I want to ask some question about using Rails (2.1.0) and Ruby (1.8.7).
I have development mode and production. Production mode has a domain (for example blabla.online.com), development mode has an ip adress (for example
QUESTION: Do I need to create two different accounts in analytics (one for development and one for production)?
You don't want multiple "Accounts", but you do want multiple "Website Profiles".
Login to Google Analytics, you should be on a page with title "Overview: all accounts"
Click on the link for the correct account (in your example it's probably called "online").
You should now be on a page with title "Overview >> online" that shows a list of all website profiles associated with this account.
At the bottom of the table click "Add website profile"
Note that your new website profile will have a different tracking ID (e.g. the thing that looks like UA-255235386-2) so you'll need to have an environment specific configuration in your Rails app to use the appropriate tracking ID for the appropriate environment.
I'm trying to link our iOS app to our website with Lastpass. For most sites/apps, Lastpass will filter your list of passwords to the ones that match the app you're trying to log into. For example, if you have a password for mysite.com in LP, if you open up the mysite.com iOS app, the list of passwords will be filtered to the one for mysite.com.
Our app does not filter. When we tap the password field, all available passwords show up and we have to navigate to the password for our website to autofill. We would like this to work like it does for other app/site combos.
I have already deployed the app association file to my website and added the Entitlements to the app (applinks and webcredentials) but it still doesn't work. Any thoughts?
Did you add the site to your app's Associated Domains Entitlement? You need to do that in addition to adding the Apple App Site Association file to your site which you said you've done already.
Documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/password_autofill/about_the_password_autofill_workflow
Currently have a website that's built on Next JS with a server on Express. I'd like to have a separate account dashboard section for users with a signed up account that's different from the main website for the public.
I currently have domain.com. I'd like to add a router for app.domain.com for the account dashboard section. How would one go about doing this?
Thanks y'all!
I have an unusual problem with my website, which has been built using Ruby on Rails technology. Whenever I click "Like" button under any post on my webpage, the post is supposed to be shared on my facebook profile like posts from 9gag. The problem is that by default, this post's visibility on my facebook profile is set that only I can see it and I want the post to be (by default) visible for all my friends. How can I do that? I couldn't find anything helpful on google about this case.
Thanks for help in advance!
I had the same problem with my website. For some reason, the Facebook App that you create to add widgets to your website sets its privacy default in your profile to "only me".
This only happens for the user that creates the App (maybe to avoid making your first tests and debug public) : in fact, I noticed that other users can share articles publicly without changing any settings.
To change it, just go to privacy settings in your Facebook profile: there you will see your website preference under Applications. Change it from "Only me" to "friends" or "public"
I'm relatively new to Rails and would like to place a button on the admin-only part of my website that will open my company gmail account with the addresses of all of the registered users pre-populated in the 'bcc' field.
I almost have the mail_to helper working for this purpose except the mail_to link opens my personal gmail account instead of my company account.
Is there a way to use rails to trigger the log in to a specific gmail account and to pre-populate the "to" field as well?
I think, the link opens your personal gmail account just because you have it open in another browser window or tab.
AFAIK, Gmail does not allow to open different accounts in different windows at the same time. (Probably I miss something.)
Therefore, to make link open your corp account regardless of everything, the link handler should forcibly log out the current Gmail session and start a new one.
I don't think that you really want this behaviour (I mean closing the current session in such a rude way).
I have a project written in Ruby on Rails 2.1.
There a login & password needed to pass to my site (user & admins i have). Simple web-site.
But i want to create button "CALL ME". If i click on this button user can talk with (for example) admins.
What i need for this? Maybe some tools or already created apps?
P.S I can have my own voip server. (but is it necessary?))
There are 'livechat' text based services out there - most 'Call Me' features I've seen simply get a few details from the visitor which generates an email to internal staff to call the user back - works for out of hours too :)