I want to publish my app live. When iI click on "Publish", I get some Validate Integration errors.
Here you can see the page. Under Activation Tasks, I am unable to understand what the field "Field "id" should be an integer in latest task (ID: *******)" means.
I have already passed "id" as an integer and "success" as string, but I'm still getting the error. I am totally unable to proceed further.
Can you please explain to me how to proceed, as I want to send live app live.
I have a script that connects via TCP/Sockets, Authenticates SSL, and then checks if the response from stream returns "OK".
It then sends a UID search command:
{tag} UID SEARCH (UNDELETED) (SENTSINCE "{RFC2060 Format Date}")
I then follow that with another OK check aswell as a * SEARCH stream response check.
When both of those are not true, I always end up with this as a result from the stream: xm005 NO UID SEARCH State error
Im not certain but is it possible this returns if the email has no UNDELETED inbox or something?
This seems to occur all the time on one of my chinese friends specific accounts on yeah.net (163-China related email service).
When I login to it with Windows 10's Mail App, I can see it has inboxes in CHINESE. Is it possible something to do with that is causing this issue?
I'm essentially wanting to search for every email within the sent-since date that has not been deleted, perhaps (UNDELETED) isn't a global declaration and is an actual inbox or something?
According to IMAPv4.1's RFC:
Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
So maybe its not to do with Inbox's? regardless its pretty odd that both emails this occurs on have Chinese Inbox's yet my English-Only one works splendid.
I removed (UNDELETED) and attempted running, and the same issue occurs, so it's not that.
The "state" in the error message could mean "your state does not include a mailbox". Make sure to issue a SELECT command before UID SEARCH.
I saw loot of questions about how to send push notifications to passbook, but I didn't find correct answer how should look like request. I have created passbook/wallet coupon, I have received POST request from apple with "pushToken" in payload and device id in URL. My coupon pass.json include next field:
"key" : "TestDiscount",
"label" : "Discount",
"value" : "1%",
"changeMessage": "Discount updated to %#."
Now I try to update Discount value in coupon, but I don't now how :( After lot of test I did it, but I didn't so when it happend, so now I know that is possible because I did it, but don't how how I did it :) Could you explain me how is should look like push request? Do I need to use device id any where ? So the correct payload is : {"pushToken":"token which I received from apple","TestDiscount":"newValue"} ? And where/when I have to use authenticationToken from my coupon pass.json. I'm really stuck
You need to send an empty payload in the push request.
When the device receives it, it will call your web service, first to get the list of serials for that device that need updating, and then to download a full pkpass bundle containing new data.
If the value for your TestDiscount key is different to the value in the old pass, then the change message will show.
When I try to create work items trough batch create operation I am getting below Error
TF51635: There are duplicate temp IDs in the Update XML.\\r\\nParameter name: workItemUpdates\
There is no much information available in web regarding this error.below link contains TFS errors and codes , But I couldn't find detailed information about same.
As per my research this issue could associate with Id notation in batch (error occurred When I tried to create several workitems without Id in batch).Can you explain bit about below notation (I am referring to https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/wit/batch)
"op": "add",
"path": "/id",
"value": "-1"
Is it compulsory to define ID ? .
how to determine Id (which id should use first / get last id of previous workitem)?
Is it possible to assign auto increment number for this?
Even though haven't found some related official documentation. This ID seems to use for defining the order of the multiple work items in json content. For example: If the last id of previous workitem is 289, then the ID of work item with -1 will be 290, -2 will be 291 ...and so on. This opinion is based on some tests.
1. Is it compulsory to define ID ?
Yes, you have to define this ID, if you don't, you will get error.
2. how to determine Id (which id should use first / get last id of previous workitem)?
You don't have to get the last id of previous workitem TFS will
automatically detect it. This could be confirmed, when you create a
single work item, you don't have to do this.
3. Is it possible to assign auto increment number for this?
Seems not.
I have created PieChart which is generating drillthrough report (TFS SSRS) based on parameters. I am passing two parameters, Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Severity & System_AssignedTo. I have given "All" as default to both parameters.
Drilldown report works fine with selected value for Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Severity & default (All) for System_AssignedTo
but gives an error if I pass any selected value for System_AssignedTo parameter.
The error says:
An error occurred during local report processing. Query execution failed for dataset 'datasetName'. Parser: The syntax for 'LastName' is incorrect.
Any help to resolve this problem?
Based on the error message, it's the issue for the column "LastName". Have you done any upgrade or change in the source table. Make sure the Column Name and data type is correct for "LastName" in the source table.
I am trying to modify a D2L database from within a 3rd party application using their Valence API. I've gotten some operations to work but am stuck trying to create a new user account. I have been told that the account I am working under is authorized to do this.
I’ve defined a JSON object to hold the values I want:
"OrgDefinedId": "XX000TEST",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Foolery",
"ExternalEmail": "tom#something.com",
"UserName": "Tom.Foolery",
"RoleId": "78",
"IsActive": "true",
"SendCreationEmail": "false"
I copied the above text to the HTTP post buffer and then called the following link:
The parameter string contains the IDs and signatures (x_a, x_b, etc) as specified in the Valence docs. I assume the authorization values are correct, since I'm getting correct results when using the same algorithms on other Valence queries.
Any suggestions on how to get past the "Invalid Token" message would be appreciated.
If you're getting a 403 "Invalid Token" message then you are not, for some reason, forming your x_a, x_b, x_c, or x_d authentication tokens correctly. Common problems we have seen in the past are:
Trying to re-use x_c and or x_d signatures generated for one API call with another
Getting the tokens swapped around: x_a is App ID, x_c is App Sig, x_b is User ID, and x_d is User Sig
Generating the signatures using the wrong HTTP method (the method is one of the components of the base string for the signatures)
Not using all upper case letters for the HTTP method in the base string (the component should be GET not get)
Not using all lower case letters for the API route in the base string, or including incorrect characters: for example, in your question, you seem to imply that you're passing in the ? as a part of the route; you shouldn't do this. In this case, your base string for creating the URL should be POST&/d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/&1234567 where 1234567 should be replaced with the timestamp you generate and also pass in x_t
Using the API route with API version component provided, but when calling, using another version component (i.e. generating with /d2l/api/lp/1.0/... but calling with /d2l/api/lp/1.1/...)
Using an incorrect/mismatching timestamp value in the base string (the timestamp you use for the basestring should be in seconds, and be the same stamp as the x_t value)
While calls previously worked, suddenly none of the calls work with a 403 invalid token result: the user tokens could have expired and you need to re-authenticate the user
While calls previously worked against a test instance, when you try moving to a different LMS (prod instance for example) the calls don't work: perhaps the App ID/Key pair hasn't shown up on this new LMS, or you're trying to use the user ID/Key pair from one LMS to generate signatures on a different LMS
Also, notice that your JSON object is strictly not correctly formed: the IsActive and SendCreationEmail properties should have values of true and false respectively, not "true" and "false", although it's possible that the LMS parser on the server side will be forgiving about that.
If none of these points assist you, please feel free to open an issue in our issue tracker, or contact our Valence support email address, and we can try to help you out through this issue.
NOTE Please note that invalid tokens will throw you back a 403 (but the message will be "Invalid Token" or "Expired Token" or similar). If your tokens are correctly generated, but your calling user context is not allowed to create a user, then you'll also get a 403, but this time the message will be "Not Permitted" or "Not Authorized" or similar. Make sure you double check what sort of 403 you're getting back.
In this particular case, the permissions around creating a user are a bit tricky; not only must you have a permission to create a user, you must also have permission to modify the properties that you will be passing into the API in the CreateUserData structure (OrgDefinedId, Email, and so on), and you must also be able to see all those fields in the User Information Privacy settings, and you must have permission to enroll the user role you have provided at the organization level... those last two bits have tripped up some of our clients in the past.