube->Generated folder and the error gone.
I had made some other changes along with this:
I changed my header search path to same that used in Sample App.Also I changed my framework search path to $(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks $(inherited) $(DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR) and I removed all the test files and didn't use any test framework as we can see in the downloaded files.
May be my solution is not proper but it let the code running so please suggest me any improvement needed.

Test flight SDK Updated but deprecated in ios

I had using TestFlight SDK 2.0 before,After that I had download TestFlight SDK 2.2.1 and replace the all files, integrated in my App.And removes the old files also.
But I'm facing a problem while uploading latest build to TestFlight.
Still The SDK is showing 2.0 and deprecated.
Please suggest me to resolve this.
I had the same problem where I updated the SDK, but the old SDK was still showing up in TestFlight. Turns out I had to go into Build Settings --> Search Paths --> Library Search Paths and sure enough, this was still pointing to the old SDK folder. I just updated this to the new folder.
The odds are pretty good the old one is still around somewhere in your project.
Once trick that I've used before to find out if something is still in the project somewhere is to open the project file with a text editor. (BareBones Softeware's BBEdit is great, but their freeware Text Wrangler will also work just fine for this.)
Once it is open just search for the "bad" file and search the entire project. You might find it there and that will help you track it down. You can edit this file but be careful, it is XML and it had better still be valid XML when you save it.

Integration googleDrive in ios application

I use DropBox and SkyDrive in my applications and they work like a charme with a very good documentation, but GoogleDrive is really hard to integrate (to be polite :) ).
I'm not talking about coding but integration in xcode.
i follow this tutorial.
In step 3 i have 8 point to do, the problem is in point n°7, there's no Sources path, i search in the svn folder i download and it's not there. and of course without linking headers i have this issue "GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h no such file or directory"(i think that compiler stop there but there's more error).
what can i do ?
I know this is really old, but I had this problem and found a solution.
When you add the "User Header Search Paths" to the source directory, you need to make sure you set it to recursive so it gets all of the contents of that directory. Hope that helps.
The Source directory is immediately under the trunk that you checked out.
There is a Google Developer video (embedded at the bottom of the tutorial) that shows all the steps listed in the tutorial. Unfortunately the presenter does skip some troubleshooting and the steps he's following are very slightly different to the current version of the tutorial, but it is still helpful.

Phonegap + JQM - Phonegap.js?

I am just getting into building a basic app using JQM and Phonegap.
I am using the Phonegap Cloud Builder and so far everything is OK!
But now I want to try and use some of the phones features e.g. the camera. I have read about people doing this successfully using JQM, but the hurdle I am stumbling on involves 'phonegap.js'
As I understand, this file is created typically when a new project is created (using Eclipse of XCode etc). My 'app' is being created by hand (hence using the Cloud Builder) and therefore I have no access to phonegap.js.
All the documentation I find is old and says the files are in the zip download, but they are not. I also figured that the Cloud Builder creates this file, but no idea where it places it in relation to the index page for me to reference it.
So, how can I get hold of the phonegap.js library to use the phones camera, when I am not using an IDE (this is likely to change if there is no way to get the file without one)
Download PhoneGap here:, depending on platform you are developing follow appropriate tutorial included in documentation. Ether way you will be having www folder inside your project with phonegap.js file in it. Copy your jQm web application to www and append phonegap.js file in of your index.html. Now you will be able to compile native application that can access phone resources.
