Wiggle in the initial part of an LSTM prediction - machine-learning

I working on using LSTMs and GRUs to make time series predictions. For the most part the predictions are pretty good.
However, there seems to be a wiggle (or initial up-then-down) before the prediction settles out similar to the left side of this figure from another question.
In my case, it is also causing a slight offset. Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? Below are the shapes of the training and test sets, as well as the current network structure. I've tried reducing the sequence lengths from 60 timesteps, switching between LSTMs and GRUs, and also having the inputs and outputs overlap slightly, all to no avail. Adding dropout does not seem to help either. The wiggles will not disappear!
My sequence lengths are 60 inputs and 60 outputs, currently.
Xtrain: (920, 60, 2)
Ytrain: (920, 60, 2)
Xtest: (920, 60, 2)
Ytest: (920, 60, 2)
def define_model():
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(None, 2)))
model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True))
return model

As they are "recurrent" networks, they have a direction. There is no memory at all for the first step, and the initial steps have a few memory.
Memory is only built after a few steps, only then it's possible to understand how a sequence is evolving.
The usual solution to this is to use a Bidirectional wrapper, so you have x units working from start to end and another x units working from end to start.
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(32, return_sequences = True), input_shape=...))
As for the offset, this is probably something with the data preprocessing.


Is there a way to increase the variance of model's prediction?

I created a randomly generated(using numpy, between range 30 and 60) Data of about 12000 points (to
generate an artificial time-series data for more than a year in Time).
Now I am trying to fit that data points in an LSTM model and forecast
based upon that.
The LSTM model i applied,(here data is a single series so n_features = 1, and steps-in and out are for sequence-generation function for time-series, i took both equal to 5. Also the for the activation functions i tried all with both relu, both tanh and 1st tanh & 2nd relu (as shown here))
X, y = split_sequences(data, n_steps_in, n_steps_out)
n_features = X.shape[2]
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(200, activation='tanh', input_shape=(n_steps_in,
model.add(LSTM(200, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.05)
model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='mse')
model.fit(X, y, epochs= n, batch_size=10, verbose=1,
workers=4, use_multiprocessing = True, initial_epoch = 0)
I also tried smoothening of the data-points as they are randomly
distributed (in the predefined boundaries).
and then applied the model on the smoothed data, but still i am getting similar results.
for e.g., In this image showing both the smoothed-training data and the forecasted-prediction from the model
plt.plot(Training_data, 'g')
Every time the models are giving straight lines in prediction.
and which is obvious since it is a set of random numbers so model tends to get to a mean value between the upper and lower limits of the data, but still is there any way to generate a somewhat real looking model.
P.S-1 - I have also tried applying different models like prophet, sarima, arima.
But i think i need to find a way to increase the Variance of the prediction, which i am unable to find.
PS-2 - Sorry for the long question i am new to deep-learning so i tried to explain more.

Chess evaluation Neural Network is converging to the average

I'm currently working on a Chess AI.
The idea behind this project is to create a neural network that learns how to evaluate a board state and then traverse the next moves using Monte Carlo tree search to find the "best" move to play (evaluated by the NN).
Code on GitHub
The NN gets stuck predicting the average evaluation of the dataset and is thereby not learning to predict the evaluation of the board state.
The dataset is a collection of chess games. The games are fetched from the official lichess database.
Only games which have a evaluation score (which the NN is supposed to learn) are included.
This reduces the size of the dataset to about 11% of the original.
Data representation
Each move is a datapoint to train the network on.
The input for the NN are 12 arrays of size 8x8 (so called Bitboards), one for each of the 6x2 different pieces and colors.
The move evaluation is normalized to the range [-1, 1] using a scaled tanh function.
Since many evaluations are very close to 0 and -1/1, a percentage of these are dropped aswell, to reduce the variation in the dataset.
Without dropping some of the moves with evaluation close to 0 or -1/1 the dataset would look like this:
With dropping some, the dataset looks like this and is a lot less focused at one point:
The output of the NN is a single scalar value between -1 and 1, representing the evaluation of the board state. -1 meaning the board is heavily favored for the black player, 1 meaning the board is heavily favored for the white player.
def create_training_data(dataset: DataFrame) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
def drop(indices, fract):
drop_index = np.random.choice(
size=int(len(indices) * fract),
dataset.drop(drop_index, inplace=True)
drop(dataset[abs(dataset[12] / 10.) > 30].index, fract=0.80)
drop(dataset[abs(dataset[12] / 10.) < 0.1].index, fract=0.90)
drop(dataset[abs(dataset[12] / 10.) < 0.15].index, fract=0.10)
# the first 12 entries are the bitboards for the pieces
y = dataset[12].values
X = dataset.drop(12, axis=1)
# move into range of -1 to 1
y = y.astype(np.float32)
y = np.tanh(y / 10.)
return X, y
The neural network
The neural network is implemented using Keras.
The CNN is used to extract features from the board, then passed to a dense network to reduce to an evaluation. This is based on the NN AlphaGo Zero has used in its implementation.
The CNN is implemented as follows:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', input_shape=(12, 8, 8, 1)))
for _ in range(10):
model.add(Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same'))
model.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(units=64, activation='relu'))
# model.add(Rescaling(scale=1 / 10., offset=0)) required? Data gets scaled in create_training_data, does the Network learn that/does doing that explicitly help?
model.add(Dense(units=1, activation='tanh'))
# metrics=['accuracy', 'mse'] # do these influence training at all?
The training is done using Keras.
Multiple sets of 50k-500k moves are used to train the network.
The network is trained for 20 epochs on each move set with a batchsize of 64 and 10% of moves are used for validation.
Afterwards the learning rate is adjusted by 0.001 / (index + 1).
for i, chunk in enumerate(pd.read_csv("../dataset/nm_games.csv", header=None, chunksize=100000)):
X, y = create_training_data(chunk)
model.optimizer.learning_rate = 0.001 / (i + 1)
The NN currently does not learn anything. It converges within a few epochs to a average evaluation of the dataset and does not predict anything depending on the board state.
Example after 20 epochs:
Dataset Evaluation
NN Evaluation
The NN Evaluation is stuck at 0.03, which is the approximate average evaluation of the dataset.
It is also stuck there, not continuing to improve.
What I tried
Increased and decreased NN size
Added up to 20 extra Conv2D layers since google did that in their implementation aswell
Removed all 10 extra Conv2D layers since I read that many NN are too complex for the dataset
Trained for days at a time
Since the NN is stuck at 0.03, and also doesn't move from there, that was wasted.
Dense NN instead of CNN
Did not eliminate the point where the NN gets stuck, but trains faster (aka. gets stuck faster :) )
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(2048, input_shape=(12 * 8 * 8,), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(2048, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(2048, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='tanh'))
# metrics=['accuracy', 'mse']
Sigmoid activation instead of tanh
Moves evaluation from a range of -1 to 1 to a range of 0 to 1 but otherwise did not change anything about getting stuck.
Epochs, batchsize and chunksize increased and decreased
All of these changes did not significantly change the NN evaluation.
Learning Rate addaption
Larger learning rates (0.1) made the NN unstable, each time training, converging to either -1, 1 or 0.
Smaller learning rates (0.0001) made the NN converge slower, but still stuck at 0.03.
Code on GitHub
What to do? Is there something I'm missing or is there an error?
my two suggestions:
use the full dataset and score each position based on the fact if that player won the game or not. i don't know this dataset and there might be something with the evaluations by others ( or are they verified?) even if you are sure about the validity of it i would test this as it can provide some more information on what the problem might be
Check your data representation. probably you already did this a couple of times but i can tell you from experience it is easy to introduce one and to overlook them. adding a test might help you in the long run. some of my problems:
indication of current player colour? not sure if you have a player colour plane or you switch current player pieces?
incorrect translation from 1d to 3d or vice-versa. (should not prevent you from training but saves you a lot of time if you want to port to a different device)
I trained a go game engine and do not know what representation is used for chess, it took me some time to figure out a good representation for checkers.
not a solution but i found that cyclic learning rates worked great for my go-engine might be something to look at when the rest works

Layers for predicting financial data using Tensorflow/tflearn

I'd like to predict the interest rate and I've got some relevant factors like stock index and money supply number, something like that. The number of factors may be up to 200.
For example,the training data like, X contains factors and y is the interest rate I want to train and predict.
factor1 factor2 factor3 factor176 factor177 factor178
X= [[ 2.1428 6.1557 5.4101 ..., 5.86 6.0735 6.191 ]
[ 2.168 6.1533 5.2315 ..., 5.8185 6.0591 6.189 ]
[ 2.125 4.7965 3.9443 ..., 5.7845 5.9873 6.1283]...]
y= [[ 3.5593]
[ 3.014 ]
[ 2.7125]...]
So I want to use tensorflow/tflearn to train this model but I don't really know what method exactly I should choose to do regression. I have tried LinearRegression from tflearn before, but the result is not so great.
For now, I just use the code I found online.
net = tflearn.input_data([None, 178])
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='linear',
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 1, activation='linear')
net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer=
tflearn.optimizers.AdaGrad(learning_rate=0.01, initial_accumulator_value=0.01),
loss='mean_square', learning_rate=0.05)
model = tflearn.DNN(net, tensorboard_verbose=0, checkpoint_path='tmp/')
model.fit(X, y, show_metric=True,
batch_size=1, n_epoch=100)
The result is roughly 50% accuracy when the error range is ±10%.
I have tried to make the window to 7 days but the result is still bad. So I want to know what additional layer I can use to make this network better.
First of all this network makes no sense. If you do not have any activations on your hidden units, you network is equivalent to linear regression.
So first of all change
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='linear',
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='relu',
Another general thing is to always normalise your data. Your X's are big, y's are big as well - make sure they aren't, by for example whitening them (making them 0 mean and 1 std).
Finding right architecture is hard problem and you will not find any "magical recipies" for that. Start with understanding what you are doing. Log your training, see if the training loss converges to small values, if it does not - you either do not train long enough, network is too small, or training hyperparameters are off (like too big learning right, too high regularisation etc.)

neural network produces similar pattern for all inputs

I am attempting to train an ANN on time series data in Keras. I have three vectors of data that are broken into scrolling window sequences (i.e. for vector l).
np.array([l[i:i+window_size] for i in range( len(l) - window_size)])
The target vector is similarly windowed so the neural net output is a prediction of the target vector for the next window_size number of time steps. All the data is normalized with a min-max scaler. It is fed into the neural network as a shape=(nb_samples, window_size, 3). Here is a plot of the 3 input vectors.
The only output I've managed to muster from the ANN is the following plot. Target vector in blue, predictions in red (plot is zoomed in to make the prediction pattern legible). Prediction vectors are plotted at window_size intervals so each one of the repeated patterns is one prediction from the net.
I've tried many different model architectures, number of epochs, activation functions, short and fat networks, skinny, tall. This is my current one (it's a little out there).
Conv1D(64,4, input_shape=(None,3)) ->
Conv1d(32,4) ->
Dropout(24) ->
LSTM(32) ->
But nothing I try will affect the neural net from outputting this repeated pattern. I must be misunderstanding something about time-series or LSTMs in Keras. But I'm very lost at this point so any help is greatly appreciated. I've attached the full code at this repository.
I played with your code a little and I think I have a few suggestions for getting you on the right track. The code doesn't seem to match your graphs exactly, but I assume you've tweaked it a bit since then. Anyway, there are two main problems:
The biggest problem is in your data preparation step. You basically have the data shapes backwards, in that you have a single timestep of input for X and a timeseries for Y. Your input shape is (18830, 1, 8), when what you really want is (18830, 30, 8) so that the full 30 timesteps are fed into the LSTM. Otherwise the LSTM is only operating on one timestep and isn't really useful. To fix this, I changed the line in common.py from
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])
X = windowfy(X, winsize)
Similarly, the output data should probably be only 1 value, from what I've gathered of your goals from the plotting function. There are certainly some situations where you want to predict a whole timeseries, but I don't know if that's what you want in this case. I changed Y_train to use fuels instead of fuels_w so that it only had to predict one step of the timeseries.
Training for 100 epochs might be way too much for this simple network architecture. In some cases when I ran it, it looked like there was some overfitting going on. Observing the decrease of loss in the network, it seems like maybe only 3-4 epochs are needed.
Here is the graph of predictions after 3 training epochs with the adjustments I mentioned. It's not a great prediction, but it looks like it's on the right track now at least. Good luck to you!
EDIT: Example predicting multiple output timesteps:
from sklearn import datasets, preprocessing
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from keras import models, layers
OUTPUT_WINDOW = 5 # Predict 5 steps of the output variable.
# Randomly generate some regression data (not true sequential data; samples are independent).
X, y = datasets.make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, noise=.1)
# Rescale 0-1 and convert into windowed sequences.
X = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
y = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1))
X = np.array([X[i:i + INPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(len(X) - INPUT_WINDOW)])
y = np.array([y[i:i + OUTPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(INPUT_WINDOW - OUTPUT_WINDOW,
len(y) - OUTPUT_WINDOW)])
print(np.shape(X)) # (990, 10, 4) - Ten timesteps of four features
print(np.shape(y)) # (990, 5, 1) - Five timesteps of one features
# Construct a simple model predicting output sequences.
m = models.Sequential()
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True, input_shape=(INPUT_WINDOW, 4)))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu'))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
m.add(layers.wrappers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')))
m.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
m.fit(X[:800], y[:800], batch_size=10, epochs=60) # Train on first 800 sequences.
preds = m.predict(X[800:], batch_size=10) # Predict the remaining sequences.
print('Prediction:\n' + str(preds[0]))
print('Actual:\n' + str(y[800]))
# Correlation should be around r = .98, essentially perfect.
print('Correlation: ' + str(stats.pearsonr(y[800:].flatten(), preds.flatten())[0]))

Sequence labeling in Keras

I'm working on sentence labeling problem. I've done embedding and padding by myself and my inputs look like:
X_i = [[0,1,1,0,2,3...], [0,1,1,0,2,3...], ..., [0,0,0,0,0...], [0,0,0,0,0...], ....]
For every word in sentence I want to predict one of four classes, so my desired output should look like:
Y_i = [[1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,1,0,0], ...]
My simple network architecture is:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(input_shape = (emb,),input_dim=emb, output_dim=hidden, return_sequences=True))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
model.fit(X_train, Y_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=3, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test), verbose=1, show_accuracy=True)
It shows approximately 95% while training, but when I'm trying to predict new sentences using trained model results are really bad. It looks like model just learnt some classes for first words and shows it every time. I think the problem can is:
Written by myself padding (zero vectors in the end of the sentence), can it make learning worse?
I should try to learn sentences of different length, without padding (if yes, can you help me how train such kind of a model in Keras?)
Wrong objective of learning, but I tried mean squared error, binary cross entropy and others, it doesn't change.
Something with TimeDistributedDense and softmax, I think, that I've got how it works, but still not 100% sure.
I'll be glad to see any hint or help regarding to this problem, thank you!
I personally think that you misunderstand what "sequence labeling" means.
Do you mean:
X is a list of sentences, each element X[i] is a word sequence of arbitrary length?
Y[i] is the category of X[i], and the one hot form of Y[i] is a [0, 1, 0, 0] like array?
If it is, then it's not a sequence labeling problem, it's a classification problem.
Don't use TimeDistributedDense, and if it is a multi-class classification problem, i.e., len(Y[i]) > 2, then use "categorical_crossentropy" instead of "binary_crossentropy"
