'Whenever' gem Scheduler doesn't run tasks - ruby-on-rails

I'm seeking help concerning the whenever gem. Here my case:
I have the task I generated and that works when I run it through command line as such rake dashboard_data_t:collect.
namespace :dashboard_data_t do
desc "TODO"
task collect: :environment do
I then followed the documentation provided here in such a way that my config/schedule.rb looks like so:
# config/schedule.rb
every :day, at: '10:43 am' do
rake "dashboard_data_t:collect"
Happily done with that, I thought it would go on and run itself alone, without me needing to do anything more. But I noticed it didn't. I thought it might come from my task so I created an other one, this time way more simple than the 1st. Its purpose was solely to experiment and find what was going wrong:
namespace :test_name do
desc "TODO"
task test_task: :environment do
sh('echo', 'test task runned successfully')
I then added the following to my config/schedule.rb:
# config/schedule.rb
every 1.minutes do
rake "test_name:test_task"
Once again, the task didn't execute (periodically), but was still working manually.
I noticed by running the crontab -e command that RAILS_ENV was set to production, I understood why my dashboard_data_t:collect task wasn't working, because it relied on the development db. So I did the following:
# config/schedule.rb
set :environment, 'development'
Unfortunately, this didn't change anything as both tasks still don't execute. Now I'm stuck here with no ideas whatsoever. Can anyone help me.


Run Rake task programmatically with specified environment

I'm setting up a second database with my Ruby on Rails (3) application, so I want to create a rake task to create the second development database. I'm trying to overwrite the rake db:create task such that it does all the database creation that I need. However, it seems I can't find a suitable way to perform this task. I've tried a few approaches - establishing a connection to the database from the URL:
# remove db:create from the list of rake tasks in order to override it
db_create = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('#tasks').delete('db:create')
namespace :db do
task :create do
if Rails.env == "development"
# database.yml contains an entry for secondary_development, this works, as confirmed from rails console
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection "postgresql://localhost/secondary_development"
Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke # this does nothing
# invoke original db_create task - this works
Another approach was to do:
# remove db:create from the list of rake tasks in order to override it
db_create = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('#tasks').delete('db:create')
namespace :db do
task :create do
if Rails.env == "development"
Rails.env = "secondary_development"
# invoke original db_create task - this doesn't work like this
This time only the secondary_development db:create works and the database is created as desired, but the development database is no longer created using this approach.
From one answer I found elsewhere, I thought that reenabling the task would be necessary, but that didn't change anything here and appears not to be the issue.
Finally, an approach that has worked is:
# remove db:create from the list of rake tasks in order to override it
db_create = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('#tasks').delete('db:create')
namespace :db do
task :create do
if Rails.env == "development"
system("rake db:create RAILS_ENV=secondary_development")
The only issue here is that because the rake task is being run via system, the Rails application has to load before being executed, so I'm essentially loading the application twice fully just to run the task - this will be 3 times when I add a test database into the mix.
So, the actual question(s):
Is it possible to run Rake::Task["..."] programmatically with a specified environment?
Why doesn't ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection work in this way when creating the database? I had success when running this from Rails console.
I managed to find a solution to this. I believe the reason is that .invoke will not always invoke the task, but it will first determine whether it is necessary. Given that rake db:create is run on several occasions within the same task, .invoke deems the subsequent invocations as unnecessary and therefore does not run them. For the desired behaviour, .execute should be used instead.
# remove db:create from the list of rake tasks in order to override it
db_create = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('#tasks').delete('db:create')
namespace :db do
task :create do
if Rails.env == "development"
Rails.env = "secondary_development"
Rake::Task["db:create"].execute # execute rather than invoke
# Reset the Rails env to 'development', otherwise it remains as 'secondary_development', which is not what we want (or move this above the if)
Rails.env = "development"

enhancing the global environment task rails

On the application I am upgrading from Rails to Rails 4.0.13, the following block of code for enhancing the global environment task has become a road-block by not working on the target Rails version:
Rails.application.class.rake_tasks do
Rake::Task["environment"].enhance do
This works fine on 3.2, but fails with Don't know how to build task 'environment' error message in 4.0.
In 3.2, Rails.application.class.rake_tasks returns a Proc object ( [#<Proc:0x007f978602a470#.../lib/rails/application.rb:301>] ) pointing to this line in the rails codebase. On 4.0, it returns an empty array.
The line referred to in the above Proc object seems to be removed in this commit.
What would the preferred way to enhance the environment rake task be in Rails 4.x?
The above piece of code is in the lib/subdomain/rake.rb file, and it is include with the following code in lib/subdomain/engine.rb:
module Subdomain
class Engine < Rails::Engine
rake_tasks do |_app|
require 'subdomain/rake'
Rake tasks can't be executed as the command fails with this error. rails server|console commands work ok.
Option 1
If I'm understanding the question properly, something like this should work by placing these tasks in a standard location like lib/tasks/environment.rake. Note: None of this is particularly Rails-specific.
# Re-opening the task gives the ability to extend the task
task :environment do
puts "One way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task..."
task custom: :environment do
puts "This is a custom task that depends on :environment..."
task :environment_extension do
puts "This is another way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task..."
# You can "enhance" the rake task directly too
Rake::Task[:environment].enhance [:environment_extension]
The output of this would be:
$ rake custom
This is another way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task...
One way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task...
This is a custom task that depends on :environment...
Option 2
However, the question remains as to why :environment needed to be extended. If it's to trigger something before, say, a db:migrate, you might be better off just re-opening the task in question and adding another dependency to that particular task. For example:
task custom: :environment do
puts "This is a custom task that depends on :environment..."
task :custom_extension do
puts "This is a new dependency..."
# Re-opening the task in question allows you to added dependencies
task custom: :custom_extension
The result of this is:
$ rake custom
This is a new dependency on :custom
This is a custom task that depends on :environment...
C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!
Combining everything, the output would look like this:
$ rake custom
This is another way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task...
One way to prepend behavior on the :environment rake task...
This is a new dependency on :custom
This is a custom task that depends on :environment...

Cron Job not working using whenever gem

I am trying to learn Cron Job and whenever gem.
In my app i have created a rake task.
require 'rubygems'
namespace :cron_job do
desc "To Check Users Inactivity"
task user_inactivity: :environment do
p "Inactive Users..."
and in schedule.rb i have wrote like this
every 1.minute do
rake "cron_job:user_inactivity", environment: "development"
and in my terminal i wrote two commands
whenever --update-crontab
and then
sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart
but nothing is happening after 1 minute.
I checked my console for p messages and nothing happens. Do i miss something?
The output won't show in your console.
You have to set the output log path by:
set :output, "/path/to/my/cron_log.log"
Then check the log.

How can I create a rake task that will always run when any Rake task is ran?

From what I remember, in the documentation is specified that in the test environment, the database is always cleared even when you run rake ( with no arguments ). I'd like to achieve such a thing, so that it doesn't matter if I run a task or not, when I run rake, there's always a Rake task being executed. Is this possible? Is this where the default task kicks in?
Create a file called rakefile in the directory you want to run the task from.
This code will make it so that if you just type "rake" my_default_task will run:
task :default => 'my_default_task'
task :my_default_task do
puts "Now I am doing the task that Tempus wants done when he/she types 'rake' in the console."
task :my_not_default_task do
puts "This isn't the default task."
However, if you typed rake my_not_default_task, then my_default_task would NOT run. If you want it to run regardless here is one thing you can do:
task :default => 'my_default_task'
task :my_default_task do
puts "This is the default task"
task :my_not_default_task do
puts "This isn't the default task."
The last line in this code ensures that my_default_task runs even when you call some other task, so if you typed rake my_not_default_task the my_default_task'would also run.
When you're working with rails you can put the tasks above in a file in the lib/tasks folder with an extension of .rake and rails will automagically run them when you do rake
Jason Seifer has a real nice tutorial on rake.

Rake tasks and rails initializers

Kinda new to Rails, so please cope with me. What i'm doing now is background processing some Ruby code use Resque. To get the Rescque rake task started, I've been using (on heroku), I have a resque.rake file with that recommended code to attach into heroku's magical(or strange) threading architecture:
require "resque/tasks"
require 'resque_scheduler/tasks'
task "resque:setup" => :environment do
ENV['QUEUE'] = '*'
desc "Alias for resque:work (To run workers on Heroku)"
task "jobs:work" => "resque:work"
Since I need access to the Rails code, I reference :environment. If I set at least 1 worker dyno in the background on heroku, my Resque does great, gets cleared, everything is happy. Until i try to automate stuff...
So I wanted to evolve the code and automatically fill the queue with relevant tasks every minute or so. Do that (without using cron, because heroku is not adequate with cron), I declare an initializer named task_scheduler.rb that uses Rufus scheduler to run tasks:
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.in '5s' do
scheduler.every '1m' do
Things appear to work awesome for a while....then the rake process just stops picking up from the queue unexplainably. The queue just gets larger and larger. Even if i have multiple worker dynos running, they all eventually get tired and stop processing the queue. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I suspect the referencing of the Rails environment in my rake task is causing the task_scheduler.rb code to run again, causing duplicate scheduling. I'm wondering how to solve that problem if someone knows, and I'm also curious if that is the reason for the rake task to stop working.
Thank you
You should not be booting the scheduler in an initializer, you should have a daemon process running the scheduler and filling up your queue. It would be something like this ("script/scheduler"):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
require 'rubygems'
gem 'daemons'
require 'daemons'
options = {
:dir_mode => :normal,
:dir => File.join(root, 'log'),
:log_output => true,
:backtrace => true,
:multiple => false
Daemons.run_proc("scheduler", options) do
require(File.join(root, 'config', 'environment'))
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.in '5s' do
scheduler.every '1m' do
And you can call this script as a usual daemon from your app:
script/scheduler start
This is going to make sure you have only one process sending work for the resque workers instead of one for each mongrel that you're running.
First of all, if you are not running on Heroku, i would not recommend this approach. I'd look at Mauricio's answer, or consider using a classic cron job or using Whenever to schedule the cron job.
But if you are in the pain of running on heroku and trying to do this, here is how i got this to work.
I kept the same original Resque.rake code in place, as i pasted in the original question. In addition, i created another rake task that i attached to the jobs:work rake process, just like the first case:
desc "Scheduler processor"
task :scheduler => :environment do
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.every '1m' do
desc "Alias for resque:work (To run workers on Heroku)"
task "jobs:work" => "scheduler"
Couple of notes:
This will be imperfect once you use more than one worker dyno because the scheduler will run in more than one spot. you can solve that by saving state somewhere, but its not as clean as I would like.
I found the original reason why the process would hang. It was this line of code:
scheduler.in '5s' do
I'm not sure why, but when I removed that, it never hung again.
