Display Date and time on highcharts - highcharts

I have the following data
firstData = [
["2019-11-24", "12:38:54"],
["2019-11-21", "07:06:29"],
["2019-11-20", "19:26:37"],
["2019-09-26", "19:56:00"] ]
secondData = [
["2019-09-26", "10:26:00"],
["2019-11-20", "06:52:34"],
["2019-11-21", "07:06:19"],
["2019-11-24", "07:38:54"] ]
I would like to display graph like this.
date and time graph

So as I mentioned in the comment the y value must be a number. If you want to render it as a time format you will need to convert this string into a proper number, check the function below and the demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/2vc7aphd/1/
function parseToNumber(string) {
return Date.parse("1-1-1 " + string) - Date.parse('1-1-1 00:00:00')
function parseData(data) {
let output = [];
data.forEach(d => {
let x = d[0],
y = d[1];
name: x,
y: parseToNumber(y),
label: y
return output;


Highcharts sankey node without links

I have a highcharts sankey diagram with two sides:
There are situations where some of my nodes have empty links (=with 0 weight). I would like the node to being displayed despite having no link from or to it.
Any chance I can achieve this?
I read on this thread that I have to fake it with weight=1 connexions, I could make the link transparent, and twitch the tooltip to hide those, but that's very painful for something that feels pretty basic.
Maybe a custom call of the generateNode call or something?
Thanks for the help
You can use the following wrap to show a node when the weight is 0.
const isObject = Highcharts.isObject,
merge = Highcharts.merge
function getDLOptions(
) {
const optionsPoint = (
isObject(params.optionsPoint) ?
params.optionsPoint.dataLabels : {}
optionsLevel = (
isObject(params.level) ?
params.level.dataLabels : {}
options = merge({
style: {}
}, optionsLevel, optionsPoint);
return options;
function(proceed, node, column) {
var translationFactor = this.translationFactor,
series = this,
chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
sum = node.getSum(),
nodeHeight = Math.max(Math.round(sum * translationFactor),
nodeWidth = Math.round(this.nodeWidth),
crisp = Math.round(options.borderWidth) % 2 / 2,
nodeOffset = column.sankeyColumn.offset(node,
fromNodeTop = Math.floor(Highcharts.pick(nodeOffset.absoluteTop, (column.sankeyColumn.top(translationFactor) +
nodeOffset.relativeTop))) + crisp,
left = Math.floor(this.colDistance * node.column +
options.borderWidth / 2) + Highcharts.relativeLength(node.options.offsetHorizontal || 0,
nodeWidth) +
nodeLeft = chart.inverted ?
chart.plotSizeX - left :
node.sum = sum;
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (1) {
// Draw the node
node.shapeType = 'rect';
node.nodeX = nodeLeft;
node.nodeY = fromNodeTop;
let x = nodeLeft,
y = fromNodeTop,
width = node.options.width || options.width || nodeWidth,
height = node.options.height || options.height || nodeHeight;
if (chart.inverted) {
x = nodeLeft - nodeWidth;
y = chart.plotSizeY - fromNodeTop - nodeHeight;
width = node.options.height || options.height || nodeWidth;
height = node.options.width || options.width || nodeHeight;
// Calculate data label options for the point
node.dlOptions = getDLOptions({
level: (this.mapOptionsToLevel)[node.level],
optionsPoint: node.options
// Pass test in drawPoints
node.plotX = 1;
node.plotY = 1;
// Set the anchor position for tooltips
node.tooltipPos = chart.inverted ? [
(chart.plotSizeY) - y - height / 2,
(chart.plotSizeX) - x - width / 2
] : [
x + width / 2,
y + height / 2
node.shapeArgs = {
display: node.hasShape() ? '' : 'none'
} else {
node.dlOptions = {
enabled: false
In the above solution, another node arrangement would be difficult to achieve and may require a lot of modifications beyond our scope of support.
You can consider using mentioned "tricky solution", since might return a better positioning result. This solution is based on changing 0 weight nodes on the chart.load() event and converting the tooltip as well, so it may require adjustment to your project.
chart: {
events: {
load() {
this.series[0].points.forEach(point => {
if (point.weight === 0) {
weight: 0.1,
color: 'transparent'
tooltip: {
nodeFormatter: function() {
return `${this.name}: <b>${Math.floor(this.sum)}</b><br/>`
pointFormatter: function() {
return `${this.fromNode.name} → ${this.toNode.name}: <b>${Math.floor(this.weight)}</b><br/>`

Highcharts grouped columns of varying widths that fill the entire space automatically

I have this:
Columns with empty spaces
and i need this:
Columns without empty spaces
I have hourly data on the first 24 intervals and then tri-hourly data for the following intervals.
I can not find an option for this and I do not want to use the option pointRange because I want to have only one series per column.
Any idea ?
Thanks to Kamil Kulig, i create a new type from variwide type. variwide type has an odd postTranslate function that distored axis translation and it is not working for me with x-axis datetime.
* Variable width column type
H.seriesType('varicolumn', 'column', {}, {
init: function () {
H.seriesTypes.column.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
this.chart.columnCount = (this.chart.columnCount) ? this.chart.columnCount + 1 : 1;
translate: function () {
var points = this.points,
chart = this.chart;
H.each(points, function (point, i) {
var lastPoint = points[i - 1],
nextPoint = points[i + 1],
shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
width = (lastPoint) ? point.plotX - lastPoint.plotX : nextPoint.plotX - point.plotX,
groupingPos = chart.columnCount - point.series.columnIndex;
shapeArgs.width = width / chart.columnCount;
shapeArgs.x = Math.round(point.plotX - (shapeArgs.width * groupingPos));
}, this);

Highcharts missing information in scatterplot CSV/XLS export

When exporting scatter plot / bubble chart data as CSV or XLS, it is missing key information, see for example: http://jsfiddle.net/11fum86u/
This is the data (extract):
series: [{
data: [
{ x: 95, y: 95, z: 13.8, name: 'BE', country: 'Belgium' },
And the axis titles are in the tooltip (but perhaps needs to be defined elsewhere):
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '<tr><th colspan="2"><h3>{point.country}</h3></th></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Fat intake:</th><td>{point.x}g</td></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Sugar intake:</th><td>{point.y}g</td></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Obesity (adults):</th><td>{point.z}%</td></tr>',
What is missing in the default export is (i) labels for y and z axis, and (ii) the names of the bubbles (in this example, country codes/names)
I was wondering how I might be able to add this information to the export.
Actually there's no z axis in bubble charts. It's quite confusing, because all points have z property. This property serves to compute the bubble size so no additional axis is needed, because everything is in 2d. zAxis is used in 3d charts.
Please refer to this live working example: http://jsfiddle.net/kkulig/udtr0emL/
You can handle first row labels via columnHeaderFormatter (http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/exporting.csv.columnHeaderFormatter):
exporting: {
csv: {
columnHeaderFormatter: function(item, key, keyLength) {
if (item.axisTitle) {
return item.axisTitle.textStr; // x axis label
} else if (key === 'y') {
return item.yAxis.axisTitle.textStr; // y axis label
} else if (key === 'z') {
return 'Obesity (adults)'; // z axis label
To add another column (countries) added following pieces of code in these three core functions:
1. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getDataRows
// add original point reference
rows[key].point = point;
2. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getCSV
// Add point name and header
csv += itemDelimiter;
var point = row['point'];
if (point) {
csv += point.name
} else {
csv += "Country"
3. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getTable (for XLS)
var point = row['point'],
if (point) {
val = point.name;
} else {
val = "Country";
html += '<' + tag + ' class="text">' +
(val === undefined ? '' : val) + '</' + tag + '>';
All functions are available in export-data.src.js in this directory: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/tree/b4b4221b19a3a50d9ed613b6f50b12f0afcc7d06/js/modules

Highcharts - Stack Graph Display Average of all values

I am using highcharts for statistical data displaying. I want to display , on the stack label , the average of all the values .
Below is what i am doing but i cant seem to get it right :
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Task'
stackLabels: {
style: {
color: 'black'
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
return (this.axis.series[1].yData[this.x]).toPrecision(2) + '%';
The above only takes the last value on the stack and shows the percentage. For instance , if the last value is 50 , the above displays 50% as the stack value . I want to take an average of all the values. Any help would be appreciated.
If you want to show any stack's percentage mean if your stacked column has two stack A-5 and B-10 , then the % of B in column is 66% and % of A is 33%. If you want to show that use following in formatter function ( refer This Fiddle Link)
formatter: function() {
return (this.axis.series[1].yData[this.x] / this.total * 100).toPrecision(2) + '%';
Updating as per OP 's comment Refer Working fiddle here
Use following code : Make your data in a variable and calculate the sum
var seriesData = [{
name: 'Incomplete',
data: [1, 3, 4, 7, 20]
}, {
name: 'Complete',
data: [3, 4, 4, 2, 5]
var total = 0;
$.each(seriesData[item].data,function() {
total += this;
And then use following in stacklabel formatter :
formatter: function() {
return ( this.total/ total * 100).toPrecision(2) + '%';
hope it helps :)
This doesn't seem to be as easy as it should be.
I would accomplish this by pre-processing the data to generate an array of averages, and then referencing that array from the stackLabels formatter function.
Example, build the averages (assumes array 'data' with sub array for each series data values):
var sum = 0;
var averages = [];
var dataLen = data.length;
$.each(data[0], function(x, point) {
sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) {
sum += data[i][x];
And then in the formatter:
yAxis : {
stackLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
return Highcharts.numberFormat(averages[this.x],2);
If I could find a way to get a reliable count of the points in each stack, you could just use
return this.total/countOfPoints;
in the formatter without needing to build an array, but I can't seem to reliably get that count.

Highcharts label format with tickPositioner in a datetime x Axis

In my chart ,I try to display only 5 ticks in a datetime axis, I use the tickPositioner function and set only 5 ticks ,this work perfect but the data labels loss it's format and show only numbers.
I use the formatter function but i need a grouping labels for the zoom.
It's little hacky, but you need also calculate information about labels and add them, for example: http://jsfiddle.net/AVhaL/
tickPositioner: function (min, max) {
var ticks = this.getLinearTickPositions(this.tickInterval, min, max),
tLen = ticks.length;
ticks.info = {
unitName: "week",
higherRanks: {},
totalRange: ticks[tLen - 1] - ticks[0]
return ticks;
So according to totalRange, you need to pass unitName - it's information which format should be taken from dateTimeLabelFormats.
You only need format label, after put ticks.
Options.xAxis.tickPositioner = function () {
const ticks = this.series[0].xData;
let result = [];
for (let index = 0; index < ticks.length; index++) {
return result;
and format xAxis
labels: {
format: "{value:%b-%Y}",
align: "center"
to tooltips
tooltip: {
valueSuffix: "",
valuePrefix: "",
xDateFormat: "%B - %Y",
valueDecimals: 0
