Cron Job not working using whenever gem - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to learn Cron Job and whenever gem.
In my app i have created a rake task.
require 'rubygems'
namespace :cron_job do
desc "To Check Users Inactivity"
task user_inactivity: :environment do
p "Inactive Users..."
and in schedule.rb i have wrote like this
every 1.minute do
rake "cron_job:user_inactivity", environment: "development"
and in my terminal i wrote two commands
whenever --update-crontab
and then
sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart
but nothing is happening after 1 minute.
I checked my console for p messages and nothing happens. Do i miss something?

The output won't show in your console.
You have to set the output log path by:
set :output, "/path/to/my/cron_log.log"
Then check the log.


Trouble with crontab and using whenever gem

Hi I am using the whenever gem and trying to send a daily email. For testing I set it to 2 minutes, and I have it in my schedule.rb file. It calls a task I have in a rake file. When I run bundle exec rake task_to_be_called, it runs and works. But the actual scheduling does not work. When I try to run things to find out crontab it says no such file or directory. Is there some way to get a crontab file, or do I make it? How do I test or get my scheduler to run that task?
EDIT: Thanks for the advice on sharing code and error.
In my lib/tasks/daily_email.rake I have
desc 'Daily email rake task test'
task daily_email_call: :environment do
ReportMailer.with(email: "").daily_summary_report.deliver_now
Then in my config/schedule.rb I have
every 2.minute do
rake 'daily_email_call'
When I run bundle exec rake daily_email_call it functions correctly and does the send email task. My question is how to get it to do it on the schedule. I have no crontab file. Am I even able to do this locally or would it need to be on a running server. I am using windows not Linux when I run mine locally.
There is a typo in the file name,
lib/tasks/darily_email.rake => lib/tasks/daily_email.rake
I guess this is causing the error, no such file or directory

'Whenever' gem Scheduler doesn't run tasks

I'm seeking help concerning the whenever gem. Here my case:
I have the task I generated and that works when I run it through command line as such rake dashboard_data_t:collect.
namespace :dashboard_data_t do
desc "TODO"
task collect: :environment do
I then followed the documentation provided here in such a way that my config/schedule.rb looks like so:
# config/schedule.rb
every :day, at: '10:43 am' do
rake "dashboard_data_t:collect"
Happily done with that, I thought it would go on and run itself alone, without me needing to do anything more. But I noticed it didn't. I thought it might come from my task so I created an other one, this time way more simple than the 1st. Its purpose was solely to experiment and find what was going wrong:
namespace :test_name do
desc "TODO"
task test_task: :environment do
sh('echo', 'test task runned successfully')
I then added the following to my config/schedule.rb:
# config/schedule.rb
every 1.minutes do
rake "test_name:test_task"
Once again, the task didn't execute (periodically), but was still working manually.
I noticed by running the crontab -e command that RAILS_ENV was set to production, I understood why my dashboard_data_t:collect task wasn't working, because it relied on the development db. So I did the following:
# config/schedule.rb
set :environment, 'development'
Unfortunately, this didn't change anything as both tasks still don't execute. Now I'm stuck here with no ideas whatsoever. Can anyone help me.

Logging in delayed_job?

I can't get any log output from delayed_job, and I'm not sure my jobs are starting.
Here's my Procfile:
web: bundle exec rails server
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
worker: bundle exec clockwork app/clock.rb
And here's the job:
class ScanningJob
def perform "logging from delayed_job"
def after(job) "logging from after delayed_job"
I see that clockwork outputs to system out, and I can see worker executor starting, but I never see my log statements hit. I tried puts as well to no avail.
My clock file is pretty simple:
every(3.seconds, 'refreshlistings') { Delayed::Job.enqueue }
I just want to see this working, and lack of logging means I can't. What's going on here?
When I needed log output from Delayed Jobs, I found this question to be fairly helpful.
In config/initializers/delayed_job.rb I add the line:
Delayed::Worker.logger =, 'log', 'dj.log'))
Then, in my job, I output to this log with:"Log Entry")
This results in the file log/dj.log being written to. This works in development, staging, and production environments.

Resque workers failing silently with no logs or no debug information

I have a piece of code code which runs some method and I have put that method inside the self.perform as below
class StartWorker
#queue = :worker
def self.perform
puts "hello"
Parser.find_all_by_class_name("Parser").first.sites.each do |s|
site = Site.find(
parser =
If I comment the def self.perform and end of this and run the file it is correctly showing the desired results but when I try to put this as a background task by uncommenting the same It is failing silently into the resque panel showing nothing .and also with no outputs in the command prompt
I am queuing this from resque-scheduler, inside my resque_schedule.yml
cron: "55 6 * * *"
class: StartWorker
queue: worker
description: "This job starts all the worker jobs"
I tried putting some simple puts statements inside the the def self.perform method to check whether the control is passing inside the method or not but it seems the control is not even passing inside the self.perform method
also I tried to load the rails environment and required resque inside it but of no use
I have runned the bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE='*' script for all the above before making any changes
I tried inside the rails console it is showing like this ,
{:working=>0, :queues=>1, :failed=>1, :environment=>"development", :servers=>["redis://localhost:6379/0"], :pending=>0, :processed=>1, :workers=>1}
Any Ideas how to overcome this?
Have you checked the resque-web panel to see what that failed job is?
Make sure you restart workers after any changes.
If you're not seeing 'hello' in your logs anywhere (specifically log/worker.log or where ever yours log to) then the function simply isn't happening.
bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE='*' should be bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE=*
, just incase you really did quote the wildcard.
Worked for me:
Resque::Scheduler.configure do |c|
c.verbose = Rails.env.development? # or just true
Ruby: 3.0.3,
Resque: 2.2.0,
Resque-Scheduler 4.5.0,

How can I create a rake task that will always run when any Rake task is ran?

From what I remember, in the documentation is specified that in the test environment, the database is always cleared even when you run rake ( with no arguments ). I'd like to achieve such a thing, so that it doesn't matter if I run a task or not, when I run rake, there's always a Rake task being executed. Is this possible? Is this where the default task kicks in?
Create a file called rakefile in the directory you want to run the task from.
This code will make it so that if you just type "rake" my_default_task will run:
task :default => 'my_default_task'
task :my_default_task do
puts "Now I am doing the task that Tempus wants done when he/she types 'rake' in the console."
task :my_not_default_task do
puts "This isn't the default task."
However, if you typed rake my_not_default_task, then my_default_task would NOT run. If you want it to run regardless here is one thing you can do:
task :default => 'my_default_task'
task :my_default_task do
puts "This is the default task"
task :my_not_default_task do
puts "This isn't the default task."
The last line in this code ensures that my_default_task runs even when you call some other task, so if you typed rake my_not_default_task the my_default_task'would also run.
When you're working with rails you can put the tasks above in a file in the lib/tasks folder with an extension of .rake and rails will automagically run them when you do rake
Jason Seifer has a real nice tutorial on rake.
