Does ActiveMq 5.10 support "Detecting Failure from the Client" - connection

We use ActiveMQ 5.10 for our JMS middleware, however we found the connection will be accumulated and sometimes reach to limit, we didn't find any connection leak problem in our code.
By using google, we found that there is a feature in ActiveMQ artemis which named "Detecting Failure from the Client", but we didn't find such feature in ActvieMQ
Anyone can tell me is there any features in ActiveMQ 5.10 just like "Detecting Failure from the Client" in ActiveMQ artemis?

The ActiveMQ 5.x broker has features to detect that a client has dropped, mainly in the form of heartbeat messages to the connected clients. If you have changed the default configuration of the clients then it can become an issue for the broker to detect drops in a timely manner if the heartbeat intervals are set to large numbers.
It also depends a bit on the client you are using and the protocol it uses but most have some form of heart beating capability so you would need to investigate your clients and what configuration you are operating under.
5.10.0 is a very old broker release as well, upgrading to latest release will give you all the numerous bug fixes that have been done since that release.


Stomp over SockJS ActiveMQ relay to multiple servers

I'm trying to create a reasonable setup for client-client-communication for our existing infrastructure. I've been reading the docs for Spring, Websocket, STOMP, SockJS and ActiveMQ for over a week now and I'm not not sure whether what I am trying to do is feasible or sensible. Spring server and JavaScript client were up and running relatively quickly and sending messages between clients just works (direct connection from JS client to Spring server). This setup won't suffice for our needs so we decided to put dedicated brokers in between. Configuring ActiveMQ is a nightmare probably because I don't really know where to start. I have not worked with a dedicated broker so far.
170 independent servers (Tomcat, Spring, SockJS, STOMP)
2 ActiveMQ (Artemis) brokers (load balance, failure safety)
a few thousand clients (JavaScript/.NET, SockJS, STOMP)
I need every client to be able to talk to every other client. Every message has to be curated by one of the servers. I'd like the clients to connect to one of the ActiveMQ brokers. The ActiveMQ brokers would hold a single connection to every single server. The point is to avoid that all my clients would have to open 170 WebSocket connections to all the servers. The servers do not need to talk to each other (yet/necessarily) since they are independent with different responsibilities.
Is ActiveMQ or any other dedicated broker viable as transparent proxy/relay i.e. can it handle this situation and are there ways to dynamically decide the correct recipients or should I go another route like rolling my own Spring-based relay?
In a traditional messaging use-case (e.g. using ActiveMQ Artemis with STOMP) the broker manages "destinations" and any messages sent to those destinations. Messages are only dispatched to clients if the client specifically creates a consumer on a destination.
In your use-case all of your 170 "servers" would actually be messaging clients. They would need to create a consumer on the broker in order to receive messages. To be clear, once the consumer is created then the broker would dispatch messages to it as soon as they arrived.
I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "transparent," but if it means that the process(es) receiving the message(s) don't have to do anything then no message broker will handle your use-case.

What is maximum connection of Mosquitto?

I'm programming chat app with MQTT protocol
You can see here about MQTT
My used broker is mosquito
What struck my mind is that
How many users can connect to Mosquito broker?
I saw 100k in some website but i am not sure
This is dependent on a number of factors:
What OS your running on
The size of the machine(s) you run the broker on
What broker you choose to use
How much and what type of load you are generating:
How many clients subscribed to each topic
How big the messages are
How many retained messages you are generating
What the message rates is
Are you queuing message for offline clients
You also need to configure the broker/OS to get the most out of it, e.g. for mosquitto you need to set the number of open file handles on Linux to the maximum.
For a large scale app you may want to look at one of the brokers that supports federation/clustering to spread the load and allow fail over.

Mosquitto fire only one for each topic

I implemented a MQTT message broker using mosquitto on my network. I have one web app publishing things to the broker and several servers that subscribed the same topic. So i have a redundancy scenario.
My question is, using mosquitto alone, is there any way to configure it to publish data only on the first subscriber? Otherwise, all of them will do the same thing.
I don't think that is possible.
But you can do this.
Have the first subscriber program respond with an ack on the channel as soon as it gets the message, and have the redundancy program look for the ack for a small time after the initial message.
IF the ack is received the redundancy should not do anything.
So if the first subscriber gets and uses the message, the others wont do anything even if they get the message.
No this is not possible with mosquitto at the moment (without communication between the 2 subscribers as described in the other answer).
For the new release of the MQTT spec (v5)* there is a new mode called "Shared Subscriptions". This allow s multiple clients to subscribe to a single topic and messages will be delivered by round robin to each client. This is more for load balancing rather than master/slave fail over.
*There are some brokers (HiveMQ, IBM MessageSight) that already support some version of Shared Subscriptions at MQTT v3.1.1, but they implement it in slightly different ways (different topic prefixes) so they are not cross compatible.

Detecting duplicate client ids in MQTT?

I am using the Python Paho MQTT library and Mosquitto broker both with 3.1.1
If two clients connect with the same id (for whatever reason), both clients keep getting disconnected and then connect in a loop forever.
on_disconnect has a rc of 1 but connect has an rc of 0 (then it gets disconnected)
Is there anyway to detect that the issue is duplicated clientid?
Not yet. Hopefully this will be addressed in a future version of the spec.

How to listen to thousands of imap idle inboxes via spring/amqp/rabbit

Use case is to have a server connect to thousands of users email accounts and sniff incoming mail in java preferably with java mail and spring integration/amqp/rabbit mq type scalable infrastructure.. And imap idle type connections and add server processing nodes as needed.
Single inbound channel is easy with imap idle inbound adapter.. You could configure few in XML. But if you need a persistent listener/imapidlechannel adapters queue of thousands of these adapters and Needed to add new user connection dynamically for server processing.. This would be a challenge. Also need fault taulerance that if the java listener dies or server reboots all these listeners and their configuration also reboot vs rebuilding thousands of these connections and recovery if some connections loose their idle receive capability without rebuilding all user connections for the idle receiving.
Any ideas welcome as searched a lot however could not find anything? This seems to be a significant scalability issue about e mail receive connections open.
If you want to use the IMAP IDLE command to listen for new messages using JavaMail, you'll need one thread per mailbox, which is likely to impact your scalability. Even keeping thousands of connections open might be an issue.
You don't say how quickly you need to react to new messages. Unless you have near real time requirements, it might be better to poll a subset of mailboxes every so often, eventually cycling through all the mailboxes.
You'll need to deal with the fault tolerance issues yourself, using checkpointing or transactions or whatever seems appropriate for your application.
The other option is to perhaps take a look at something like Akka with actors performing the async io. You'll need to ditch the JavaMail package and parse the imap commands yourself but there's lots of packages out there to do that. Would love to hear if you had a better solution.
