How to add a route to existing - url

Currently have a website that's built on Next JS with a server on Express. I'd like to have a separate account dashboard section for users with a signed up account that's different from the main website for the public.
I currently have I'd like to add a router for for the account dashboard section. How would one go about doing this?
Thanks y'all!


Freshdesk OAuth SSO: Freshdesk Login Page Doesn't Ping My Auth Page?

I'm trying to connect to Freshdesk using OAuth 2.0, for single sign-on from my app. My app is serving as it's own OAuth identity provider. I've set up my Authorization url on Freshdesk -- let's call it
So now for testing purposes I go to the URL that Freshdesk support provided for a user to initiate the single sign-on process:
...and I see a nice sso-style login screen:
I enter a correct email and password for one of my site users and click "Login".
Now in the Chrome network tab, I would expect to see Freshdesk trying to ping my Authorization URL. But I don't. I see this:
When loaded, my auth page ( pings my server, which issues a console.log() message, and my server logs show no such console log message -- so Freshdesk doesn't seem to be pinging my auth page at all.
What is keeping Freshdesk from pinging my auth page as it should?
There is probably a fair bit here that you have in place already but I am just adding it in for completeness.
Logged into the backend and on the security page for contacts
[stackoverflow == your site :) ]
you will have to create a Custom Policy if you don't have one in place already (this is different to the one for Agents)
And for that configure your SSO with Oauth 2.0
Then , if you have at least one SSO configured your login (at ) should look like this:
Where (1) now appears. That will be the link to ping your server via the urls you set up for the SSO:
If you only have one SSO set up for your contacts that link (1) should complete the sign-in process directly and then you should end up logged into Freshdesk as the specific contact.
If you had two SSO options set up; for example:
..when you clicked the link (1) on the page, you should then be redirected to a page with those two options:
The url for that page is something like (parameters will be different for you):
I am imagining you could use that as a direct link to the portal on your main site.
If you only have one SSO option set up you should be able to navigate directly to the link as above and then see :
which is probably what you are aiming for.
I changed the name of that button (Sign in with contacts SSO) just to be sure I was using the right one and to differentiate from the login for agents. You can change the text under the Advanced Options when configuring the SSO:
Hope this helps you along the way - if you have any other questions on this post them as comments.

How can I change accounts when I am trying to open up a restricted Google Form?

My web browser is logged into multiple Google accounts and I have a restricted Google Form URL like this that I need to open with a specific account.
Google Forms does not have a UI method to switch accounts like many of their other products and it will always try to open the form with the default account (the first one that you authenticated against in your web browser).
Is there a way to make it open in the right account?
As it turns out there is, although this is not apparent anywhere on Google's help site from what I could find.
If you modify the URL and add u/1/ immediately after then you will be logged into the form using the second Google account that you are authenticated against in your browser.
Note: You will be redirected during this process, so the final URL in your browser will look a little different, but you should be connected to the form with the right account.
You can change that number to match whichever account that you want to use.
Not sure how to determine the account number?
Look at your Google Mail URL for the account you want. It will look something like this (and has the number you need in it):
Also, remember that your Google accounts start counting from 0. So, your first account is 0, your second one is 1, etc.

How is correctly way to do callback of Twitter acount in my TYPO3 extension

We are developing an TYPO3 extension that is in charge of managing the social network profiles. We used the extension "ps_social" as a guide for understand the social media network APIs could work with TYPO3 through Adapter Pattern.
I have the proof of concept of the implementation to authenticate a profile and publish in it but through only in PHP, now we want to take it to the TYPO3 extension.
My question is about the callback when authenticating a profile. Our extension sends us to the social network and when we return to our web page, with the token in the url, this does not change and shows the same screen of the plugin before redirect to the authentication in the social network. The callback url in manage app in Twitter has the id of our plugin's page. I check url for change the plugin action but doesn't work.
We see that this step is fundamental to be able to later make publications to the authenticated profiles in the application.
The problem could be that your authentication service is not triggered when returning to the TYPO3 site. Whether or not your service will trigger depends on several configuration options. By default, your service will only trigger when a POST login action is taking place - but there are options to define that, for example, the authentication service must always attempt to fetch (and thus authenticate) the user even if there is no POST login data (instead, GET parameters may be used to determine if authentication should be attempted).
There is also a caveat if you intend to log in BE users using this method. I've noticed that if you attempt to log in a BE user in the FE, then no action or configuration will be respected unless an existing BE user cookie exists (which it will if you've ever been logged into the BE). If you use the authentication service to log in to the BE normally there isn't this problem - it only applies if you try to do it in FE.
TL;DR: I'm guessing you need to configure the "always auth user" setting for the targeted BE/FE context, using parameters described in the "advanced" section of this link:
The problem was resolved creating a new plugin. In the configuration of application in Twitter I can not set parameters as controller and actions, for example; only the page id. I had to create a plugin in my TYPO3 extension that execute in one page the action for get information of callback, process and return the page with the list of social profiles. This We did it in each one social networks (Facebook, Google+ and Instagram) for their callback URL to be correct.

Need suggestion for linking accounts from different sites

Currently I am working on rails 4 project, and now I have to link / connect another application (not so).
Say, I have a link as 'Connect to' and when user clicks on the link it will open the sign in page of
After entering credentials, it will redirect from to my site.
As per my understanding I have to use Oauth.
So can any explain the approach for implementing this?
Use this Gem Domp
It provides omniauth authentication for many platforms. There is a complete list of authentications it provides on this page:

Rails + Google Analytics

I want to ask some question about using Rails (2.1.0) and Ruby (1.8.7).
I have development mode and production. Production mode has a domain (for example, development mode has an ip adress (for example
QUESTION: Do I need to create two different accounts in analytics (one for development and one for production)?
You don't want multiple "Accounts", but you do want multiple "Website Profiles".
Login to Google Analytics, you should be on a page with title "Overview: all accounts"
Click on the link for the correct account (in your example it's probably called "online").
You should now be on a page with title "Overview >> online" that shows a list of all website profiles associated with this account.
At the bottom of the table click "Add website profile"
Note that your new website profile will have a different tracking ID (e.g. the thing that looks like UA-255235386-2) so you'll need to have an environment specific configuration in your Rails app to use the appropriate tracking ID for the appropriate environment.
