I am using Contiki-NG OS and I pretend to plot some metrics but Collect-View is removed in Contiki-NG.
Could anyone help me with this issue?
Does any similar application exist?
Thanks in advance.
In contiki-NG there is a new application concerning power details of the motes.
A tutorial can be found in Energest: Energy Monotoring.
However, I don't know any application which can convert the data to a plot, like collect-view used to do. But I would also appreciate it if someone knew.
Can someone help me with this? Some images I can measure but some I cannot. Then this error message pops up. I measured all of them using same settings but some I can measure and some I can't.
Here is the my problem I'm having:
If anyone can help me please, I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you.
I wrote the tool. If you can make available an image on which this is happening and the values of the options you use, I can try to find out what is going on.
Best regards,
Volker Bäcker
I'm currently working on my thesis, I need help on how to make a cemetery mapping system using arcgis, im not very familiar with gis but im willing to learn so i can pass. If you know any tutorials related to the topic or if you've done something like this in the past, feel free to help! thank you
Are you doing it from scratch? In ArcGIS you can upload shapefiles that you download from the internet. You can also create your own shapefiles.
I guess some tutorials like this might be helpful:
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUnUrTzP2dw
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrxWbZ5uHXQ
ArcGis is awesome, though a bit overwhelming at first. Have fun!
I would like to assign mobility to motes already deployed. The deployment method can be anyone among the given options given in cooja. Can anyone please tell me how to assign mobility?
As far as I know there currently is no working mobility plugin. Currently I see the following options:
You can use the test-script to move your motes around. This needs some looking in to the Cooja code, but shouldn't be too difficult. Especially when taking the examples from the wiki as staring point.
You can get the mobilty plugin working again. Shouldn't be too much work either and lots of people will thank you. Adjusting the name-spaces should get you quite far, but it might be a bit more.
If you can derive connection-properties from your mobility-model, you can use realsim feed these into Cooja.
I was thinking if it is possible to detect other RF signals in the environment using my laptop? I don't know if there are any programs which does this, but I think there might be a solution for this, perhaps by working on wifi drivers.
I'd be thankful if anybody helps me out. Thanks in advance.
Yes there are programs that do this, i.e. Metageek. I have also seen people build their own home-brew spectrum analyzer if you are so inclined.
I'm working on a simple application for a vacation with friends. It's something like the Wheel of Fortune.
The problem is that we with too much people to look at the iPad1, so I was thinking to beam the application. I got the 30pins VGA connector that I use for keynote and Adobe Idea, so I think it's possible.
I don't find something on the internet, or I can't figure it out how to search this specific problem.
Thanks in advance.
I found a bit off source code that helps
There's also this: https://github.com/freespace/TVOutManager which I was able to get working.
(this is an improved fork of work by Rob Terrell).
I didn't realise that the lack of video mirroring by default is a problem was only with the iPad 1 (which I don't have to support) as detailed here: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4108