How to present actionSheet in iPhone style on iPad on iOS13? - ios

Some background to understand the question better:
On iOS 12 on iPad when I was using .actionSheet as a type for UIAlertController, it is shown as a popover. Also it was required to set a sourceRect and sourceView, otherwise it would crash.
But. When I would present such an alert in the ViewController that is presented as a formSheet/pageSheet/popover, then the alert wouldn't require the sourceRect/sourceView and would be presented as a iPhone style action sheet (but not as a popover as it should be on iPad). It looked like this:
What happened with iOS 13:
On iOS13 this behaviour changed. The above case now is crashing and requiring the sourceRect/sourceView as it normally happens for iPads. Meaning even if the alert is presented in the formSheet/pageSheet/popover VC, it will still require the sourceRect/sourceView and now it will be presented as a popover (but not iPhone style action sheet).
I will appreciate a lot if someone knows how to keep the alert presentation in the same actionSheet style (but not popover) for such cases, as it was before on iOS 12.
Update: apparently this issue started to appear with iOS13.2 (not 13.0)

The desired behaviour is not possible since iOS 13.2 anymore.


Why does my display look different on iPhone simulator vs. iPad simulator?

I am working on a puzzle app on Xcode Version 11.0. My app displays as expected on my physical iPad mini and also on the iPhone simulators, but if I use an iPad simulator it appears to switch the orientation to Portrait mode and display my secondary screen as a popup on top of the secondary screen (see the images below).
I am using an "Action Segue" to get from my 1st screen to my 2nd screen. I have tried several different options (Show, Show Detail, Show Modally, Present As Popover). The result is slightly different, but all of them give the "Portrait popup" look. I am guessing that this is a newer feature, and I just need to set some flag to avoid it, but I don't have any guesses on what to look for. Could anyone offer some help?
iPhone 8 Simulator (this is what I want it to look like)
iPad Simulator (with undesired Portrait popup appearance)
Edit the segue to be Show Modally and also Fullscreen (instead of Automatic).

Popover presentation doesn't dim tintColor in iOS8

I wonder if it is a feature rather than a bug, yet on iPad running iOS8 presenting a popover doesn't make the controls of the presenting controller dim. The problem doesn't appear under iOS7. Is there any way of making the behavior consistent throughout the OS versions?
This was actually fixed in the later versions of iOS8

Present Popover iOS 8 storyboard

I am making an iOS 8 app, and I like to use the storyboard whenever possible.
My problem is very simple, I want to make a simple popover view that appears when a user clicks a button entirely from storyboard!
When the user taps on "ADD" the popover is displayed.
So I did that:
It works on iPad:
but on iPhones (anyone) it displays the popover on fullscreen.
But I thought that the new popover system works on iOS 8 (my deployment Target is iOS 8)
Someone knows why?
Thank you in advance.
And sorry for my English.

ios 7 support for existing iPad app

I have existing iPad app supporting iOS 5 and 6.
Can anybody help me to list down item that I need to take care while supporting iOS 7?
One thing I noticed that in existing code ((UITableView*)self.superview) in UITableViewCell doesn't work. superview of UITableViewCell is UITableViewWrapperView that need to be fixed in existing code.
The things are:
1. Navigation bar height and view style are different
2. Status bar is transparent in iOS 7 as in iOS 6 it was opaque.
3. Small thing is about the tint color. By default it is light blue in iOS 7.
4. Button borders have been removed.
Issue's i have faced while running the app in IOS 7.
Status bar issue (view controller get overlaps 20 pixel.)
Customize alert view won't work in IOS7. (We can't customize the alert view in IOS 7.)
My Fix -> You need to customize the view exactly like u want because you can't customize alert view in IOS7.
Issues related to threads.
My Fix -> Use dispatch_queue(GCD with delay) in case of UI not responding (Presenting a view controller from background thread.)
Zbar sdk memory leaks while presenting and dismissing the SDK (more than 5 times app getting slow.)
this are the issues i have faced. fixes i have suggested working fine for me. You just use it if you need hope it will work.
Apple's iOS 7 UI Transition guide
Read descriptions of every single element you used in your app.
And be aware of the style and position of the bars (navigation bar/tab bar/tool bar...).
iOS 7 has changed a lot in view hierarchies, you can use Reveal to make things easier.

Porting an iPhone app on iPad to make a universal app

i have a similar question about UIActionSheet on iPad, actionnaly i have an iPhone app that i want to port on iPad, for the xib there is no problem the auto-Resizing is doing it very well, but for the UIActionSheet and the alertViews that i'm using to call UIDatePickers i have troubles, the first problem is the alertView: it displays only in portrait mode it doesn't rotate with the view (perhaps i could replace it with PopOverController?) the second problem is the UIActionSheet containing the UIDatePicker, when i'm on the iPad simulator it shows me a little empty rectangle inspite the UIDatePicker What should i do to port my UIActionSheet on iPad? i'm waiting for your help Thank you very much
In both cases it seems like a UIPopOverController seem appropriate. The main difference is that the UIPopOverController expects a viewController to control it. Beyond that, it's implementation is similar to both an actionSheet and an alertView.
