Possibility of updating Apple Indoor Maps at runtime? - ios

In WWDC2019 Apple announces the Indoor Maps Program. For our business application we are looking for a solution to build interactive and updatable private indoor maps. Since we are working with Apple devices this new feature looks promising.
While I was reading through their documentation, I found nothing about updating maps at runtime.
We want to connect our app with websocket and update the map when a specific event occurs.
For example in our factory are different machines.
When one machine gets an error, we would like to mark this machine red, send push notification to an operator and guide him to this machine with indoor positioning system. And so on...
Has someone experience with a similar use case in the Indoor Maps Program and know if this is possible?


Sirikit supported services and its extended usage

I have a roadside assistance service application. It has some of the functionalities similar to ride booking app(Eg. Uber). How far can i leverage iOS 10 Sirikit? May be, apple can reject it. But i need to know the technical feasibility.
My application's functionality - I am struck in the middle of road with a flat tire. I need a tow assistance for my car. I give my current location and i ask my app to tow to my preferred dealer location. I pay for the service and wait for the provider to respond. I receive continuous updates from my service provider regarding the driver.
1st Step tried: I am trying to open my app with the statement "Siri, get a roadside assistance for my flat tire". I need to open my app and capture FLAT TIRE as a parameter. But I couldn't.
I tried using AppIntentVocabulary.plist. It was not working. I am missing something and there are no complete tutorials over the internet. Any help is much appreciated.
Sample Project:
Github Link for my simple Siri Integration:
This documentation contains preliminary information about an API or technology in development. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this documentation should be tested with final operating system software.
SiriKit is a way for you to make your content available through Siri. It also lets you add support for your services to the Maps app. To support SiriKit, you use the Intents framework and Intents UI framework to implement one or more extensions that you then include inside your iOS app. When the user requests specific types of services through Siri or Maps, the system uses your extensions to provide those services.
Add SiriKit support only if your app implements one of the following types of services:
Audio or video calling
Searching photos
Ride booking
Check this Link: http://airflypan.com/foundation-course/233
You really can't do this in any sensible way for the user. Although you app's usecase will map to ride-hailing intent the vocabulary will not. Siri gives you almost no options to influence the vocabulary she is using to communicate to your User. If you could only teach you users that requesting a tow is actually requesting a ride... :)
Apple have analyzed the domains they are supporting and the vocabulary that is used in these domains and "taught" them to Siri in every language/culture that Siri is supporting. This makes total sense from Apple's point of view because you'd be hard pressed to be able to do this yourself.

Custom Maps for IOS with Navigation

I want a native IOS app with custom offline maps for a certain residential location like a group of buildings OR a large resort, app will be limited to these type of small areas only. With the app users can navigate from one apartment to another and can also see map of all the apartments/flats.
In case of resorts customers can be able to move from lobby to restaurant and then to swimming pool, etc with navigation from the app. They can also see the map of all available locations in the resort and can navigate to any of them through the app.
I am not sure from where to start to accomplish this task. Can anyone please suggest me some SDK OR anything from where I can start working on this app.
Thanks in advance.
I'm pretty sure you can't :/
You will probably have to store your places maps in your own format.
you can do this using google maps street view. you need to integrate google map SDK in your IOS application and implement the 3D street view.
Check out this links:
1) https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/streetview
2) https://www.google.com/maps/streetview/#
3) http://thenextweb.com/google/2015/09/03/googles-new-street-view-app-lets-you-upload-your-own-360-images/
Your requirement is nothing more than Offline Navigation ios doesn't have any sdk support to this, but you can achieve this by
using Ibeacons (bluetooth low energy devices)
using wifi triangulation
in both the cases you need to do lots of calculations like trilaterations and it doesn't have any guarantee for the accuracy the following links may help you all the best
beacons for indoor navigations
radious network

iOS indoor positioning app and WiFi signals

I'd like to develop an indoor positioning system for iOS by using WiFi signals instead of iBeacon. I read here that the feature was recently introduced. It says:
You can sign up to learn more about how you can work with Apple to enable indoor positioning at your venue. Provide us with some basic information about your venue to get started.
and it leads to Apple Maps Connect, where you provide some information regarding the venue you'd want to enable for indoor positioning. I sent the request some weeks ago and I have no response yet, since they say they have a large amount of requests and they are prioritizing according to several conditions.
However, I'm not sure if this request through Apple Maps Connect is just to get more information from Apple of how to develop an indoor positioning app, or it is because yo need to be granted their explicit permission to do that, or why. Has somebody already completed this process?
On the other hand, the only information dealing with indoor positioning, apart from iBeacon related, is this sample code.
To make sure: the WiFi-enabled indoor positioning is only available starting from iOS 8? Just developing it will be enough, or is it needed to request any kind of specific permission to enable an indoor positioning based app for WiFi signals?
Thanks in advance

Check if iDevice with a specific app is nearby

Is it possible to check within an app, if there are other idevices nearby which have the app running?
For example device A starts the app. Device B also starts the app. When they are nearby, a notification will popup.
I know its possible to check the range between two GPS coordinates. But the only solution that I've found on the internet was, that I have to make a webservice/server which handles the coordinates which were sent by the idevices.
But I'd like to make it run "offline", without saving/sending the data at a webserver.
You can achieve exactly this using the new iBeacons functionality in iOS 7. I'm not sure I can link to the exact documentation due to the NDA currently (although the feature was mentioned publicly at WWDC), but if you search for 'beacons' on the Apple Developer site you should find what you need.
There are also some examples towards the end of this year's WWDC session 307 - "What's new in Core Location?". This is arguably more useful than the documentation.
Essentially, you define a beacon region and tell your devices to start advertising their presence. At the same time, you can listen out for beacons in the local area - CoreLocation will then report you the identifier and approximate distance of each device.

is it possible to develop turn by turn navigation for ios app?

I am trying to develop turn by turn navigation app for iphone and ipad.
I have been searching these whole day but it seemed like there is no way to build it without having map data api. (I don't think google map provides that api)
Although I can launch google map app in my app but I would like to do it without using google map app. (without using [UIApplication sharedapplicaiton] openURl...etc)
I just would like to ask if it is possible and feasible to build an ios turn by turn navigation app.
Thank you very much
It's pretty difficult to imagine making a navigation app without some source of map data. An alternative to Google Map API is the OpenStreetMap API. Here is a page on developing OpenStreetMap apps for iOS, which includes a list of currently existing apps. So yes, it's feasible.
A large company with many resources can build this type of app. Apple does not provide any type of API for this. You would need a data source for your maps and a data source and algorithm to give directions. You cannot use Google Maps directions in IOS directly. So the answer is yes it's possible but unlikely to make any money in the app store due to the large initial investment and strong competition.
now iOs 6.0 has replaced google map with built in maps that very easy to implement and a lot of features are also built in
