Present Popover iOS 8 storyboard - ios

I am making an iOS 8 app, and I like to use the storyboard whenever possible.
My problem is very simple, I want to make a simple popover view that appears when a user clicks a button entirely from storyboard!
When the user taps on "ADD" the popover is displayed.
So I did that:
It works on iPad:
but on iPhones (anyone) it displays the popover on fullscreen.
But I thought that the new popover system works on iOS 8 (my deployment Target is iOS 8)
Someone knows why?
Thank you in advance.
And sorry for my English.


My view appears in back button of iPad but appears okay on iPhone

I am using SwiftUI to build an app and when I tested it on iPad and iPhone, there is a difference. My views are different in iPad and it is showed by tapping back button as a hamburger. The thing is that I have 3 tabs and my first tab is okay. However, 2nd and third tabs are having this issue. I was wondering if you could help me fix it.
Here is a picture:
This is the iPad view.
This is the iPhone view.
Are you using a NavigationView? By default those layout differently on iPad and iPhone. If that's the case, try adding this modifier to your NavigationView:

How to present actionSheet in iPhone style on iPad on iOS13?

Some background to understand the question better:
On iOS 12 on iPad when I was using .actionSheet as a type for UIAlertController, it is shown as a popover. Also it was required to set a sourceRect and sourceView, otherwise it would crash.
But. When I would present such an alert in the ViewController that is presented as a formSheet/pageSheet/popover, then the alert wouldn't require the sourceRect/sourceView and would be presented as a iPhone style action sheet (but not as a popover as it should be on iPad). It looked like this:
What happened with iOS 13:
On iOS13 this behaviour changed. The above case now is crashing and requiring the sourceRect/sourceView as it normally happens for iPads. Meaning even if the alert is presented in the formSheet/pageSheet/popover VC, it will still require the sourceRect/sourceView and now it will be presented as a popover (but not iPhone style action sheet).
I will appreciate a lot if someone knows how to keep the alert presentation in the same actionSheet style (but not popover) for such cases, as it was before on iOS 12.
Update: apparently this issue started to appear with iOS13.2 (not 13.0)
The desired behaviour is not possible since iOS 13.2 anymore.

Xcode 7.3.1 view controller in storyboard disappeared

I'm making an iOS app using Bluetooth. The app is supposed to show a list of Bluetooth device when the button "Bluetooth" is clicked. The list is a tableView shown as a popOver view controller.
When I turn on my computer the next day, the popOver view controller disappeared, but you can still see it in the list on the left side(Bluetooth device scene), and it is there when running it in simulator. But it is not visible or clickable in the interface builder.
I did nothing but closed my laptop, and opened it the next day. It's not that I'm using the wrong w/h size. I've tried that. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks a lot.
Screen shot of my storyboard

Xcode 7 GM Show Segue Turns Into Modal Segue

I have an app with a navigation view controller and once a cell is tapped on, a screen is pushed on top of it. However, when testing this app on a simulator and on multiple devices, the push segue somehow turns into a modal segue. These pictures will show a gist of what is happening:
Table View:
What is supposed to happen (Show segue):
What happens instead (Modal segue):
I am running this on an iOS simulator but for my app the result is the same. I have seen people post about this issue taking place on iOS 7, but is this supposed to happen with iOS 9?? Please help.
I have found a solution. It appears, that now, in Xcode 7, you should make a segue not to navigation controller, but to your viewController directly, in order to achieve desired push segue.

XCode 5 Table VIew Cell's Accessory -> Detail show nothing on iOS 6 device

I am migrating my app from iOS 6 to iOS 7. In XCode 5, I can see the Detail logo in the cell.
But, the reality is in iOS 6 device I can't see the Detail logo.
My App used to utilise Details Disclosure as accessory way. But, in iOS 7, it looks ugly. That is the reason I chosen Detail.
How to fix this?
Just use accessoryView, put any button you want there, and it will look the same on both iOS versions
You can also use the "detail disclosure" accessory instead of just using the "detail" accessory directly on your storyboard:
The down side of doing this is that it takes more space on the tableview in iOS 7 but the good one is you don't need add a custom button and you can attach segue from storyboard.
