iOS indoor positioning app and WiFi signals - ios

I'd like to develop an indoor positioning system for iOS by using WiFi signals instead of iBeacon. I read here that the feature was recently introduced. It says:
You can sign up to learn more about how you can work with Apple to enable indoor positioning at your venue. Provide us with some basic information about your venue to get started.
and it leads to Apple Maps Connect, where you provide some information regarding the venue you'd want to enable for indoor positioning. I sent the request some weeks ago and I have no response yet, since they say they have a large amount of requests and they are prioritizing according to several conditions.
However, I'm not sure if this request through Apple Maps Connect is just to get more information from Apple of how to develop an indoor positioning app, or it is because yo need to be granted their explicit permission to do that, or why. Has somebody already completed this process?
On the other hand, the only information dealing with indoor positioning, apart from iBeacon related, is this sample code.
To make sure: the WiFi-enabled indoor positioning is only available starting from iOS 8? Just developing it will be enough, or is it needed to request any kind of specific permission to enable an indoor positioning based app for WiFi signals?
Thanks in advance


Possibility of updating Apple Indoor Maps at runtime?

In WWDC2019 Apple announces the Indoor Maps Program. For our business application we are looking for a solution to build interactive and updatable private indoor maps. Since we are working with Apple devices this new feature looks promising.
While I was reading through their documentation, I found nothing about updating maps at runtime.
We want to connect our app with websocket and update the map when a specific event occurs.
For example in our factory are different machines.
When one machine gets an error, we would like to mark this machine red, send push notification to an operator and guide him to this machine with indoor positioning system. And so on...
Has someone experience with a similar use case in the Indoor Maps Program and know if this is possible?

iOS approach to location based peer to peer communication

I recently have been very interested in developing iOS apps (for iPhone specifically) that can "communicate" with nearby (geographically) apps.
My networking skills/resources are limited, so I was really hoping to make it a peer to peer app, avoiding the need to host my own server.
It seems like I have a few options, including the newish Multi-peer Connectivity framework, and Location services.
I was hoping someone who has experience writing peer to peer apps could direct me to what they think the most logical approach would be.
Additonal info:
*I am only looking to send text/small pictures (speed is not a priority)
*Detecting nearby (within a mile or so) geographically is the main goal
*Possibly communicate with Android devices (I know multi-peer connectivity lacks this)
Peer-to-peer communication is limited to a range of about 50 meters. To extend the range you can create a mesh using intermediate peers to relay messages. That is how the Firechat app works.
If you want to communicate over greater distances without a mesh I believe you will need to go via the cloud
In terms of communicating with Android, the people who made FireChat are coming out with their SDK. Not sure how/what pricing will be but I assume they will offer this cross platform function. There are of course other ways but I am not that advanced in app development to know them yet.
For a simple chat app there are many free online tutorials that help you create iphone to iphone chat app that can also send images. Range will be limited however to whatever is max for WiFi. Like Keith said, mesh is another option but I believe everyone in the network has to have the app for the data to bounce.

Is it possible to track devices of users on our device

I am working on an App, in which i need to track the device using my App. I have gone through the "Find my friends" App that Apple has offered themselves. But, it asks user's permission if he wants to allow tracking his location.
I studied, an app named "Uber", they clearly track the cabs maneuver around the city. They also show the user, how far is that cab from the user, the possibility that might be here is "Uber" dudes could be using external GPS device and may be interfacing them with the user's device. Since, If I am not wrong.. Apple does not allow tracking devices.
But yet, I am in need to implement that kind of functionality in my App. I was wondering if it is possible ? I am aware of location tracking, my concern here is live GPS tracking.
Please point me in right direction here, Any help with be truly appreciated
I have a full working sample that shows how to track android, iphone, windows phone and java me phones. It also has the server software to put the location data in a database and allows you to view the location in real time and also store the routes to view later. Its MIT licensed:

Check if iDevice with a specific app is nearby

Is it possible to check within an app, if there are other idevices nearby which have the app running?
For example device A starts the app. Device B also starts the app. When they are nearby, a notification will popup.
I know its possible to check the range between two GPS coordinates. But the only solution that I've found on the internet was, that I have to make a webservice/server which handles the coordinates which were sent by the idevices.
But I'd like to make it run "offline", without saving/sending the data at a webserver.
You can achieve exactly this using the new iBeacons functionality in iOS 7. I'm not sure I can link to the exact documentation due to the NDA currently (although the feature was mentioned publicly at WWDC), but if you search for 'beacons' on the Apple Developer site you should find what you need.
There are also some examples towards the end of this year's WWDC session 307 - "What's new in Core Location?". This is arguably more useful than the documentation.
Essentially, you define a beacon region and tell your devices to start advertising their presence. At the same time, you can listen out for beacons in the local area - CoreLocation will then report you the identifier and approximate distance of each device.

Are Location aware notification on iOS possible in Phonegap, Corona or Monotouch?

Like everyone else I'm venturing into mobile app-development and I'm looking at different frameworks / languages. The ones that look most appealing to me are Phonegap, Corona SDK and Monotouch. Objective C seems to be a little too low level. I haven't done memory management for a long time and I'm not yearning to relive that experience. But if that's where I need to go to meet the client's need, I'll go there.
The client in this case needs location aware notifications in an iOS app.
A user story goes like this: The user is out walking the town. She's got her iPhone in her pocket and is listening to music via iTunes. As she walks into her local mall my app (running in the background) detects that she is in the proximity of a branch of her bank. My app also knows that the user has some errand to do at the bank. So my app interrupts the currently playing iTunes track, plays a notification sound and puts a notification text on the screen, telling the user that there's a bank office nearby and that she might want to do that bank errand now.
Could this be done with either Phonegap, Corona SDK or Monotouch?
MonoTouch supports all types of iOS location services (standard, significant location change and region monitoring) so yes, you can do it with MonoTouch.
Whilst Apple has started bringing in geo-location notifications with the Reminders app I'm fairly certain that it won't be exposed in the higher level frameworks as of yet.
Some good info here in the Apple developer docs
There are several ways to track the user’s location in the background,
most of which do not actually require your app to run continuously in
the background:
The significant-change location service (Recommended)
Foreground-only location services
Background location services
All are possible with MonoTouch. Pretty sure they are with PhoneGap also. Don't know about Corona.
