How do I create an http request from Twilio Studio - twilio

I'm technical, but not experienced in coding and could use some help. I need to create an http request from Twilio studio. I am setting up a phone survey for my client and I need to log both voice and number inputs from the call to a database. I already have the database set up externally. It logs responses with an http request from CLI curl. I'm using the following curl request successfully:
curl --data "q=1 -X POST localhost/test.php
When I try to duplicate the same curl request using the http request widget (no http parameters), I only get error 500 back. By the way, I know it's collecting the data correctly with the flow because I've had it collect and then read back to me successfully.
Twilio studio http request.
I have tried adding http parameters instead of putting them in the body as well. Nothing I try works. My guess is that I have a fundamental misunderstanding of http requests and thus can't duplicate it in Twilio.
Any help you could give me would be great! Thank you!

When you add http parameters instead of putting them in the body (see the capture below)
there is a big red "Save" button on bottom left corner, and a gray (hard to see and easy to miss) "Save" link on the right, above the trash bin.
The gray "Save" link needs to be clicked when adding each name/value pair of the parameters.
The red "Save" button is to be clicked at the end when you're done with the http widget.


How do I view a request coming into my Postman mock server?

My website is making post requests to Postman's mock server. I want to be able to see my request to make sure that it is coming across in the way that I expect. I have tried attaching a monitor but that doesn't show me the request anywhere that I am able to find.
Where in the Postman Windows client can I see a request coming in to my Postman mock server?
I contacted Postman support and they say currently what I want to do is not possible. See this link for information: Postman Support Twitter Response
They did say however that if I wanted to just see the request that I am sending that I can use Postman Echo to see what kind of request I am sending.
It is now possible to view logs for requests made to and responses sent from your Postman mock server.
Mock Call Logs -
You can see request to your mock end points buy doing the following.
Open postman, in the left most menu/column select mock servers
2)Click on Mock Servers and in the second left most column you should see your mock servers
3)Click on the one you want and in the middle screed you should see the logs
enter image description here
Its very easy, this functionality was added way back in 2020.
Just click on the Mock Server and you should be able to see the logs on the right side.
Isn't interceptor a good decision for it?

Sending parameter with POST requests ,when content-type is multipart/form-data

I am new to JMeter. I am trying to create a test plan ,one of the requests is a POST request containing some parameter, the content type in the request header is Multipart/Form-data.
I am copying the headers/parameters from fiddler because the HTTP proxy recorder is not working.
Please see the image for the current settings I have.I am not able to get the required response using it.
As per HTTP Request Sampler Documentation
Use multipart/form-data for HTTP POST
Use a multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
So all you need to do is:
Tick "Use multipart/form-data for POST" box
Remove all `Content-Disposition" lines
In regards to "proxy recorder not working", I have never experienced any problems with it so it might be misconfiguration or something like this. Some people find JMeter Chrome Extension easier to use.
Instead of copying the content-disposition etc, just send the parameters with name and you should be good. You are expected to send form data and it's value.
ideally it should look like, name should be just 'form' and it's value as 'buy-now'.
I would suggest you compare the requests that you are sending using developer tools and the request you are sending using JMeter, it will help you debug this quicker.
I hope it helps.

How to modify a request in Fiddler?

I'm looking for a simple way to intercept a web request and modify the contents of the request (mainly POSTs) using Fiddler.
This is to test server-side validation.
I have to use Fiddler, however I haven't found a good simple way to do so.
There have been several documented ways to write scripts to intercept traffic and change headers, but I would like to do it without writing a script - this tool needs to be used by the testers and writing/modifying scripts all the time by different testers may be annoying.
Simple POST with 2 parameters:
I would like to intercept the request, modify the value of field2 to be something like bañ (note the ñ, in my case is invalid and that is what I want to test).
Ok, posting the answer that I put together from piecing it together from the following youtube video:
Tampering Client Requests and Server Responses with Fiddler
Start fiddler (I'm using Fiddler 4)
You will notice that it intercepts all traffic through all browsers and other applications
Set a filter - this will enable you to view only the data you are interested in
On the right hand side, click on the filters tab
Check 'Use Filters'
On Hosts, use 'Show only the following Hosts'
In the text box below that, put the host you are testing for. In our case for the test environment, put the following:;
In the section called 'Breakpoints', check 'Break request on POST'
Intercept the request
In your browser, navigate to the page which you are testing. In our case, it is the welcome page where we will be doing our testing of the server-side validation:
Clear all the existing logged requests by hitting the 'X' in the tool ribbon and choosing 'Remove all'.
In your browser, put the data into the form you are interested in testing and hit submit. This is valid data (passes client side validation) which you will be changing with fiddler.
In Fiddler, you will see the request with the red icon. Click on the request to load the details on the right side.
On the Inspectors tab, followed by the WebForms tab, you can modify the parameters of the form which was submitted. Change the data as appropriate for the test.
Hit the 'Run to completion' button
Validate that your response is correct - usually some sort of error message if you are testing the server-side validations
I use fiddler 4.6.3. You can try this if you are submitting a web form.
Note the post request when you submit a form. Let that request remain in fiddler. Lets modify the request in Fiddler.
1 - Right click request > check "unlock for editing".
2 - Inspector tab > Modify form fields such as username, password etc. in Body section.
3 - Right click request > Replay > Reissue request.
Done ! The only problem with this approach is that you modify the old request. In Charles proxy, this is done in 2-3 clicks vs the many clicks in Fiddler. Plus, you don't have to mess the old request.

HttpWebRequest simulating the request from firebug always failed

I got an eccentric problem. I am trying to automate visiting a web site by using WebRequest and WebClient. I have observed all the post request header key-value pairs and posted data string in Firebug(request Header and Post tab). Then I simulated such request with WebRequest and put all the header parameter and posted data there. However when I do GetResponse() from this request instance, I always got an error page back that says some sessionID is short of.
Actually I have taken care to put previously(first step to open the Logon page) responded session cookie in the Header's cookie field for the request. And I can get the correct response back by simulating requesting the logon page(the 1st page), but cannot get through this authentication page. My post data is like userid=John&password=123456789&domain=highmark.And the authentication page request that carried out by browser succeeds every time.
Am I missing something in the request that may not be shown by firebug.If yes, can you give me some recommendation for the tools that may examine the entire request sent by browser.
I have solved this issue. The problem is I set the httpWebRequest instance's AllowAutoRedirect=true. Thus the effect is when I got the first response from the server, the httpWebRequest would continually to make another request asking for a different url that is replied in the response header's Location field.
The defect of HttpWebRequest class is when it is getting redirected, it does not include the Set-Cookies(Response's Header Field)'s cookies in the next request header, thus the server would deny such page request and may redirect again to another different page.
And the httpWebRequest.GetResponse() method only return the last responsed page back under the setting AllowAutoRedirect=true. And I got the totally different response than I expected.
Also in this solving process, I need to thank to a distinguish Http Traffic examining tool:IEInspector Http Analyzer( The great feature of this tool is it can examine not only the http traffic from browser but also what your process's httpWebRequest made. And also it can display in text format the raw stream of those request and response. Although it is a commercial software, you can try it for 15 days. I am quite happy with what it tells me(in well-formed details) and I like to buy it as well.

commandline curl POST gives zero content length

I'm using commandline curl to do a POST via a proxy but my form data is vanishing to zero content length. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Here's my command line (uses a public test form so others can try it):
curl -v --proxy-ntlm --proxy proxyserver:proxyport --proxy-user : -d "fname=a&lname=b"
-v = verbose
next few arguments get us through the proxy using windows authentication
-d = should do a post with the given arguments
However, both the response and the verbose print out suggest the form content is vanishing. The curl prints "Content-Length: 0" and the returned html has both arguments missing and a content length of 0.
The bug doesn't seem to be in the proxy server as curl admits it is sending a content length of 0. Does anyone know a solution to this problem? Has anyone else seen it?
Update: this person appears to have the same bug, but no solution suggested, apart from not using ntlm which I have to
Update 2: This definitely only happens with NTLM authentication, I've tried an alternative authentication method which works. Also, using -F instead of -d (for binary form data) fails in the same way.
Update 3 (workaround): I've had a bit of discussion on the curl-users list about this. A workaround was provided which is to use --proxy-anyauth instead of --proxy-ntlm. I'm still investigating the problem but this workarounf works for me.
NTLM is a challenge-response protocol. When you indicate that you're going to use NTLM, a client will first send a request without the body (to avoid wasting the bandwidth of sending the body only to have it rejected by the HTTP/401 challenge from the server). Only once the Challenge/Response protocol is complete will the body actually be posted.
This causes a number of problems in cases where the client expects NTLM but the proxy or server has no idea (and thus acts on the 0-byte POST, never challenging the client).
I was having this problem making a request using HTTP digest. Eric is correct, curl is trying to be clever and not post any data because it knows it will have to make the request again after it receives the challenge from the server.
It turns out if you provide the --anyauth option (which asks curl to autodetect the authentication method), the initial request will include all the POST data, and (in my case) the server responded as expected.
