Enable Silent Debugging is not available in Chrome browser - google-chrome-flags

I am not able to see one of the Chrome browser flag - "Enable Silent Debugging" in latest updated Chrome browser. Please let me know if this flag has been changed to something else.

This flag got removed after version 79. You can still activate it using command option chrome.exe --silent-debugger-extension-api

chrome.exe --silent-debugger-extension-api
For macOS users,
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --silent-debugger-extension-api


Xcode 13.2.1 Preview Not Working but Simulator Works

My Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100) got an unknown issue. I did several things like delete Xcode, new install Xcode, restore from backup nothing make any change! Currently, the project can be built and run in the simulator, but not in the preview window! it gives a message:
Cannot preview in this file - Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds.
What is the issue here any idea?
iMac becomes very slow when I taped the resume button.
Please Help!
I had a similar problem and was solved when I turned of Automatically refresh canvas
Suddenly It fixed, maybe the last update from apple through a software update called "Command Line Tools for Xcode". Before I have also tried a fresh OSX installation but the issue has not gone at all.
Check Software Update from system preference.
Thanks to the great community.
Try the following:
Clicking on the "Diagnostics" button on the failed preview pane.
Copy the ".pcm" file path. It looks like something similar to "/var/folders/aa/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/C/clang/ModuleCache/12345ABCDE/MyTest-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pcm"
Run the following command to remove the .pcm file in the Terminal app (replace the path using the specific path you copied from the Diagnostics log obtained in the step above:
rm -rf /var/folders/aa/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/C/clang/ModuleCache/12345ABCDE/MyTest-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pcm
For me, it worked when I changed the device to Any iOS Device(Arm 64) for the preview
on a Mac with apple silicon chip
CTRL + Click on Xcode app
Get info
Check "open using Rosetta"
I had the same problem:
No preview with diagnostic : "Cannot preview in this file - Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds".
Tried the solutions found on the internet, without success.
I switched to macOS beta 12.3 and Xcode 13.2.
And now there is the preview...
The below solution has worked for me:
Running a preview for a project having scenedelegate or appdelegate which worked and then i tried running preview for app protocol style project which was not working earlier.

Unable to inspect element from appium inspector for android device on Mac PC

Unable to inspect element from appium inspector for android device on Mac PC.
Mac: 10.13
Appium: 1.7.2
Appium Inspector : 1.5.3
Android Device Simulator: Pixel-2
Android Version: 8.0
I am able to inspect element for iOS (iPhone device) for the same application, but unable to inspect the element in android.
When I click on inspect icon of appium dmg of 1.5.3 (in Terminal i run appium 1.7.2), it launches the device but i dont see anything in appium inspector tool.
Please help, I have tried UIAutomateviewer as well, but since my application dont have most the ID's for most of the elements so I need XPATH in my script.
I may be wrong but trying to help:
Try uiautomatorviewer if your application does not have id then certainly can use resource-id as id
Or can use XCUI test
Very well explained here:
Also, this webpage explain how to fetch xpath
XCUI explained in detail
Also can try Macaca inspector if you have not tried before, this worked for me with appium 1.6
first of all you need to set the desired capabilities in the new session window for inspecting elements of the android app.
the three imp DC's are -
1. app -> add the path of .apk file
2. deviceName-> to get the device name, type adb devices in terminal and get the device name from there
3. PlatformName -> android
start the session.
soon you will be able to inspect the elements.
If your facing any issues, let me know i'll be happy to help.
I have resolved this issue by downgrading my Android version to 6.0.
However please let me know if any one of you have solution for the latest android versions

Ionic 2 app safari remote debugger disconnects immediately

I am trying to debug an application written in Ionic 2 (Angular 2) on device via Safari remote dev tools. When the app is open and I connect the iphone to the Mac it shows up under Safari > Develop menu, but as soon as I connect to it (and the dev tools do show up) it disappears from the Safari > Develop menu and in the just opened dev tools I am unable to execute anything in the console nor expand any node in the Elements panel.
When I unplug and replug the device it shows up in Safari > Develop again but the devtools window is gone, and as soon as I open it up again... Same thing.
Any help?
You wouldn't believe what solved the issue....
Running Safari.app through terminal by executing /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari it opened up Safari as usual, but for some strange reason it didn't disconnect my device when connecting to it via remote dev tools.
I finally managed to get it working in two steps :
First I used to get some debugging console working using ios-webkit-debug-proxy on a linux machine (https://github.com/google/ios-webkit-debug-proxy) (You need to compile from sources including tools from libimobiledevice to get it working with iOS >= 10)
Then it helped me to notice I had many errors like Refused to load the script 'http://xxxxx' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src ... that where not occurring while remote debugging with android and chrome. Fixed them by adding the appropriates rules in the <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="..." line in index.html . Don't know exactly which one fixed it but is suspect connect-src wss://s-usc1c-nss-128.firebaseio.com http://my_local_ip:4200 https://maps.googleapis.com ws://*; did the trick

Weinre server no target for debugging webview

I'm trying to debug a webview on my phone using the weinre server. It shows up as a client but not as a target. I know that 4.4 and above have chrome debugging but I need to debug in 4.3
I've tried changing the localhost to the my ip address but it doesn't work. Any ideas as to why the target is not showing up?
I've attached a screenshot for reference.
Your server (running on your windows computer?) needs to be visible to your (android?) phone. Can you browse to the weinre server on your windows computer from your android phone - just to test that you have connectivity there?
You could also try using a public weinre server, such as: http://weinre.mybluemix.net/
Also possible there is an error in your HTML or other JS somewhere that is preventing the weinre script from running. You could try running on a 4.4 device and use a real debugger to see if you can figure out why it won't work on your 4.3 device.

Installing Flash Debugger in Chrome Issue

I need to test flash site using Flash Debugger version 10.1 in Google Chrome.
cannot able to view debug version of flash player.
Steps Done:
Disabled integrated version of flash player by listing through "about:plugins".( Note: I saw adobe document stated that it has two plugins integrated and system. But can able to see only integrated plug-in).
Installed Flash player 10.1 plugin content debugger from Adobe http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html.
I tried to see the list of plugins through "about:plugins". But I cannot able to find the installed debugger in the list to enable.
After going to about:plugins , click on the "Details" link on the right , the plugins list will expand and you should be able to see both Flash plugins and disable the default one.
Workaround #1 worked for me here: http://www.timo-ernst.net/2010/04/chrome-flash-debugger-not-connecting-to-flexflash-builder/
And you can check your current flash player version at: www.flashplayerversion.com
