I have been using Dockerfile for my project with a sample code like given below.
RUN groupadd syslog && apt-get update && apt-get -q install -y curl logrotate iproute2
I would like to convert this to pom.xml so that other micro-services can inherit it.
I surely cannot add this under build tag as I cannot and don't want this to get executed at the build time, I rather want this to set up logrotate in the container when the container starts up.
I tried adding few run commands, but that did not work. I am trying to understand which XML tag needs to be used for making sure my container RUNs the command on start up?
Your guidance will be highly appreciated.
Try runs:
<run>groupadd syslog</run>
<run>apt-get update</run>
<run>apt-get -q install -y curl logrotate iproute2</run>
Is it possible to use the same shell in all RUN commands when building a docker image? As opposed to each RUN command running on its own shell.
Use case: at some point, I need to source some file containing environment variables that are used later on. I cannot do this, because the commands run in different shells:
RUN source something.sh
RUN ./install.sh
RUN ... more commands
Instead I have to do:
RUN source something.sh && \
./install.sh && \
... more commands
Which I'm trying to avoid since it hurts readability, it's error prone and does not allow inserting comments in between commands.
Any ideas?
It's not possible to have separate RUN statement run in the same shell.
If you don't like the look of concatenated commands, you could write a shell script and RUN that.
You'll have to get it into the container by using a COPY statement.
Or you can use wget or curl to fetch it and pipe it into a shell. That requires that wget or curl is present in the container, so you might have to install them first.
If you use curl and Debian, it could look like this
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y curl && \
curl -sL https://github.com/link/to/my/install-script.sh | bash
If you COPY it in, it'd look like this
COPY install-script.sh .
RUN ./install-script.sh
I have set up a docker image and install ubuntu on it. Can you please tell me how can I install Openmodelica inside ubuntu to that docker image?
for example, if I want to install node.js on this docker image I could use this code:
apt install nodejs
so I need some codes like that to install open Modelica on my docker image.
p.s: my docker image is an ubuntu image.
I happened to create a Docker image for OpenModelica to debug something, so I might add it here as well. We got this questions in the OpenModelica forum as well.
While the answer of #sjoelund.se will stay up to date this one is a bit more explaining.
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# Export DISPLAY, so a XServer can display OMEdit
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0
# Install wget, gnupg, lsb-release
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt install -y wget gnupg lsb-release
# Get the OpenModelica stable version
RUN for deb in deb deb-src; do echo "$deb http://build.openmodelica.org/apt `lsb_release -cs` stable"; done | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list
RUN wget -q http://build.openmodelica.org/apt/openmodelica.asc -O- | apt-key add -
# Install OpenModelica
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt install -y openmodelica
# Install OpenModelica libraries (like all of them)
RUN for PKG in `apt-cache search "omlib-.*" | cut -d" " -f1`; do apt-get install -y "$PKG"; done
# Add non-root user for security
RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash openmodelicausers
USER openmodelicausers
ENV HOME /home/openmodelicausers
ENV USER openmodelicausers
# Return omc version
CMD ["omc", "--version"]
Let's build and tag it:
docker build --tag openmodelica:ubuntubionic .
How to use omc from the docker image
Let's create a small helloWorld.mo Modelica model:
model helloWorld
Real x(start=1.0, fixed=true);
der(x) = 2.5*x;
end helloWorld;
and a MOS script which will simulate it, called runHelloWorld.mos
loadFile("helloWorld.mo"); getErrorString();
simulate(helloWorld); getErrorString();
Now we can make our files accessible to the docker container with the -v flag and run our small example with:
docker run \
--rm \
-v $(pwd):/home/openmodelicausers \
openmodelica:ubuntubionic \
omc runHelloWorld.mos
Note that -v needs an absolute path. I added --rm to clean up.
Using OMEdit with a GUI
I'm using Windows + Docker with WSL2. So in order to get OMEdit running I need to have a XServer installed on my Windows host system. They are not trivial to set up, but I'm using VcXsrv and so far it is working for me. On Linux this is of course much simpler.
I'm using this config to start XLaunch:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<XLaunch WindowMode="MultiWindow" ClientMode="NoClient" LocalClient="False" Display="-1" LocalProgram="xcalc" RemoteProgram="xterm" RemotePassword="" PrivateKey="" RemoteHost="" RemoteUser="" XDMCPHost="" XDMCPBroadcast="False" XDMCPIndirect="False" Clipboard="True" ClipboardPrimary="True" ExtraParams="" Wgl="True" DisableAC="True" XDMCPTerminate="False"/>
But when the XServer is running you can use OMEdit in nearly the same fashion you would from a Linux OS, just mount some directory with your files and that's it:
docker run \
--rm \
-v $(pwd):/home/openmodelicausers \
openmodelica:ubuntubionic \
You could get some inspiration from the Dockerfiles that are used to generate the OpenModelica docker images. For example: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelicaDockerImages/tree/v1.16.2
I want to run vscode in docker for internal test, i've created the following
FROM debian:stable
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl gpg
RUN curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg \
&& install -o root -g root -m 644 microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ \
&& echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y code libx11-xcb-dev libasound2
RUN code --user-data-dir="~/.vscode-root"
I use to build
docker build -t vscode .
I use to run
docker run vscode code -v
when I run it like this I got error
You are trying to start vscode as a super user which is not recommended. If you really want to, you must specify an alternate user data directory using the --user-data-dir argument.
I just want to verify it by running something like RUN code -v how can I do it ?
should I change the user ? I just want to run vscode in docker and use some vscode apis
Have you tried using VSCode's built in functionality for developing in a container?
Checkout this page which describes how to do this:
Developing inside a Container
You can try out some of the sample container configurations provided by VSCode and use any of those devcontainer.json files as an example to configure a custom development container to your liking. According to the page above:
Workspace files are mounted from the local file system or copied or cloned into the container. Extensions are installed and run inside the container, where they have full access to the tools, platform, and file system. This means that you can seamlessly switch your entire development environment just by connecting to a different container.
This is a very handy way to have different environments for development that are isolated within the container.
Edit: Solved- typo
I have a Dockerfile that successfully creates a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper (along with setting up a heap of "standard" settings/packages in our normal environment). I am using the resulting image as a "base image" for further use. All good so far. However, the following Dockerfile (based of the first image, "base_image_14.04") falls down at the last line:
FROM base_image_14.04
USER root
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libproj0 libproj-dev \
libgeos-c1v5 libgeos-dev \
libjpeg62 libjpeg-dev \
zlib1g zlib1g-dev \
libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev \
libgdal20 libgdal-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists
USER webdev
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-ic", "mkproject maproxy"]
ADD ./requirements.txt .
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-ic", "workon mapproxy && pip install -r requirements.txt"]
The "mkproject mapproxy" works fine. If I comment out the last line it builds successfully and I can spin up the container and run "workon mapproxy" manually, not a problem. But when I try and build with the last line, it gives a workon error:
ERROR: Environment 'mapproxy' does not exist. Create it with 'mkvirtualenv mapproxy'.
workon is being called, but for some reason it can't find the mapproxy virtualenv.
WORKON_HOME & PROJECT_HOME both exist (defined in the parent image) and point to the correct locations (and are used successfully by "mkproject mapproxy").
So why is workon returning an error when the mapproxy virtualenv exists? The same error happens when I isolate that last line into a third Dockerfile building on the second.
Solved: It was a simple typo. mkproject maproxy instead of mapproxy. :sigh:
I am trying to build a docker image and am running into similar problems.
First question was why use a virtual env in docker? The main reason in a nutshell is to minimize effort to migrate an existing and working approach into a docker container. I will eventually use docker-compose, but I wanted to start by getting my feet wet with it all in a single docker container.
In my first attempt I installed almost everything with apt-get, including uwsgi. I installed my app "globally" with pip3. The app has command line functionality and a separate flask web app, hence the need for uwsgi. The command line functionality works, but when I make a request of the flask app uwsgi / python has a problem with locale: Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding and ImportError: No module named 'encodings
I have stripped away all my app specific additions to narrow down the problem. This is the Dockerfile I'm using:
# Docker image definition for testing
FROM ubuntu:xenial
# Create a user
RUN useradd -G sudo -ms /bin/bash tester
RUN echo 'tester:password' | chpasswd
WORKDIR /home/tester
# Skipping apt-get update to save some build time. Some are kept
# to insure they are the same as on host setup.
RUN apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip \
virtualenv virtualenvwrapper sudo nano && \
apt-get clean -qy
# After above, can we use those installed in rest of Dockerfile?
# Yes, but not always, such as with virtualenvwrapper. What about
# virtualenv? How do you "source" the script? Doesn't appear to be
# installed, as bash complains "source needs a single parameter"
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source", "/usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh"]
# Create a virtualenv so uwsgi can find locale
# RUN mkdir /home/tester/.virtualenv && virtualenv -p`which python3` /home/bts_tools/.virtualenv/bts_tools
RUN mkvirtualenv -p`which python3` bts_tools && \
workon bts_tools && \
pip3 --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade bts_tools
USER tester
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
CMD ["--login"]
The build fails on the line I try to source the virtualenvwrapper script. Bash complains source needs an argument - the file to be sourced. So I comment out the RUN lines and it builds without error. When I run the resulting container I see all the additions to the ENV that virtualenvwrapper makes (you can see all of them by executing the "set" command without any args), and the script to be sourced is there too.
So my question is why doesn't docker find them? How does the docker build process work if the results of any previous RUNs or ENVs aren't applied for subsequent use in the Dockerfile? I know some things are applied and work, for example if you apt-get nginx you can refer to /etc/nginx or alter things under that folder. You can create a user and set it's password or cd into its home folder for example. If I move the WORKDIR before the RUN useradd -G I see a warning from useradd the home folder already exists. I tried to use the "time" program to time how long it takes to do various things in the Dockerfile and docker complains it can't find 'time'.
So what exactly is going on? I have spent the last 3 days trying to figure this out. It just shouldn't be this difficult. What am I missing?
Parts of the bts_tools flask app worked when I wasn't using virtual envs. Most of the app didn't work, and the issue was this locale problem. Since everything works on the host outside of docker, and after trying to alter the PATH, PYTHONHOME, PYTHONPATH in my uwsgi start script to overcome the dreaded "locale encoding" fatal error, I decided to try to replicate the host setup as closely as possible since that didn't have the locale issue. When I have had that problem before I could run dpkg-reconfigure python3 or fix with changes to PATH or ENV settings. If you google the problem you'll see many people have difficulties with python & locale. It's almost enough reason to avoid using python!
I posted this elsewhere about locale issue, if it helps.
I'd like to install the following plugin to Kibana running on container.
However, as I am new to Kibana, I don't know how to install it. Its readme page says I should refer the official guide page below, but it doesn't help me at all. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/_installing_plugins.html.
The plugin is not listed in the known plugin list. So I guess it should be downloaded from github and install it. But I don't know how.
The images which I am testing now are below.
Any suggestions or comments would be help.
You can download plugins and install in your container if you create a Dockerfile for instance. This will allow you to have an image turning Kibana including the plugin.
Kibana has this command to install plugins: kibana-plugin install
For instance, adding the plugin KNQL could be done this way:
FROM kibana:5.6.6
ENV PATH /usr/share/kibana/bin:$PATH
# Documentation https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-docker-plugin-management
RUN kibana-plugin install \
# curl and jq are used for the healthcheck
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl jq
HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s \
--retries=600 \
CMD curl -f http://localhost:5601/api/status | jq '. | .status.overall.state' | grep -q green
As you can see I've added a Healtcheck at the end, check the documentation to learn more about this.