Detecting non-wifi signals using laptop - wifi

I was thinking if it is possible to detect other RF signals in the environment using my laptop? I don't know if there are any programs which does this, but I think there might be a solution for this, perhaps by working on wifi drivers.
I'd be thankful if anybody helps me out. Thanks in advance.

Yes there are programs that do this, i.e. Metageek. I have also seen people build their own home-brew spectrum analyzer if you are so inclined.


Emulate bluetooth devices inside of docker

I'm new to the cybersucurity scene and I'm teaching myself through projects.
One is hacking bluetooth devices like speakers or cameras, but I don't have those devices present. However, I thought that Docker could solve that issue because I used it with AWS and knew how powerful it is.
How can I emulate a bluetooth device for hacking using Docker? An existing solution would be much appreciated since I don't think I posses to skillset to do it from scratch, but I'm grateful for any guidance!
Thank you in advance.

How to turn off USB/Ethernet/HDMI/LEDs on Google Coral Dev Board

I'd like to reduce idle power consumption on the Google Coral Dev Board anyway I can by turning off USB/ethernet/HDMI/LEDs etc. I'm struggling to find much information for how to do this. I've searched through i.MX8M documentation, and have tried similar approaches like you would do with a Raspberry Pi but obviously these aren't the same and I've struggled to find corresponding locations in /sys/.
Can anyone recommend documentation or give advice on how to turn off these components from the terminal?
I'm not sure if those parts can be turn off, but if power is what concerns you, you can try turning on this option:
in the kernel's defconfig.
You can follow this answer to see how that is done :)

Does any alternative for Collect View exist in Contiki NG?

I am using Contiki-NG OS and I pretend to plot some metrics but Collect-View is removed in Contiki-NG.
Could anyone help me with this issue?
Does any similar application exist?
Thanks in advance.
In contiki-NG there is a new application concerning power details of the motes.
A tutorial can be found in Energest: Energy Monotoring.
However, I don't know any application which can convert the data to a plot, like collect-view used to do. But I would also appreciate it if someone knew.

Controlling mpd/ncmpcpp on laptop from iphone

I just set up ncmpcpp on the ubuntu side of my macbook pro, and I'm trying to make an iphone app to control it. How would I go about doing this?
Should I use bluetooth or wifi? (which one would be easier)
And then how would I go about implementing it? What packages should I install in linux? And how would I use them?
I know it's kind of a big topic, and I have several broad questions, but if you can answer any of them or provide any information that would help, I would be incredibly grateful!
That sounds like an ambitious project with a significant scope.
Whenever ideas like this crop up, it's good to take a step back and ask: "What am I trying to accomplish?".
Are you simply wanting to run a music "server" on your Ubuntu portion, and access it via your iPhone? Or are you trying to make a "remote control"?
There are likely apps that will do what you're wanting to do... I know, I know mdp/ncmpcpp is super neat looking, but... practicality!

Predictive Monitoring (Nagios?)

i am searching for a predictive monitoring solution which is actually free and able to discover trends. I've been reading about a lot of monitoring software like Zabbix, Zenoss, OpenNMS etc. but it doesnt seem that any of these are able to discover trends (e.g. the used memory of a webapplication increases from day to day)...
We are currently monitoring our systems with Nagios, but as everyone knows, Nagios is perfect to monitor stuff but not pretty good at analyzing/reporting...
Is there a way to implement predictive monitoring at the moment? Like the monitoring software is able to discover trends and throws an alert before something gets to a critical point?
Thanks in advance and sry for my poor english!
Well, i have been waiting quiet a while now and it seems not even Stackoverflow is able to help.
I decided to gave up on this and hope for Zabbix to implement the feature within 2012.. They said it might be released with version 2.2
I don't know if you were able to solve this issue, but i have this small project that may help you out
Take look at It's nagios based and have predictive baseline monitoring and alarming.
